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Posts posted by BaldPlumber

  1. My Thai tutor is looking for more people wishing to learn to speak Thai on a 1:1 basis.

    His name is Rex, he's 39 and went to university in Switzerland and worked in both the US and the UK. His English is just about perfect and there are very few words that I have found he is unaware of.

    I have been learning with Rex for about 2 months now for 2 hours per day, Monday - Friday and have found him to be 100% reliable, knowledgeable, patient and effective. He also has a pretty good sense of humour, especially when it comes to farang relationships with Thai women. When I was looking to start learning Thai my choices seemed to be joining a class, usually as part of an educational visa outfit or having an expensive 1:1 tutor, luckily, I found Rex and it turns out that he costs about the same as joining a class.

    I told Rex that I was interested in learning decent quality conversational Thai to replace the odd phrases, expressions and words that we all learn from the bar and blurt out randomly and incomprehensively as far as most Thais are concerned. I suppose that in the 2 months to date my Thai vocabulary has grown to about 1,000 words, but more importantly I have learnt to use these words in the right order, in sentence form using the right sense; past, present and future. At the moment our sessions are approximately 40% English and 60% Thai. This makes me still a Thai novice but I am able to confidently talk very simple Thai and be understood, well most of the time. I would expect to be reasonably fluent to an acceptable standard within 6 months from now. I should stress that I have absolutely no natural affinity for learning new languages.

    So, as you can imagine, I can thoroughly recommend Rex and think he is very good value for money. So, whether you want a few hours tuition or a more regular arrangement, he should be able to accommodate you.

    If anyone wants to talk to Rex about tuition, just PM me and I'll make sure that you both have each other's contact details.

    Mods: If this is posted in the wrong forum please move it to the right place - thanks.

  2. About 10 days ago I started getting both pop-ups and browser re-directions to both vktarget.ru and adultube.info porn sites as well as other random russian sites.

    After running various anti malware packages, nothing seemed to be infected on my laptop but the re-directions continued. I then started getting similar occurances on my android phone.

    I am using a TP-Link router supplied by TOT and my ISP is also currently TOT.

    It would appear that TOT have themselves been infected with some malware and this has in turn updated the DNS server settings on my router, which I am now unable to amend.

    Updating the DNS server settings for the network adapter to something sensible e.g. / has not been effective, at least for Chrome.

    I am currently using firefox and so far have been free of browser hi-jacking attempts for the last hour or so.

    I am planning on taking my router to TOT to see if they can fix or upgrade it on Wednesday - I cannot do a firmware reload / upgrade myself as I have lost my TOT login password.

    Anyone else having the same problems? it would appear to be localised to just TOT users.

    • Like 1
  3. But seriously, have any of you actually been into one of the government hospitals that participate in the scheme? Go in with a simple pimple of your leg and your more likely to come out with a leg amputated.

    Of all the things I would not let any Thai Government program 'help' me with, number one, by a country mile is health insurance. I'll give up on practically everything to buy insurance that allows treatment in a private hospital, which I have to say in my experience are as good as any in the west.

    I have nothing but praise for the Government hospitals i have been to in Thailand 7 different hospitals in total. So I sure as hell dont know what you are talking about.

    Are you a cat? The say cats have seven lives though.-coffee1.gif

    Your cats are being short changed. English cats have 9 lives!

  4. You are not required to carry your passport but you should have a copy of it with your visa. A DL is usually ok too. Just take a photo of your passport and visa and keep it in your phone.

    The law has always been and still is overstay and pay 20k at the airport or get caught and go to IDC. If you have money Immigration will let you sleep in one of their offices and even take you to restaurants and 7-11 and let you order KFC and pizzas etc. and give you your phone back.

    I've got plenty of clowns out of IDC over the years and it's always ended up costing me.

    You are required by law to carry your passport at all times. A copy is acceptable for the moment.

    Sent from my GT-S7500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Very useful post, I've never heard of this before. A copy you say? some sort of laminated version? from any Kodak outlet? about 40 baht? well I never, you live and learn. Oh wait a moment, wasn't that contained in the post you quoted?

    • Like 1
  5. I am arranging to do the same thing but with a larger amount.

    I you want to spread the cashing in over two years to benefit from your tax free allowance and thus pay no tax on the 20,000 GBP, you will probably have to transfer your pension plan to another type of fund that allows drawdown. I checked with my pension plan administrator and there is no way to drawdown from my existing plan, i.e. it has to be transferred in total or cashed in (25 pc tax free, the remainder taxed as income). Starting rom 2015 of course.

    So then you have to decide if the fees and trouble of transferring your fund is worth it to you. Maybe better to bite the bullet and pay tax which in your case will not be too much.

    This is incorrect, since a government announcement earlier this month.

    Details still to be announced but you should be able to withdraw whatever you want, whenever you want. The second big game changer for UK private pension holders.


    Interesting what you say. I talked to my Pension Plan provider 3 months ago and a total transfer or an annuity with them were the only options for my existing with-profits plan. To get the 'any amount any time' option I would have to transfer to another fund.

    I will check again

    I have now talked to my private pension provider Guardian Assurance Ltd again and they confirmed what I had been told before.

    There is NO option to drawdown from ANY of their policies. The options you have after the age of 55 are to either buy an annuity or transfer the value of the plan to another company/fund (that allows drawdowns). The government cannot instruct companies to offer drawdown options.

    My policy consist of fund units (about 30pc of the Transfer Value), and a Terminal Bonus (about 70 pc of the TV). Maybe drawing down units in the plan would jeopardise the Terminal Bonus?

    I have no idea, I just provided the link. I also have no knowledge whether an act of parliament would be needed or whether pension companies can be forced to comply.

    I do know that it would be a huge bonus for me personally should this see the light of day and for many others I would imagine.

  6. I am trying to learn Thai with a Thai teacher 1:1 for 2 hours a day Mon-Fri. This has been my 4th week, but I had a little bar-girl education before. I am very lucky to have an extremely well educated and multi-lingual teacher which is a huge bonus but it is still a difficult and frustrating experience.

    This is the problem with language schools. You've learnt 700 words but how many do you use daily? You only need about 200 words to get by in any language.

    Learn to say what is this called? And you will be teaching yourself constantly. The Thai teacher may be well educated and well meaning but what she has taught you is a pile of junk that you may never use. I can't read or write Thai numbers and I can't remember all the months of the year but I could explain in Thai what's wrong with my car or how to strip down a motorbike or even build a house.

    It's not a school, it's a private tutor. As I explained, the total of approx 700 is a bit misleading as one root word can spawn 3 or 4 more. It's also certainly not useless, unless you call every day Thai useless.

    But thanks for your useful comments.

  7. I am trying to learn Thai with a Thai teacher 1:1 for 2 hours a day Mon-Fri. This has been my 4th week, but I had a little bar-girl education before. I am very lucky to have an extremely well educated and multi-lingual teacher which is a huge bonus but it is still a difficult and frustrating experience.These are my impressions at a very early date:-

    The syntax and assembly of sentences is quite straightforward, albeit strange for a natural English speaker

    Some of the word beginnings seem impossible for me, despite the fact that I have the same muscles in my mouth as Thais, mine have developed differently

    Similarly, some Thai words defy transliteration to the degree that you can accurately practise them by yourself and transliteration itself is generally quite poor

    Accurate tones, whilst something you would wish for, are less important in a sentence where the words context is implied, as opposed to blurting out single words randomly

    There is no resonance, absolutely none for me with regard to the Thai alphabet. Learning this is going to be a long and horrible experience

    Unfortunately, not being able to read Thai would really hamper your unaided progression in Thai - you might not know what the word means but at least you can pronounce it

    I'm going to give it a year and hope to be reasonably fluent in conversational Thai by then but how I wish I had wanted to live in a country with a latin based alphabet. I cannot imagine any other western language being more difficult to learn, with the possible exception of Italian, if I could just read it naturally.

    So far, we have covered about 700 new words, with a lot of these being derivative based by just adding a "san" or a "yow" on the end.

    On the plus side though I have learnt to read and write Thai numbers and am very pleased with my ability to write zero properly!

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