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Everything posted by theblether

  1. For my fellow Brits, what we are seeing here is reminiscent of what happened to the Labour Party during the Michael Foot era. A shambolic leader that allowed the Left to run riot ( Militant Tendency ). And if you remember it was driven by gay activists such as Peter Tatchell along with Marxists such as Derek Hatton who drove Liverpool into bankruptcy. Militant Tendency made Labour unelectable. The Marxist wing of the Democrat Party has run riot for a few years - "The Squad" and the cuckoo in the nest Democratic Socialists of America. Regular Democrats seem to think that the role the DSA has played in the party has been minor. Utter BS, every damaging policy originates from that wing - including BLM, restorative justice, reparations, transgender issues - every single one is driven by the DSA. Labour had to expel Militant Tendency, it took them years and they were cast into electoral oblivion for 18 years. The GOP and Trump don't need that long - they need two years. If they win the midterms it will be carnage for the Dems as an unleashed Trump will run riot in the sunset years of his Presidency. Normally governing parties don't win midterms. This time around there's a good chance the GOP will win. The Senate should be safe, the House is a true referendum on a Presidency - and the opposition. If DOGE works then that puts the GOP in good stead - if these pardons result in any genuine revelations then the midterms will favour Trump. Musk is referring to this Presidency as a Manhattan Project moment. He's half right, this Presidency can see the end of the Democrats as an electoral forces for a decade or more. And here's what the means in real terms. If JD Vance wins in 2028, the Federal judiciary will be captured by the GOP for at least 30 years. And the Supreme Court will go a minimum of 7 - 2 Conservative for a generation. Now you can see what the Dems are screaming blue murder. But you can blame the Dirt Road Democrats and Blue Do Coalition for allowing the DSA to set the agenda. Democrats - reap what you have sown, sort your own party out first as you are unfit to govern.
  2. It goes way beyond that. In this case, what the Left says is irrelevant, it's what the centre says that matters. Pleading the 5th is an automatic red flag to the centre. Accepting a pardon, which by dint means accepting guilt, is also a red flag. This is the definition of the devil and the deep blue sea. Someone, somewhere will crack. It's a certainty. And when they do, it will be carnage.
  3. The flaw in the blanket pardon is that any potentially felonious topic can now be brought up. Senators cannot refuse to testify under normal circumstances if treason or felony is suspected. A senator with a blanket pardon is in an extraordinarily difficult position: The choices are: 1. Don't offer a pardon ( wise ). 2. Offer a specific pardon ( dear me ). 3. Offer a blanket pardon ( wild ). 4. Refuse any offered pardon as it would be an admission of past guilty behaviour. And there lies the crux - I can't believe Schiff would be that dumb as to accept a pardon that defeats his 5th Amendment rights.
  4. Nah, Schiff led impeachment against Trump. He's just been elected Senator. Think of the implications of a sitting Senator being forced to testify to the House or Senate without 5th Amendment protection. MAGA-oriented GOP committee members would have a field day.
  5. So it is - that'll teach me for not reading the entire thread. So let me now say, if he pardons Schiff ( and I regard that as unbelievable ) then the Democratic Party is finished. It will be a direct admission from a Democrat President that his party cannot be trusted to govern. But worse: If you think Trump will be vengeful in the first two years of his Presidency, wait to you see what will happen if he retains control of the House and Senate after the midterms.
  6. As cryptic as the above comment looks, here's the problem for the Democrats. Hunter has lost 5th Amendment protection. Bizarrely the "any crime" blanket pardon means he cannot use the 5th Amendment for any reason. It's a bizarre own goal and the judge in the Hunter case has exploded in rage about "rewriting history." The Durham report is still on file. That contains several allegations against Hunter which he can now skip away from, but his problem is ( and by dint, Joe's problem ) Durham knows where the dirty money went. Some members of the Biden family, including grandchildren, have been unwittingly pulled into a money laundering web. Enemies are circling.
  7. Rumours floating around, and I'm prepared to say this is a conspiracy theory but look out for more widespread blanket pardons not involving the Biden family. I was correct ( as usual ) about Biden pardoning Hunter. I find it hard to believe that the blanket pardons now being floated will come to fruition. If they do, it will be the end of the Democratic Party as we know it, I jest you not.
  8. The OP is not thinking straight. I suggest the OP waits a few weeks as the American left are about to pull the largest attack upon democracy since the Civil War. The rule of law will be undermined by the Democrat party. Shame on any delusionist who supports an attack on the rule of law while calling others authoritarian. Shame.
  9. Why do left wing delusionists forget the murderous regimes of Pol Pot, Stalin and Mao? The left has murdered far more humans than the right by a country mile, not even close. But here's the fundamental problem. Left wingers think they are immune. They are and never have been immune, they are the fodder. They always have been and always will be. And here's what I have to say to the OP. Any European alive during the Soviet era should feel humiliated at posting utter drivel like this on the Internet. Truly shameful. We witnessed what the Marxists and communists did to Europe. Horrendous. And it will take at least another 50 years for Europe to recover. Shame on the OP for posting this - utter shame.
  10. Bookmark this comment. At least one more member of the Biden family will be given a blanket pardon ( Jim ). The Secret Service and FBI have also submitted a report about another family member that makes Hunter look tame. Also. The whole Burisma issue is so serious I believe that Trump will regard it as a national security issue and bury any investigation. There's a direct link between Burisma and the Ukraine invasion.
  11. Biden has authorized Trump to go after the DOJ and FBI. He's put it in writing, om headed White House paper, and signed it for the world to see. Every attempt to undermine Trump's anti-FBI/DOJ agenda next year will be met with "Biden agrees, he put it in writing." Biden has poisoned the Democratic Party of the USA for years to come. Well done, Joe. Well done.
  12. Entertaining to see the American Deep State Left threatening violent insurrection rather than be held accountable. As far as I'm concerned any American citizen threatening civil war should be arrested on the spot. And just for the benefit of the OP, the American Left will never, ever, defeat the combined forces of the American Centre and Right. You need to be touched in the head to believe that Centrist Americans would respond to a call to civil war. Touched in the head. And finally, I keep saying and keep getting in trouble for saying that there are too many mentally ill people posting on this forum. Disagreement makes for healthy debate. That's not what we are seeing here. This forum should not host a single comment that calls for, intimates, or intimidates with threats of violence.
  13. Just for your sake of interest and taking into consideration some of the utter idiocy we have read on this thread by genuine idiots - you need to accept guilt before you can be pardoned. No way Trump will accept guilt ( and neither should he ). The requirement to accept guilt is the reason why pardonees cannot use the 5th Amendment in front of Congressional investigations and Grand Juries. The logic is you cannot incriminate yourself when you have already accepted you are guilty.
  14. I'll put things this way re the damage to the Democrat party. If the USA had a new election today the Democrats would be in Mondale 1984 territory. The damage done to the party this year is not temporary. And Biden hasn't finished yet. And the "what about MAGA" brigade need to wake up. It is beyond belief that Biden has amplified Trumps message about political persecution and targeting. Biden has now made it more difficult for GOP Senators to hold up people like Kash Patel. Cos after all, Biden says the DOJ and FBI are corrupt so they need cleaned up, right? And watch how the Blue Dog coalition moves in the House, as well as Senators such as Sanders and Fetterman. Do not be shocked if certain parts of the Democrat party swing behind Trump's nominees as they have also had enough of this BS.
  15. Give this a few days. The language used in this pardon is extraordinary. It is astounding that a serving President has accused his own agencies of corruption and political targeting. The Democrat defenses written on this forum are moronic. These people don't understand the true meaning of what has happened here and been committed to government record. I've already read enraged texts by high profile Democrat supporters. I've also seen law Professors stirring. Biden has declared war on the FBI and DOJ. He is expected to also pardon his brother in January. While the brigade of idiots refuse to see that MAGA is over the moon with this pardon, I predict serious players emerging to "Clooney" Biden again before he causes more lasting damage to the Democrats. The 25th Amendment would be on the table if Harris wasn't so useless.
  16. Most of you don't know who Trinh is. When you lose people like her you are a lost cause. She puts it well here.
  17. Once again, MAGA is not crying. This pardon is a political gift to Trump and MAGA.
  18. Hunter has already informed the judge of the pardon. While he won't see the inside of a prison cell there is nothing to prevent the judge from unleashing against the pardon.
  19. Rumor floating around that Biden will pardon himself. Incredible if true ( and I don't believe it ).
  20. And there's more. Hunter has lost his 5th Amenment right to silence before Congressional committees and grand juries. The implication are that at least 11 Biden family members transacted corrupt cash through their bank accounts. At the very least, cash which was the subject of admitted tax evasion. Do not be shocked if further pardons of Biden family members arrive a week before he leaves office in January. There is one more theory bouncing around but I don't want to go wrestling that particular pig. This pardon is calamitous for th Democrats. No sane Democrat is anything but enraged. Teat those dealing with "what about Trump" with contempt. Why? Biden has accused his own DOJ of corrupt prosecution. He has confirmed from the White House what MAGA has said for years. The FBI and DOJ have engaged in political persecution. I don't think the implications of a sitting Democrat Presdent calling his agencies corrupt has settled in to people yet. For example: Trump sacks Wray. MSNBC goes nuts. Trump replies "even Joe said he presided over a corrupt FBI." The implications and wording of this pardon are astounding.
  21. You misunderstand. We are over the moon at this pardon. The Lying King has just rammed a capsule of cyanide up the Democrats ass and it will poison them for years to come.
  22. You've made that up in your head. The Democrats are in power. It is them who have presided over the invasion of Crimea, and Ukraine. The horrendous Afghan withdrawal and October 7 mass murder. I know the Merxist playbook is to blame others for what you are doing yourself, but I can assure you, we know lying idiots when we see them.
  23. Never mind this idiocy. I know of no Brits IN REAL LIFE that want to go to war for Ukraine. There's plenty of keyboard warriors though. Especially the type that never served a day in uniform in their lives.
  24. Correct. Sane Democrats are enraged. The mentally ill are already running with "whataboutism" and "the last act of a loving father." The mentally ill need to walk off this battlefield.
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