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Posts posted by realenglish1

  1. I really enjoy reading Suthips Rants and pledges I live a mundane life but when I read about what Suthip is doing it really brightens my Day

    I fall on the ground Laughing Please Suthip don't stop you are the bright spot of the day cheesy.gif . What will I do for laughter if you stop your protest. Oh right your are going to surrender to the authorities if you don't get a million to protest Or was that 100.000 oooops maybe 10,000.

    Heck why should we believe you know. You have never told the truth about your intentions giggle.gif so what makes this pledge any different

  2. This is getting comical . Suthip you said you wanted to get rid of Yingluk You did but ever time an event takes place you move the marker. This is not democracy .

    Be very aware of SUTHIP he is looking to grab power for himself He is not a former or a democrat. He reminds me of a child who does not get his way

    I am beginning to believe Suthip is the problem not the solution

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  3. Sorry I don't get it They want change but offer nothing .Just rhetoric. If you want change then pony up something that the average guy can get is chops around.

    If you want reforn Give power to the provinces. Allow local taxation and decentralize Parliament. Hold local elections so each province can form their own mini parliament. In the case of small provinces with a small electorate form a regional parliament. And allow them to invest the taxes they collect on a local level. This is the Canadian model and it works very well.

    SUTHIP whats your suggestion so far I only hear about government overthrow

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