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Posts posted by razer

  1. After reading some of these moronic comments I ask ... Why do I bother?

    When I first moved here in 2007 I read an article saying that most of the college educated office workers in BKK were first generation off the farm.

    Thais have always thought of themselves as the center of the Asian universe ... the most advanced ... the most cultured ... the best... AND ... Never mind looking at successful management models in other countries.

    Now Thailand is changing ... more educated ... better traveled ...

    Looking at successful models outside Thailand not only for historical sites but for preservation of natural resources and education is a smart move.

  2. It may not be lawful, but driving a motorbike on footpaths is an accepted practice and Thais never seem to mind. Funny how some people are outraged and threaten violence because it's not the accepted norm in their home countries. It doesn't bother me a bit, and it doesn't hurt me at all to move over a couple of feet to let them by. As my father once told me, "don't sweat the small stuff."

    There is a reason riding motorbikes on the walkway is not lawful. The walkway is a safe place for people and children to WALK. Simple.

    Streets are for motorized vehicles … walkways are for people. Get it?

    Gee whiz dude … that’s why people don’t walk in the road traffic.

    Unfortunately, in Thailand, a law means nothing unless one suffers from unlawful acts or a policeman stops and fines you. As you say, ignoring the law is normal for Thais. Not enforcing the law is normal for Thai police.

    So, why even think about becoming a first world country when laws are no big deal and ignoring laws is normal?

    And finally … it comes down to respecting other people, something you seen to be lacking.

    Fifteen years ago Taiwan was kind o the same. When the police got tough on the motorbike riders they had to obey the law or it cost them lots of money in fines and impound charges . One year is all it took. Taiwan is a first world country now, like Japan and Korea.

  3. China saying they were going to join the jihadists is plausible ... there is empirical evidence of this world-wide.

    Why is it so politically incorrect to say the jihadists aim is to destabilize governments through lethal attacks on soft targets? Fearing Muslim insurgents coming illegally into a country is not a phobia ... it is a real threat.

    The NGO's attack the deportation of illegal immigrant Muslims then they attack the Muslim insurgents for brutal attacks on soft targets. They can't lose, can they? NGO's get the headlines but offer no solutions. NGO's prefer one sided arguments.

    During my career, terrorism was all around me because of the places I lived and had to go for my job ... The PLO, IRA in London, ETA in Spain, FARC in Columbia ... yes some bombs went off at places I dined, near places I worked, and hijackings in areas where I was flying in and out of frequently... the constant threat of kidnapping. A friend was kidnapped in Columbia and held for ransom six months. Really screwed his brain with PTSD.

    Compassion is a very good thing ................ but so is reason and a little experience.

  4. I think it is fair. When taxi's improve their image, use meters, stop turning away passengers, stop dumping passengers on the road for refusing to pay a no meter charge .... then give them a rate hike.

    It's time the taxi mafia bosses be put in their place (what do drivers have to pay them?) and there are plenty of decent people who could and would drive taxis to make a living in a legitimate taxi service..


    Yes, I was also told about the (3 days rule) which is fair and reasonable.

    Like I say, if anyone is getting extensions on temporarily borrowed money it will be obvious to the Immigration officer if the deposit account is 3 months old every time they apply for extension, and even if that is the case, they won't withdraw the money until the extension is granted. So what's the point?

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