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Everything posted by JimmyJ

  1. Is a re-entry stamp good for 1 year from date of purchase, or only good till the expiration of the Extension which is in effect when it is purchased? Example: If someone on a non-O annual Marriage or Retirement Extension has already renewed the next Extension 45 days in advance of the current Extension expiring... Then wants to exit Thailand before the expiration of the current Extension, and return when the new (already approved) Extension is in effect... If purchasing a re-entry stamp when leaving on the current Extension, is it only in effect until the expiration of the current Extension? Or is it good for leaving on the current soon to be expired annual Extension and re-entering on the next (already approved) Extension - i.e., it's validity carries over from 1 extension to the next?
  2. This morning in Chiang Mai it was PM2.5 readings of up to 429 = AQI of 458 = Hazardous. "Hazardous" begins at PM2.5 of 251.
  3. "Thai downward wave"? Never noticed this.
  4. There is also Maxim. Installed but haven't yet registered.
  5. "In Chiang Mai, each of the four major private hospitals...". What is the 4th one?
  6. What setting? Seen this mentioned in posts but couldn't find it.
  7. "...but I looked at the Trade Practice law then spoke to them...". Who did you call - the basic CS #?
  8. Could make him even more paranoid of dentist.
  9. Really bad coffee in my 1 or 2 experiences.
  10. This website and/or the source of its pictures will pixillate the faces of everyone accused of a crime, no matter how heinous the issue, no matter if the person basically confessed. Now we have a woman claiming she was raped by a cop, and the photo outs her. No blurring of her face. ???
  11. Nam's does not list UTP to Pattaya. (Also does not have a phone number).
  12. I go to him at CM Ram - but I believe the OP is looking for an Optometrist/Optician.
  13. Get a local injection in your mouth which all dentists give usually by default - you won't feel a thing as far as drilling.
  14. Why aren't you spaying them?
  15. That would have been my exit cue.
  16. I believe you do have your own rescue charity which makes your conduct even stranger. Are you against spaying and neutering dogs and cats? That's normally the main thing urged by animal care agencies. "Communities spend millions of taxpayer dollars each year coping with problems that a failure to spay and neuter causes. The one-time cost of spaying or neutering is far lower than the expense involved in rounding up strays, feeding and housing abandoned animals, and euthanizing those for whom homes can’t be found." https://www.peta.org/issues/animal-companion-issues/overpopulation/spay-neuter/
  17. Not applicable here. She knows the amount of pups in the dog's previous litter. So: She knows or knew the owner/It's hers but she hasn't spayed it/It's a soi dog but she hasn't spayed it.
  18. Why hasn't the owner had the dog spayed after the previous 7 (or before the 7 even better)?
  19. "No matter what is written on an advance directive, no hospital will not withhold life support if there is any possibility that the family will object." I'm confused by the double negative of that sentence. Hospitals will continue life support despite patient's directive if they think family will object to them discontinuing life support?
  20. I don't understand - In the OP you were asked for a gratuity, and here you state your payment was refused.
  21. Being homeless and unemployed involves a tremendous amount of hard work.
  22. For those who believe the air is good inside the controlled environment of malls - Central Festival about 3:30 pm.today - a few floors up - PM2.5 at 74 = AQI 161 = Red ("Unhealthy") Zone. Better than the air outside but not good.
  23. There's a big positive with these negative account closure cases - they are returning your funds. At least in the USA, it is not always that pleasant. Do a Search for "Bank XYZ has had my account locked for months" and worse... All types of accounts can encounter these problems. So do what works for you, but do it cautiously, and recognize the potential dangers.
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