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Posts posted by ARISTIDE

  1. The Cheese and onion pasty look very good!

    Well I'll certainly be paying you a visit in August. They look great.

    My local baker does a Ned Kelly without the pastry top, brilliant.

    I was brought up in Lancashie and the local pie factory was excellent, looks like it is still going strong, their cheese and onion, steak pudding, and meat and potato were to die for.


    Here in Ausrtalia this is a good one, with a huge range. 50 varietys made daily.


  2. I like the simple clay-pot charcoal cookers, cheap to buy, easy to use and produce tasty results. Wororot market has them... somewhere.

    That would be a charcoal grilling. But some of us are looking for something with a lid which allow indirect heat. I eventually had to buy a very expensive Weber kettle from Rimping.

  3. Agree, Also after the deaths of several innocent tourists, they still continue the business almost like nothing had happen! So I don't think the joke is 'too soon'.

    This thread is about the renaming of a building. Nothing about any tragedies or any other negative event.

    I do think, when viewing all the negative happenings going on around us, that the time for a little fun , a little joking is good for the soul. That is all that I was trying to put across.

  4. Thanks I didn't know this

    Google Earth is very detailed. When you turn on 3D viewing you will find, as you move your cursor over an area, that it will give you the elevation directly beside the co-ordinates section along the bottom. IE: Chiang Mai Airport = 318 M (1012 ft) above sea level. Old city = 315 M (1040 ft), the Temple on Doi Suthep = 1025 M (3330 ft) Where I live = 325 M (1056 ft). This is the actual elevation, the elevation listed on the right and side (bottom) is the bird's eye view.


    The terrain option shows 3D elevation of your current view. Elevation is limited to natural geographic features, like mountains and canyons, and does not apply to buildings. Turn this feature on to get an even clearer image of your favorite ski resort or canyon trail.

    You can turn terrain on by selecting:

    Windows/Linux: Tools > Options > 3D View. Under the Terrain Quality section, select the 'Show terrain' box.

    Mac: Google Earth > Preferences > 3D View. Under the Terrain Quality section, select the 'Show terrain' box.

    You can also adjust the appearance of the terrain if you would like the elevation to appear more pronounced in your views by modifying the 'Elevation Exaggeration value'. The default value is set to 1, but you can set it to any value from 1 to 3, including decimal points. A common setting is 1.5, which achieves an obvious yet natural elevation appearance.

  5. This one from the news article from last month regarding incentives to attract wealthy Japanese retirees. Or may be they are just reviving the old debate just to fill the space smile.png

    But soon expats will only have to deal with immigration every 3 years (new rules)

    I hope that you are right, but I have heard such things before and they never came to fruition.

  6. But soon expats will only have to deal with immigration every 3 years (new rules)

    If they stopped making the rest of us waste our time with this procedure (as they did before) there would be a lot more room in the Immigration building for tourists and other short-term visitors .


    One of the best things about being back in the US is not having to deal with Immigration smile.png

    I imagine these are Burmese that are working here in jobs that you and I are not allowed to do. I'm pretty sure that all the Burmese that are here on marriage/retirement/ED extensions were allowed to stay in the air conditioned area like the rest of the foreigners.

    doesn't make me feel good about it, but its a give and take. I may not want to be doing the same jobs they are, but I have a few friends that would....

  7. I've seen some frozen lamb burger patties at Rimping Mee choke branch.

    food is a serious topic over here.

    anyway i got alittle annoyed in the other thread when i asked about burger are available frozen when nobody replied to me. so where could i get it, anyone?

    i got quite annoyed here as well as i am the dude who bought the frozen mash potatoes along with my shepherd pie. i love potatoes but boiling potatoes are annoying. my cabinet is stocked with instant mash potatoes anyway

  8. Yeah this pie could be selling like hotcakes

    Think i will plan The Ned Kelly pie for next weekend pie specials.Feed back like that is good.

    This thread has turned out quite good for you hasn't it? Full credit for not whining and running to the mods - it's turning it into a real winner.

  9. If this intended for the Chiang Mai Forum? Or are the crayfish in the local reservoirs huge?

    Seen fish traps displayed on west and east side of Mae Ngat reservoir. Pretty sure there's a seller on the 1001 to Phrao along side the lake.

    Maybe the OP have other plans for the traps. Stray cats maybe?

    Or some Took Kay

  10. A new private hospital from BKK is also being build. I guess we can expect more and more Japanese and Korean expats. I read somewhere about a special 3 years visa for expats in Chiang Mai only. No more 90 days reporting BS?

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