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Posts posted by ARISTIDE

  1. If you know how to use Google sketchup and design your own.

    All the draw up plans and get the permits will cost a few thousand baths

    Sorry BUMP.

    I an Looking for an architect to draw up plans and get the permits. Looking for western style design and good quality construction ( skirting boards, floating floor well insulated etc) not the usual Thai

  2. Sunset-Sunrise Bar is closed.

    Some noodle restaurants close on lottery days.

    Rim Ping were out of purple marshmallows.

    Riveting topic.

    Recently I was a bit devastated to learn that Buonissimo shop now has moved to some Chiang Mai Prao Road something. They are such a European deli teaser.

  3. OMG! Over the years I've already told so many of my guests from BKK that this 'Riverside condo' is was flooded! Thanks so much for the info. But anyway the mother in law once was also interested in getting a unit there good thing I told her that. ha ha

    That's good to know from someone who actually lived there as there's a rumor that all cars that were parked below the condo were all under water.


    I lived at Riverside for a couple of years and loved it.

    I moved to a dorm just around the corner and was unlucky to be there during the floods several years ago. Riverside Condo car park did not have a problem but the, at that time, Sheraton Hotel had some sort of conference including the then deputy prime minister and they used pumps to clear the water from their car park - which of couse came down the soi where my dorm was and we were all flooded.

    Riverside - no problem.


    That was indeed the case but at Galae Tong condo (before called the mengrai tower).



    Galae Thong Condo on Chang Khlan Road is about 1 mile West of Riverside Condo and on much lower land.

    Riverside Condominium was never flooded and never had cars in the water.

  4. That's good to know from someone who actually lived there as there's a rumor that all cars that were parked below the condo were all under water.


    I lived at Riverside for a couple of years and loved it.

    I moved to a dorm just around the corner and was unlucky to be there during the floods several years ago. Riverside Condo car park did not have a problem but the, at that time, Sheraton Hotel had some sort of conference including the then deputy prime minister and they used pumps to clear the water from their car park - which of couse came down the soi where my dorm was and we were all flooded.

    Riverside - no problem.


  5. In case of a traffic accident in Thailand, make sure you never admit it's your fault and don't say any thing, just wait until the police and the insurance guy arrive. For those farangs that complain about Thai traffic I wish they f... off to India or Vietnam and tell those people how to drive more like they do the west.

    • Like 2
  6. Bingo!

    Why not just change the light bulb holders on the lamps to the screw in types?

    These are sold virtually everywhere, in all the big stores, hardware and electrical shops.

    I recommend Global house, millions of them in there and by changing the holders, would certainly make buying the bulbs much easier, probably cheaper and able to use the fluorescent type screw in light bulbs.

  7. You may need to bring the picture of what you want i.e "bayonet type fitting light bulb" (very busy place and I don't think anyone speaks English)

    and go to this place google map 18.78025,98.986371


    (Every one goes there, if they don't have it then it's getting difficult)

  8. Exactly the same place!

    I went today, very much looking forward to getting some raspberries, but no, nothing! I went to the place on the corner of suthep and canal roads. Were you talking of another royal project shop? What a disappointment!

  9. I hear firework last nite alone cost them owner 50k bath, they paid for the band also for 500 customers.

    Bottom line they make a good job make customers happy that's all that matter.

    • Like 1
  10. Where is our community? Nothing from the embassy? 3 days away does nobody care. No need to comment if you are anti American on this post.
    I was at the River Market a few moments ago in the afternoon the place was packed with old dudes and it's a hot afternoon.
  11. Always a great supporter of the King's Royal Project Foundation. Innocently drop by for some grilled cheese and waffle. I was surrprised to find some new items like a punnett of raspberries and a mango, got them for only 65 bath.



    • Like 1
  12. Looking good!

    smokie36 evoked my appetite for some moo daeng. So, I made some for the second time in my life. The first time, I made it for my visiting nephew from the states.

    Here it is, ready to be removed from the convection oven.


    In a plate on the table.


    Here I have sliced a small piece to show it's still juicy inside.


    The moo daeng (pork red) you see at street stalls and most restaurants are mostly pink or too red and often dry. Worse, they slice it so thin to make it look like a larger portion and it loses the feel in your mouth. It should be sliced at least 3mm thick.

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