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Posts posted by BaldPlumber

  1. A lot of pharmacists are reluctant to sell tramadol to Thais now because of the coke thing. The first I heard about this use was from a Thai pharmacist.

    If they do sell it to you, you'll likely need to write down your name for them, but they don't require any ID, so it's a completely pointless procedure.

  2. There was one illegal immigrant a few days ago that sewed his lips together in protest, saying he wants to go to the UK...he looked like a complete idiot. and he must think we want people like him in our country?

    Why do they think they have all these rights to make demands? They don't have papers, or visas to be there.

    Distressing scenes? If they are distressed, maybe they should try and find another country to take them....

    I wasn't remotely distressed.
  3. Every red dot on this map represents a refugee housing accommodation. You are seeing the death of Germany.


    what I could see is a society based on humanity who is fulfilly it's duty to help people fleeing their countries of war and deaths.

    Really? I see a country that is desperately trying to replenish its dwindling population with zero consideration to other European partner countries.

    I'm convinced they will manage it. Shame on all the others so called "partners"
    A bit of a shame that the German chancellor didn't see fit to get the agreement and approval of her partners or her electorate though isn't it?

    It's almost like she's acting as the queen of Europe, what with making arbitrary decisions and all.

  4. Every red dot on this map represents a refugee housing accommodation. You are seeing the death of Germany.


    what I could see is a society based on humanity who is fulfilly it's duty to help people fleeing their countries of war and deaths.

    Really? I see a country that is desperately trying to replenish its dwindling population with zero consideration to other European partner countries.
  5. 500 baht fine or less as hes not even a policeman

    You think ? Read my earlier post about a potential 300,000 bail and immediately put into cells for a similar offence.
    The person groped can claim any damages she wishes for embarrassment etc.

    Wiser heads read it,but didn't believe it.If it smells like a duck,well you know the rest.
    Yeah, I'd like to know how he is so incredibly knowledge about all aspects of this alleged event.

    Because I was the one that had to do the official translation between the culprit and the police. Next ?

    That explains it perfectly. Thanks.
  6. 500 baht fine or less as hes not even a policeman

    You think ? Read my earlier post about a potential 300,000 bail and immediately put into cells for a similar offence.

    The person groped can claim any damages she wishes for embarrassment etc.

    Wiser heads read it,but didn't believe it.If it smells like a duck,well you know the rest.

    Yeah, I'd like to know how he is so incredibly knowledge about all aspects of this alleged event.
  7. Well, it may all seem like harmless fun but I was once in Soi 9 police station when a tourist had groped a female tour guide's buttocks and he was immediately put in cells awaiting a very, very hefty bail of 300,000 baht set by the duty inspector. If reported, this guy will meet some very serious cops who do not take kindly to this kind of act.

    Do you work for the police then?
  8. It's very easy to blame obese people for making poor nutritional choices, being lazy, eating too much etc but the reality is that the food manufacturers are almost entirely to blame.

    This is especially true for poorer people in deprived areas where health food is simply not an option for them.

    When someone explains to me how on earth it is possible for an eighteen month old toddler to be obese when they have zero choice as to what they eat, then I'll believe otherwise.

  9. Driving on the left and giving way to traffic on the left makes absolutely zero sense.

    The roundabout could become full up <deleted>, then where would we be?

    <chortle re deleted non profanic term>

    Are you serious? Hand in your license and keep off the road.

    Of course I'm serious, you think driving on the left hand side and giving way to traffic on your left is correct?

    Have you had any training or taken a driving test?

    When approaching a roundabout, when driving in a left hand drive country, the traffic already on the roundabout ie traffic to your right has priority. What the traffic already on the roundabout does not do, or should not do, is stop to give way to traffic entering the roundabout ie traffic to their left.

    Countless references on Google and a very clearly understood procedure. Go educate yourself.

    Had many accidents at all?

  10. Driving on the left and giving way to traffic on the left makes absolutely zero sense.

    The roundabout could become full up <deleted>, then where would we be?

    <chortle re deleted non profanic term>

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