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Posts posted by ARISTIDE

  1. If you use the Gabian boxes (metal basket filled with rocks) you will need someone who know how.

    Just go to Piboon Concrete they can help you for sure and quickly. Make sure you can make them understand what you want as most of them are not very customer oriented.

    To make sure just show them these exactly words"Precast Fence and Retaining Wall" They have it and bring your Thai interpreter. I was there yesterday and I have a brochure about this. Good luck

    Google map coordinate



  2. Do you know about Northern Farm on Huay Kaew near Canal Road? It's on the south side of the street on the section between the superhighway and Canal road.

    Just visited Northern Farm today. Certainly not as good as it used to be years ago.

  3. she had once again parked up and gone out.

    I see my house keeper come to work and she doesn't say hello or even show any sign of awareness of my present. But it doesn't mean that she is angry at me. It really depends of the point of view..

    Could it be that she think you are a provider and richer than her so she just need to earn a little extra so she doesn't appear to be totally dependent?

  4. We bought our house and property from HT property they have a web page and offices are near the night bazaar. Very friendly and relatively honest as far as any salesperson is.

    If you only advertise on this sight or baht sold, you limit your prospects.

    I say why limit to foreigners and spouses. Sell to Thais too.

    You would be surprised how many Thais read Thai Visa classifieds. Many of them buy from foreigners and re-sell to Thais at higher prices. I kid you not!

    I found most Thai willing to spend more on houses than farang when purchasing but want to pay less when rent.

  5. Still nothing compare to China, almost half of the fancy house and condo are empty (built by gov)

    " Build it and THEY will come!!" is the Thai way of speculating, but all you have to do is look at the half finished projects of the last bubble to see what can and does happen. It's sad that the simple fact is that most of these 'crackerbox'

    houses that actually do get completed are only good for 5-7 yrs becuse of cheap materials, cheap labor and lack of planning. Hard to find a house over 5 yrs old without 'settlement' cracks and tiles falling off, roofing sagging, drains clogged, just to mention a few flaws.

    A smart buyer would buy a 5 yr old house that has settled and most of the problems will have revealed themselves and some can be renovated at half of the price of a new house

    We own and live in one of the failed developments [built in the big bubble] that will never recover their losses and I find that to my personal advantage that less than 5% of the lots are occupied and it's a peaceful and quiet place to live, but the developers are loosing big time.

    I see more of these ghost developments in the future.....time will tell.

  6. Longan wood is a type of sweet fruit wood trees and pretty much plentiful in Chiang Mai. For something else you can also buy import wood chips from Rimping for wood chip smoker pouch

    I really liked smoking pork when I lived in Southern California. Mesquite and Hickory were the popular woods you could buy, what is available here in Chiang Mai?

    • Like 1
  7. Looking forward to this new restaurant.

    Stopped by today and the neighbors said he moved back to the Sates a yr. ago but his parents are still at the church not far from my house. I spend half my time cycling around anyways so I'll see if I can find it tomorrow but I don't think karma's on our side this time. I saw this yesterday in town, quite large, but not nearly as strong as mine,with a smoke stack (hidden behind open top) as you can see there is a pan of water inside looking like some smokin' is to be done. Looks like easily could put a flatop (or hotplate as you call it, even a griddle but a grill has grates, nothing like ordering grilled food and it comes out fried! - thanks for letting me vent (pun intended) on to it, maybe have to get someone to cut a piece to size. Anyway I saw this at a new restaurant (no menu yet or food or even name but a fully staffed with very nice ppl. ready for customers, kind of. It's right before Ford on the moat (use to be Busy Bee Bakery or something like that I think) with signs saying New Orleans Food. Same guy owns El Diablos so maybe he can point you in the right direction. Oh they gave me a free sample of Shrimp Gumbo, excellent and I cooked in the French Quarter, so can't wait till ore food starts coming out of that kitchen.

  8. My priority for keeping a maid is honesty or a bit of royalty. I don't expect quality work from a newly hired maid or house keeper right away. Particularly if they feel it's not their house they are cleaning.

    In fact they don't have to be a good cleaner or good at any house work at all as long as they don't steal stuff and I can trust my house to them when I'm a way.

  9. No need to apologize to nobody, sometimes even Thai driving logic making more sense than some Farang comments on TVlaugh.png

    Read the post. He said "I am looking to book at table at the new restaurant next to the iron bridge on the river in town but cannot remember the name of it. It is near rasta bar and where Guitar man used to be. Can't make it munch clearer than that

    The restaurant next to the iorn bridge and where Guitarman used to be are 2 different places so yes he could make it clearer. No need to get so angry about things.

    Apologize for shouting. My mistake I wrongly assumed English was the native language and it would be apparent that the word near was not the same as at or in the same spot.

    These cultural differences even among us westerners can cause us problems at times.

  10. I hear 'he who must not be named' will continue his reign after the election. (just kidding I have absolutely no idea who owns it)

    You best watch what you say about the owners they have a special set of laws to cover that family.

    Is it a family that owns the hotel?.........I have absolutely no idea who owns it, but I'd like to know.

    Whoever they are, then I have great respect for them for tearing it down.

    Why don't you tell me who owns it?

  11. It sounds very sad and happy at the same time. This driving me to tears.

    I've thought about 'going home' but there ain't no place to go to...I've been gone 25 years and have lost connection with all friends and family and it ain't no good to just appear and say: 'here I am!...' I have a comfortable arrangement now with the wife and her family in Thailand but would not like to burden them if a short term terminal illness was diagnosed...I'd just head back to 'the prairie that I know the best', the northwest coast of north america in a rented or purchased Ford Econoline van with a mattress in back and a sleeping bag and a Coleman cooker and lamp and an ice cooler...it's a big country around there and you can just pull off the road and sleep and relax with minimum hassles from the local cops...('I'm sorry to cause any trouble, officer but I'll be gone in the mornin'')

    I was just on a business trip to NYC and a flop was $290 per night (paid by the company) near 96th and Broadway and ain't no way something like that would be sustainable...I'd just go to SF and get the van and the kit together and head up the coast...shit in the woods like a bear and stop at coastal university sports facilities for a quick shower...people do it all the time...and a decrepid old man in a baseball cap does not threaten anyone...

    and then in the evenings listen to the local radio and whistle cowboy songs before turning in in the sleeping bag in the back of the van in a rubble of vodka bottles and empty baked bean cans...not a bad way to go out, I must admit...smile.png

    oh, come with me to tutsi's US northwest coast paradise...

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