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Everything posted by theblether

  1. My family history has been tracked to the year 1140. Safe to say my family lived in Scotland before my ancestors were first recorded. Right now I live 25 miles away from the burial plot of one of my most famous ancestors, so you can say my branch of this family hasn't traveled far. Let me point out something to you. Maoris arrived in New Zealand around 1300. By that time my family was involved in the Wallace and Bruce revolutions. You'd call Maoris indigenous but not me? 900 plus years minimum on the same soil? This "indigenous" term is yet another example of undermining what is regarded as a virtue anywhere else but a vice on the British Isles. Isles that have human history roots older than the vast majority of planet earth. The only people who come close are the Chinese and Persians. But we're not allowed to own that fact, to celebrate that fact. We've to listen to mumbling clowns denying our 5000 years plus of continuous living on this tiny isle. Shameful revisionist history, a denial of the importance of one of the three greatest civilizations in the history of humanity. These isles created the modern world.
  2. The aspect that has been neglected is that white policemen arrested these girls for reporting rapes. One court record has a report of a 12 year old girl naked with several Pakistani men and she was arrested for being drunk. I jest you not. These white policemen need to be jailed.
  3. I won't be happy until I see the politicians, who ordered no action, and the police who took no action, jailed. This has been an evil abrogation of duty by our civic and civil leaders. They must answer to the courts. And not just one scapegoat. Get them all.
  4. This is a shameful post. Quite frankly unbelievable that you lied in Thailand for seven years and were unaware you were not entitled to pension increases. Humiliating as you clearly put zero effort into planning your Thai based retirement. Utterly feckless.
  5. Pitiful comment. You are clearly unaware that Trump blocked Chinese mining and airport plans last time round. Do some basic research before beclowning yourself.
  6. Got to say, people don't have a clue of the incoming meltdown. The number of wealthy people I know cashing out and moving abroad is astronomical.
  7. When that trial kicks off you'd need to move to a cave to avoid the fallout.
  8. The OP is clearly trolling as no one can be this stupid, and that goes for the rest of you agreeing with him. China has a clear indebt and control strategy. Sri Lanka lost its primary shipping port to China for 99 years when they failed to repay a debt. China has already proposed building two airports in Greenland. As pointed out by others it would be easy for China to enrich the sparse population. Enrich then control. Unbelievably Denmark encouraged Chinese investment in the airports. Tell me, which one of you clowns wants China to control an airport that can strike Europe and North America? The USA doesn't and Trump killed the notion stone dead last time. Denmark has announced $1.5 billion for Greenland defence, a contribution to Arctic and NATO security. They even admitted that they had neglected their responsibilities and realized that the USA would never allow Russia or China to gain military access to the island. They know if that was a possibility any US President would annex the place. So this is already a win for Trump. It cost him nothing to warn the Danes they better get their act together. And you can look forward to annual exercises at the newly funded airport by USAF as its being expanded specifically to handle NATO fighter jets at Danish expense. Trump might well do something stupid in the next four years. This is not it. .
  9. Read the whole link. It clearly states the CRS figure of 40%. Also, I posted that link yesterday. The point is moot anyway - Musk said "if." Coherence seems to be the new word of this thread. What an absolute meltdown over nothing.
  10. Going back to the topic. The real rage was the appearance of AI at a critical time. Business as usual was blown out of the water as the American public saw where the money was heading. Congress has now become more accountable and the Dems throwing a toddler tantrum better wake up.
  11. You need to be deliberately obtuse to state that the Dems are not the party of big business and mega donors when even their fundraisers are putting the boot in. Kamala Harris is finished. You guys replaying the election are morons ( to use your rhetoric ). Stating Musk torpedoed a bill is also moronic. You guys are dropping into cuckoo's nest territory with this inane river of drivel. Give it up, go for a walk, get a life.
  12. You are grasping at straws. You said the bill did not refer to a 40% pay rise. It did. You are factually wrong. And it wasn't the 40% issue that wrecked the bill. Multiple other issues were uncovered.
  13. Democrat fundraiser quit the party after watching it blow $2.5 billion of donated money. She's now being called a wh're and c"nt as well as a Chinese spy for asking questions about financial prolifligacy. Tell us again about incoherence?
  14. Wrong. The bill did mention 40% as being the rise required to cover historical raises not granted. It then went on to say 4% was the proposed amount. You can't be bothered doing the basic research, can you?
  15. The bottom line is that Trump is not yet the President. The next Congress will have more Trump loyalists. JD Vance is the one to watch.
  16. Interesting to see people cracking up about normal American politics. It's far from the first time bills had to be adjusted and subjected to a re-vote. So the answer to the question is "bipartisan." Bipartisan bills, who knew such a thing existed, eh? .
  17. There's deep irritation at the Chinese putting Thais out of business. This is a relatively recent development and will cause ( has caused ) a backlash. Some farangs are being caught in the net but the real target is the Chinese.
  18. Also note this excellent fact check by Reuters. Contrary to the idiotic brigade two things are clear. 1. Musk said "if it includes a 40% pay raise. 2. The bill did include reference to the 40% pay raise, pointing out the childish freeze on Congressional pay. Link: https://www.reuters.com/fact-check/bipartisan-stopgap-spending-bill-did-not-include-40-pay-raise-congress-2024-12-20/
  19. They can be and it has already happened. This is one of the reasons why AI is ringing alarm bells. However Iin this case Grok AI functioned in a straightforward way by reading and bullet pointing the published report. Also, note the excessive reaction to Musk tweeting 40%. I didn't quote that figure as I knew it was wrong. How did I know? The AI bullet point had revealed the actual pay raise and Musk hadn't seen it. So his own AI proved him wrong. Also note how people are ranting about that single mistake by Musk when the real scandal in the bill was Congressional immunity from FBI investigation for criminal activity. Do any sane American want to grant immunity to their politicians?
  20. Assange directly undermined national security. I didn't have a strong opinion on his fate as I could see why people supported him. Equally government officials should be free to have internal discussions without fear of exposure. A prime example was the Enigma decoder. Would Assange have told the Germans that the Allies had cracked the code?
  21. You've called that wrong. It wasn't AI that came up with the figure. Investigate further and feel free to report back.
  22. Mike Johnson needs to answer for trying to give Congress immunity from investigation. It was a wild inclusion in the bill, utterly scandalous and he should resign for that alone.
  23. For me, it's the P'Diddy trial which is certain to be politicized. Every day sees some new scandalous story and if there is much truth to it then the real victims will have their stories swamped. The trial starts in May. I might have to switch off social media for a while if it's as bad as I think it will be.
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