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Posts posted by BaldPlumber

  1. One question to those who know more about this than me,

    Britain exits. will Scotland exit with them? or other UK members? What will this do to the UK?

    I think you're confusing England with Britain. Great Britain is comprised of England, Wales and Scotland.
    Also confusing terms, Great Britain and the United Kingdom.
  2. ?? most construction trucks drive 10x better than most farangs i see here and a lot better than most thais too.

    Sometimes you see a complete nutbar in one of those big trucks but usually they are calm and always looking around to make sure they dont run over someone and they even give way.

    I agree, they seem to be amongst the most courteous of drivers, most of them, not this one obviously.
  3. I know that there is no perfect place. I don't expect perfection but from what I have learned from my research and in country experience is that Thailand is less and less welcoming. I realize this a general statement and I have met some very nice Thai people over the years. But even the ones I have come really close to I find there is always an invisible barrier. I will never be Thai to them and thus never an equal. I know this exist in other cultures and it certainly exist in my own. Also I have traveled all over Thailand not just the sex tourist locations. There are parts of the country I truly love. But you should never confuse the words " I love you" with "I want to marry you". Thailand is a lot of fun. For me personally, it is best as a vacation destination and not a permanent home.

    Oh by the way cost of living does play a role in my decision as well but it is not the deciding factor.

    "I will never be thai to them", I dont really get why that matters?
    Neither do I. Of course you'll never be Thai in the same way as a Frenchman living in the UK will never be British.

    It's totally beyond me why some people seem to desire total assimilation into Thai culture and are disappointed when this eludes them.

    Far better to keep the best bits of you own culture and heritage and borrow the bits of the Thai one that you like.

    It's all a bit odd to me, you can't change who you are just by dint of living in a foreign country.

  4. Why on earth do some people believe that to stay in the EU is the righteous decision?

    The assumption that all those who wish to leave are all xenophobic little englanders is absurd and insulting and does nothing to advance the argument.

    As for Boris Johnson being described as bumbling is to seriously underestimate a skillful politician who, despite being the toffiest of the toffs, manages to convince and persuade people from all walks of life with an ease that makes other old etonians green with envy.

    Personally, I hope we vote to leave for no other reason that I really don't want my home country to be administered by unelected, unaccountable and unauditable characters in a European super state that the British people never agreed to or signed up for.

  5. Fully loaded is just a nonsense. Most people will find that the majority of add-ons week not work in Thailand.

    Just buy the box, install kodi and then add YouTube, istream, genesis, radio etc and you'll end up with a simple setup that works beautifully.

    For UK expats, sky news streams live on YouTube in hd quality.

    As previous posters have said MXQ is ok, minix is far, far better. But both work fine, just get a decent air mouse, mele f10 deluxe and minix a2 lite are both very good.

  6. I'm glad to see that these checkpoints actually catch a few bad guys once in a while.

    Well done, Pattaya Police.

    Doesn't necessarily need to be a "bad guy" just because

    he conceals a weapon in his car or happens to have a

    small quantity of drugs for personal consumption. In fact,

    I would guess that at any given moment, there are loads

    of otherwise law abiding folk in this fair country doing

    exactly the same thing. He just got caught coffee1.gif

    Are you serious? Yeah, we all go around with guns and drugs
  7. ...sadly...every day...at every turn....

    ...can never get the truth...or a straight answer...

    ...and if I venture to an unknown merchant or retailer....forget it....

    ...I know the prices of the things I buy....

    ...oh sorry...I am not supposed to know...or be aware...or understand what was just said about me...

    ...it is not Buddhism...it is not culture...it is just low, lying, sickening...tiring...

    ...and please do not call me hateful or racist because I tell the truth.....

    ...and please do not tell me to leave if I do not like it....

    ..all my bridges are burned...all my assets are gone....just hanging on for dear life...and my 2 daughters....

    ...hoping to find a way......

    ...any sincere suggestions are most welcome...but even 'jobs' and 'opportunities'...even 'teaching'...are usually tainted now...

    Too ........ true ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, whatever it is ..................... you're ,,,,,,,,,,,,, saying ___ ### ........
  8. The level of animosity, in the UK at least, regarding the new TG is simply amazing. The BBC is not trying to replicate the old show, simply because it cannot be done and if they tried, it would surely lead to even more derision and scorn being heaped on it.

    As far as I am aware, no one watched Clarkson and crew for their motoring expertise, there are no end of boring magazines and articles by well intentioned nerds satisfying that market already.

    It sort of reminds me of the time when the UK banned smoking in pubs, when a huge number of people said the only reason they did not visit pubs was because of the smoking and were it outlawed, then they would definitely go.

    The result? the pub trade is in its knees with lack of customers with more and more pubs closing each week, never to be replaced. The promised newcomers never appeared.

    I predict pretty much the same for the new TG. The old TG diehards will hate it regardless and there won't be swathes of new viewers, except of course for the first episode which the BBC will spin out of all proportion. I'd give it two seasons tops to wither and die.

    Meanwhile, the Amazon show will assume the old TG mantle, and be loved or hatred in exactly the same way as before.

    Amazon will make money and the BBC will end up looking like the meddling, PC bunch of bureaucrats that they actually are.

    All IMHO opinion of course.

  9. Is thailand really cheap? I rent my condo out in bangkok for probably only 25% cheaper than for what I would ask in a similar location in the West. Sure it's a saving for the renters but it's not "amazing" happy hour beers are OK but after that your paying they same price as in the West and it's a small glass and it's shit beer, how can you compare Chang to your favorite beer back home and if you want it here you have to pay double . Food is rubbish with unidentifiable slivers of meat on your rice, msg, loads of sugar in everything

    All the best stuff,real beef, wine cheese is silly prices.

    IMO if it wasn't for the cheap gash most of us would move on pretty quickly

    Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk

    I've thought exactly this for a long time now.

    When you pro rata the cost of everyday items to the average daily wage for a Thai compared to an average westerner, it's insanely expensive.

  10. A bit further out in Jomtien Soi 14 is an excellent motorcycle repair and cycle sales shop.

    I have found them to be really good. I had my Wave serviced there a little while ago; I paid 1,350 baht for the service which included oil, air filter, front brake pads and rear brake shoes, new chain, front and rear sprockets and a new spark plug. The fitter is Honda trained..

    Very friendly place, 300M on RHS of Soi 14 from Beach road.

  11. Hi

    I have a couple of cheap balcony chairs with a plastic Ratan covering that is wrecked now after a few years. I know a new 2-chair + table balcony set would cost between 5-8K baht, but as the frames are still OK, so I was wondering if anyone knows or can recommend anywhere that can repair these chairs, approximate cost would be useful too.

    Many thanks

  12. What do retired folks do? That means the normal folks who don't drink, smoke or chase girls and are happy living alone. ;)

    They dedicate their time to Thai visa telling others what fabulous lives they lead in this paradise of a country.

    Often the reality is in stark contrast to what they post,bemoaning the visa process,dangerous roads and a disdain for older men having sex with young girls.

    Incidentally some play Bridge and eat 35 baht noodle soup while others live in sprawling homes in the arse end of nowhere,curtain twitchers are also known to reside here.

    Others prefer to take on the the role of immigration officers going over the same mundane questions in and out like its a badge of honour knowing Thai visa immigration rules,I've been known to get sucked into that also through sheer boredom.

    Some like to discuss the cheapest means of getting around Jomtien and Pattaya all the while secretly wishing things could just be like home by hoping on the air con bus or trolley,metro.

    Some are literally stuck here,living in a world of absolute hatred,not eating Thai food not speaking the language all the while tolerating the people that they have chosen to live around.

    Then there are those that are really happy,but you won't find them on Thai visa forum as they are far to busy enjoying life to be sat on here all day.

    Some people spend an inordinate amount of time chastising posters who are stupid enough to mention their retirement visa - it's not a retirement visa etc etc ad nauseam
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