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Posts posted by realenglish1

  1. A serios matter that is good the police are getting involved. In Canada CP Rail have their own Police that have similar powers that regular police do.


    But are trained with the rail in mind


    Wonder if this would work here but then its better to just keep it under the general police since that may be rocket science for them.

  2. I was on an Ed Visa about 2 years ago and the idea behind it is to learn Thai You did not so this is why they refused you.


    My suggestion is get a new passport and start the process over again with a new Ed Visa and school and this time learn that is what it is for


    With a new passport you should not have a problem


    Good luck and learn Thai

  3. This is a great big problem in Thai society. For some reason Thai society turns a blind eye to violence against woman or violence in general Thai society blanks out someone smoking on TV but if a man hits a woman they leave it for 5 year old little boys to see that is ok to do.

    No question this is a learned action. This is also one reason Thai woman do not like Thai men.

    This is truly corruption in its evil face. Stop the violence against woman This will solve a lot of problems

    Good on you Janie You did the right thing You are not a battered wife in the worst of syndromes

  4. What I found strange is why those people are chosing Thailand....In Europe and the US any ATM machines probably hold a lot more money than here to get in a single withdraw....May the Thailand's ATM be easier to skimm?


    Your answer is simple  In Europe they use ATM cards with Chips so they cannot be copied . Here any card can be used and its a heavy tourist area so many cards from many countries without chips use ATMs here. And in the USA they have a special crime division tracking ATM fraud very fast Not In Thailand

    That is the answer to your comment


  5. Hello Thai Smile Airlines CEO

    Don't you get it Read the posts and see what your real problem is. If you do not have a vote of confidence from the traveling public then you will not succeed

    Just read what people are posting they are honest about what the problems are

    Quit kidding yourself that people will pay higher prices They will not

    • Like 1
  6. In my wildest dreams I could never understand this move. The key is reducing ticket costs It that simple

    Air Asia can do it so why cant you .

    Increase revenues good idea but how . A war room Hahahahahah common get read

    Just reduce ticket costs and they will come its that simple. Most people do not want a fine cup of tea while in flight then want to get from point a to point b

    Not for long I guess

    P. S "Stealing" means obtaining something from you that was once yours. Those passengers where never going on your airline .You have to earn the right to get them as customers first

  7. This is the value of having current visa's Last night I was driving up Silom Road to go th Chitlom and had to go through a police spot check. But this time I was pulled over and asked for a drivers license which I had and it was a Thai drivers license. Although I speak fairly good Thai I was not going to let the office know that. But he spoke some english and asked if I had been drinking Of course I do not drink at all and told him that. He smiled and pulled out a hand held breathalyzer and asked me to blow. I obliged and then blew.

    And of course he smiled at me and said no reading and I said back to him I know I don't drink and said it in Thai He said oh you Do speak a little Thai and then asked me how long I was staying in Thailand I told him 9 years. He asked me if Thailand was pretty and I agreed with him. He then said Have a nice evening sir and said I can go..

    My point is this I do not drink and was not at all nervous when I was stopped. I had my passport with me with the proper Visa's in them so had he asked I would have been able to present them right away. Had I not had the proper visa's I would have been nervous and I suspect he would have seen it as well. Had he asked for a visa and I did not have a proper one I would have been hailed off to Jail .

    The reason I am saying this is for people who are stupid enough to run around without a current Visa You have set your self up for a fall and it will eventually catch up to you one way or the other

    Be stupid and get caught or play by the rules and have no worries what so ever

    • Like 1
  8. Stupid Family and this guy is losing a leg because of it

    Of course they will sit around and look at each other and point fingers Education is a big problem in Thailand This is one example of what can happen with lack of education

    If I was bitten by a spider my first move would be to go to the hospital.

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