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Posts posted by ARISTIDE

  1. I'm amazed you manage to take the photo at the time.

    s m .

    re ... Pretty wild tstorm here in Nimman, some heavy gusts... lots of dust and debris in the air. Actually got scared at one point because the clouds had that mammatus structure which could be indicative of tornadoes

    and this is what was over you at the time : (

    pic taken at 6 27 pm last night


  2. De Rain was heavy from where I live in Nimman and there was a storm as well but we had minor black out.

    The lightning right before the storm knocked out the power for 3 hours, but the rain was not heavy at all. I was expecting a giant storm from the way that it started out.

  3. I could be down the road from you and usually we have long black out in Nimman after the storm too.

    Pretty wild tstorm here in Nimman, some heavy gusts... lots of dust and debris in the air. Actually got scared at one point because the clouds had that mammatus structure which could be indicative of tornadoes, and we don't need that shit here.

  4. If you're talking about Hill side on Huey Kaw Road, I know at least two rooms that were rent out for less than 8000 per month! (I'm not advertising here) Besides, the building is over 18 years old.

    I though a studio room at hill side is only around 8000?

    I don't every recall seeing one advertised for less than 10K. You might be able to negotiate something cheaper.

  5. Got a little sprinkle in Nimanhaemin finally. Air feels fresh tonight!

    Also in Nimman, wife said rain last night this morning I didn't see nothing that give a clue it was raining

  6. ..or is lightning the visible aspect of an electric discharge, that also produce shockwaves in the air which we pick up as sound...

    Anyway, there was a LOT of rain in the Sanpietong area this afternoon.

    Now enjoying rainy-season type cooling down breeze.. lovely.

    I live in Nimman no rain only brutal humidity so hot I had to take a cold shower from my expensive rain shower set this evening. If you live in Sanpatong then you are lucky.

  7. The frozen fish fillet used to be 650-800 bath (I can't remember the exact figure) now around three hundred-ish bath as expiration date near. I don't know who would buy that anyway.

    i believe it shut down 3 ywars ago

    Confirmed, we used to visit regularly, for the biscuits & sweets, so miss it.

    But Tops has been improving, and often marks-down biscuits, to a more-reasonable price. smile.png

    If you happen to be in TOPS at the right time, sometimes there are excellent bargains on Waitrose biscuits (and other things), but they are usually grabbed in bulk, so you need to be lucky.

  8. Thanks so much

    I've stopped going to that place because I heard the news about the owner...

    So the place is still open? What about the incident at the pool table thing?

    They were open when I went past on Monday.

    It's pretty easy to find based on the directions given in all the other threads.

    Lots of free advertising.

  9. Good news.

    I shall be coming to visit you soon!

    well all TV members are welcome and the public also. I will start a new system in sk as all TV members who name there TV name will get 10% off the total bill order if buy direct from us.Now that's fair.Rob

  10. Not at all, glad that could help anyone get there easily. Last time I was there the restaurant wasn't ready so I got some Cumberland and curry can't wait until the restaurant is ready.

    Thanks for pointing that out, add the middle ring sign and a bit more, now how's that.post-131333-0-11895100-1330820092_thumb.

    And I'd add that the road shown below Rimping is the Middle Ring Road. Also, taking that clearly shown left fork is important. (I find myself invited for some reason to forge right all the time.)

    And the water tower, coming from the south, is a great signal.

    as long as you note that the "water tower" is a tall structure with a lot of large blue barrels on top of it... not a single container type of tower...

    the soi entrance into SK is small and right along side of some small business structures... so if you are not looking for the water tower you might miss it on your left...(opposite the water tower, coming from the south).

    If you are coming from the north... not sure how to handle, it... i come from the laguna swimming pool along the back streets and i noticed a sign pointed to SK... so perhaps he has it well marked from that side also.

    Hi all yes we have been busy putting SK logo signs up all over locally to guide the customers to us with out the headache of looking for us for hours like the old place.Have to say a big thank you to ARISTIDE for making the map for the Sausage King and a big thank for the TV users who help correct the map with important info. The New venue is very easy to find and we have 17 signs up to guide you right to our gate.We will be starting food very soon during the day also. Another way to sk is go up the 1001 towards Majo and turn right onto 121 and first right again and there is a car showroom on the right corner and on the left corner is SK logo sign.Now follow the SK signs to our gate.Rob.

  11. Don't mess with the blue and white dude even corrupt coppers dare not touch them diplomatic immunity.

    Does the the Red Plate mean that the car was bought brand new?? And what do the other colourful plates stand for?? nothing??

    Yellow plates are commercial vehicles, blue and white is diplomatic.

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