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  1. From my recordings December 2019 (10.75C), January 2020 (11.06C) and January 2021 (12.88C) were colder than now (12.94C).
  2. The electricity disappears for 30-90 minutes sometimes because an inebriated pickup driver drives into an electricity pole. Can be any time of day.....
  3. From experience, if I didn't have to be here, I would go to the Cook Islands (New Zealand dependency, for now).
  4. 2025 will be the year that the mass self-inflicted disability suffered by a significant proportion of the young Thai population is admitted to, with a call for help - how to re-enable the young that have a smart phone in one hand at all times?
  5. I went to the Similans on that Christmas day to snorkel and spent the night in a tent just off the beach. Luckily I got up early and walked up the trail to the top of the island to see the spine of the island chain. As I got back down I was greeted by a Thai guy running up and putting his towel on the bushes. I wrote up a description with linked photos for my grandson a couple of years back http://who.thaiholiday.biz/tsunami.htm
  6. The main parts of the story, in fact the whole question, was about the drug test......
  7. Seeing as the subject was the drugs testing and the tenants activities were just an add-in for local context, It wasn't needed. You cherry-picked that, making it an issue. Or do you expect 'war and peace' from every poster concerning every single aspect in fine-grained detail?
  8. No, all official - the ladies from or-sor-mor processed and tested. A few cops in attendance.
  9. They didn't turn me away.......
  10. Oh how we jump to conclusions! We have a no smoking in the room policy, whatever it is. We also do not allow parties or other people staying overnight. They broke those 2 rules, so my wife spoke to their boss, who was paying for the room, who said she can deal with them. She spoke with them reminding them of the no overnight guests, to which the guy said that he works for his boss. In response the boss said "chuck them out now". When told, they asked if they could stay until the 21st, which my wife agreed to if they followed the rules - that night they did the same again. It wasn't until they had left that we discovered the disgusting state of the room, stinking of whatever they had been smoking, burns in bed sheet and mattress topper, the bathroom flooded because they had blocked shower drain with fag ends being deposited.
  11. We went, as we have a residence and they specifically mentioned that tenants must also be tested (they obviously have no idea who is living in such places, so a focus surely). Not very well thought out as it ended up being 9-12 on a Monday (they could have done it yesterday if they were really interested in a total sampling). I suspect that they already know who they are after and just wanted to create a reason to grab them this evening, or whenever. Some of our residents went but the dodgy ones didn't read the wife's informing message and 'went out', maybe to not return in a while.... We recently evicted a 21-year old guy and his 14-year old girlfriend that had a weed party in their room.
  12. Our village head man announced on Saturday evening, and again this morning, that everybody over 14 must take a urine drugs test between 09:00 and 16:00 today. Those that don't will get a visit from the police and be tested at home. Been here 20 years - first time for me. Is this a common occurrence?
  13. https://maps.app.goo.gl/ySjSBngs3AHzbJCg7 Went there a few months back - OK if you want cheap, good quality used golf clubs, but it seems to be imported house clearances of deceased Japanese judging by the type and poor condition of the furniture etc.
  14. We have a was 13, now 14-year old girl living with an 21-year old boy in our residential block. Not pregnant yet.......
  15. Of course - when we need steel, cement, bricks, sand, roof tiles etc. delivered, we use the local builders merchants or specialist shops. Thai Wasadu is our nearest superstore, so we tend to go there unless their options don't satisfy our needs.

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