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Posts posted by ARISTIDE

  1. But these peaches are in season and in 100 bath range can't remember the price may be 70 bath for 4?

    I think I can live without Rimping's peaches - royal or not, whilst I can get a pineapple, papaya, bananas, mango's and oranges for 100 baht at a local market

  2. You mean around 9000 baht is expensive? I got a DeLonghi for around nine grands.

    Espresso machines are very expensive, especially the good ones at places like Hillkoff.

    With the Euro coming down, I'm looking at Europe to buy. (Can't buy in the US due to voltage issues)

  3. Too much hassle

    So there is no "hassle" going to the other side of the city to buy a bottle of orange juice? whistling.gif

    Probably yes as I forgot to add that the girl at the juice shop is a very good looking lady. (Her mother is nice too but might be in her late 50s)

  4. Why you hope it doesn't rain? Mother in law is in town and lots of heat and no rain? two of my worst nightmare!

    I can report light clouding over the city, very strong possibility of rain mak mak. I hope it doesn't rain, I've got my fan on.


    • Like 1
  5. I think you are quite right on the food department. But criticizing some local expat ladies here is like playing with fire.

    Or trip To Huay Tung Tao, all the Thai food she can eat, and watch the crazys circle the lake chucking water over each other.

    However, if I were dating NancyL, Sunday buffet lunch at G&M sausages would probably be a good choice.

  6. ขบวนแห่ไม้ค้ำสะหลีและขนทรายเข้าวัด เวลา ๑๕.๐๐- ๑๗.๐๐ วันที่ ๑๔ เม.ย. ณ สะพานเหล็ก - วัดบนถนนท่าแพ

    Meaning the thing you want to attend regarding the Iron Bridge and a Wat in Tapae area is happening between 15:00 to 17:00 today (sorry no English version) No surprise you found nothing earlier.

    So Moderator please forgive me. More details regarding the event in Thai here


    Think so, it says from Iron bridge to the Wat in Tapae area

    Yesterday was from the Train Station to Wat Pra Singh. The "Iron Bridge" is over by Rimping Market. Drove out there about an hour ago and saw nothing.

    Wow, the City of CM has done a really poor job of promoting these events this year. Total lack of information and what is available is of questionable accuracy.

  7. I think they do celebrate something like Songran in India with powder colour do they?

    Songkran has it's roots in Hinduism. The Buddha being the 9th Avatar of Krishna and all. It's all relative.

    Sawasdee Khrup, Khun DaamNaam,

    The "minority" concept in Hinduism that Krishna is the source of all avatars, rather than Vishnu, is definitely related to the less common schools of Vaishnavism, eclipsed by far in the belief that all avatars are emanations, or incarnations, of Vishnu. Similarly, there are some Indian systems that believe that Ganesh (Thai: phii Ganet) also has avatars.

    What do your eyes tell you: have you ever seen, in any Thai Wat, in a temple mural, a representation of Krishna ? A statue of Krishna outside, in the grounds of the Wat ?

    In the less widely prevalent forms of Hinduism, there are believed to be ten avatars (Dashavatara): Krishna is the 8th. incarnation of Vishnu, and Buddha the 9th. In the Bhagavata Purana, the dominant belief, there are twenty-two, with Krishna at 20th., and Buddha at 21st.

    The strongest connection with rain would be in the rarer interpretation, as mentioned, that the 8th. is Balarama, brother of Krishna, who is associated with imagery of clouds and rain, and that Lord Kesava (Krishna in that interpretation) is the source of all avatars.

    The Thais who migrated to the fertile river valleys of northern Thailand in waves over centuries so long ago (as early as 5th. century CE, possibly, but probably a great majority driven south centuries later by Mongol pressure from the north to emigrate), were already agriculturists, already rice-growers, with, probably, no written culture, no mastery of ceramics or metal, an oral tradition whose richness we can know nothing about, matrilineal, matriarchal social organization, and animist beliefs. Very possible they brought the roots of the solar fertility festival with them which persisted as they absorbed Indic culture, and technology, through several vectors, including Mon, Khmer, Srivijayan, Chinese, etc.

    In the most widespread belief, within Hinduism, in avatars of Vishnu, as expressed in the Bhagavata Purana, there are twenty-two: and I, personally, favor twenty-two because: at number thirteen, you have Mohini, the Enchantress, and the last of the twenty-two to come (we've been through twenty-one, already), Kalki, who is going to wipe the slate clean and expunge the planet of its scum of destructive human vermin.

    best, ~o:37;

  8. in my enjoyable journey about the moat yesterday, my observations (between buckets of swamp water hitting my face) that they were more Thais throwing dirty swamp water in peoples faces than westerners. being said, they were using buckets, the westerners were using high powered water pistols.

    Loi Kroh had more water pistols than other places about the moat, but at least the water was a bit cleaner.

    Could it be that there are more Thais in Thailand than farongs.

    possibly, but the "stupidity" wasn't limited to westerners, everyone was doing it with the locals setting the example.

    I think the farangs tourists want to relive the Hangover 2 movie or something

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