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Posts posted by BaldPlumber

  1. Who exactly made Merkel the president of the EU and why is she allowed to act in this dictatorial way, seemingly with complete impunity?

    You don't understand what Merkel understands. Giving away your future, your children's future, and your grandchildren's future, and the safety of your country makes you a better person because you are now "PC". Giving away economic opportunity for the citizens of your country by requiring them to support the entire world as it rocks up to your door makes you a better person because you are "inclusive". Allowing people with a violent and barbaric culture come in and change your culture to their culture makes you a better person because national borders are for sissies.

    Try to keep up.

    Thank you for explaining it to me.

    Alle ist klar.

  2. As we see the worsening scenes from the camps in France, the migrants tearing down fences across Europe , rapes being committed, and infighting between different factions arriving

    Will all make the UK ordinary citizens to think no way we want a part of this anymore, OUT

    Which is probably why the referendum has been called at the very earliest opportunity.

    The spring and summer will see yet another exodus of millions of Muslim refugees, with no doubt, a fair few lunatic extremists.

    Not good news for the vote ins.

  3. Anyone had personal experience of the MINIX NEO Z64?

    I've got one. What do you want to know?

    The usual stuff: Pros/cons/ease of setting up/reliability/comparison with any other android box you may have used/if you knew then what you know now would you have bought it?

    I have an original Thai expat tv box [the white one] and it's lousy at processing the highly-compressed audio they send out. I hope the Z64 I have on the way does better --- while I wait for my existing subscription with TETV to run out. TETV currently offer the MINIX X7 for 5500 Baht - you can get the Z64 elsewhere for 4500 Baht


    I added a comprehensive reply, but the servers rejected it. Sorry, but not going to waste another 30 minutes. If you want specific info PM me.

  4. From a couple of months ago, but well worth a listen, here is a man that says it like it is, Nigel Farage

    UKIP and effectively, Nigel Farage, managed to get approximately 4.5 million votes in the general election last year. This was on the back of the conservative party having to offer an EU referendum to avoid complete carnage at the polls.

    Because of the UK`s electoral rules, 4.5 million votes translated into only a single UKIP nominee being elected to parliament.

    It will be very interesting to see the result of the upcoming referendum, where each vote carries equal weight, unlike in the general election.

    Maybe we can show that we aren't such a bunch of sheep after all.

  5. In an act of supreme irony the vote-ins in the UK are being accused of mounting operation fear to persuade voters to avoid the fear of the unknown regarding life outside the EU.

    From what I understand if the situation, it's a bloody sight more terrifying to remain, given what we know about both current and planned future events.

    I'm a bit puzzled that the vote-out campaign isn't a bit more vocal.

  6. Real refugees might possibly prefer to stay closer to their own country in the hope of returning when safe to do so.

    But it seems the modern definition of a refugee is someone who wants to travel through many safe countries, until they reach one that suits then best and then proceeds to complain about internet speed, boredom, the way the local women dress etc etc

  7. I hope the UK votes to leave this shower of sh*t Europe has become.

    No, The UK needs to stay in Europe and work with the millions of Germans, French, Danes, Poles, Hungarians etc etc that don't want or accept Merkel and her cronies "ideal" of some sort of federalist quasi communist social utopia where the state plans and controls everything for you, tells you what you are allowed to do and think, and removes any trappings of heritage and culture that might interfere with their progress.

    I would imagine the quickest way for that to happen would be for the UK to vote to leave, leaving the rest if the EU in shambles. Perhaps then popular opinion could cause politicians to reflect the thoughts of the electorate.

    I'm staggered that the vote in lot are accusing the vote outs of not knowing what will happen in the aftermath of a leave result as if this is a terrifying prospect, when the simple fact is that we already know what will happen to the UK should we choose to stay and this is indeed truly terrifying.

    I'm also perplexed that so many of my countrymen are so willing to throw their heritage and sovereignty, in fact their entire country, away so easily.

    I honestly cannot imagine this happening to any other major non European country.

  8. Aaaaah, good to see the usual right(est) wing know-it-alls with their closed-borders-mentality are back in droves!

    So...what is your solution guys?

    Bomb the refugees boats in the Mediterranean Sea?

    Or wait until the poorest of the poor, the ones who escaped with nothing more that their bare lives, make to the shore and then shoot them?

    Humanitarians, the lot of you!


    I'm surprised that you have not suffocated with your head so far in the sand! You left wing drum bangers are a big part of the problem.

    Multiculturalism is NOT working, or are you too blind to see that? Oh, and you don't have to be right wing or racist to know this (just before you start playing the race card like lefty do-gooders do when the debate gets too much)

    You have to love those posters who permanently occupy the moral high ground whilst offering nothing in terms of practical solutions or even acknowledging that a problem exists.

    Just accuse everyone else of right wing bigotry and job done. You can now feel satisfied and superior without having lifted a finger. Well done!

  9. Probably same as the Jomtien Beach renovation which also seems to have stopped. Contractors give a stupidly low bid to win the job, run out of money when the work is only x% complete, and then down tools until Pattaya City Hall can come up with more cash. If the Pattaya Beach walkway is anything to go by it might take a year or two before work starts again. In the meantime Suk will be stuck at 1 1/2 lanes either side and the Jomtien Beach walkway will stay looking like a part of downtown Aleppo.

    Who are those people working there then? Volunteers?
  10. I have both a mini PC and an android box, I can assure you that they both work equally well with regard to kodi.

    The only difference is the difficulty in getting a remote whose menu button works on a PC, which you generally need with kodi.

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