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Everything posted by NotEinstein

  1. Red plates are what in the UK are called trade plates, which are used for the delivery etc. of an unregistered vehicle. A few years back I bought a new car, which didn't have any plates - I'd seen a few obviously new cars driving around without plates, so didn't think anything of it. This lasted for 5 months, at the end of which a police check stopped me and fined me, saying the dealer was at fault. Went to the dealer and got the fine money, but insisted they give me red plates until the white ones appeared, which they did - I wasn't going to get 3 fines and lose my licence. A few days later the dealer called to say the plates had arrived. I realized when we got the blue book and saw the tax renewal date being a year later that we had been driving an unregistered, and therefore illegal vehicle, the insurance for which we had purchased five months previously would have been null and void in the event of a claim. Go to a DVLC and you will find a window for registration of new vehicles. The dealer takes the manufacturer paperwork there and a day or two later the plates and book are ready. The reason the dealer doesn't do this at time of delivery is that the new car tax, approx 100,000 baht, has to be paid, and they want to keep that money in their account as long as possible.........
  2. Yes, but anecdotally, a while back, whilst replacing a meter on an unearthed building close by, I accidentally shorted the live feed, and my house main breaker tripped.
  3. Could very easily beat a nearby house if the others around don't have earth leakage detect, or even an earth. In effect, yours becomes the only point that can react to a short circuit. I recently updated an old house's supply, fitting a breaker box and earth - when I connected the earth, which is tied to neutral, there was a spark, telling me the other houses are not earth tied to neutral.
  4. You are in a battle with nature that you cannot win, unless you concrete it over. Even if you use the most efficient chemicals, earth is full of seeds laying dormant and that will do their thing when the circumstances suit them. You could lay grass as effective competition, and then keep mowing, or just mow the weeds, as already suggested.
  5. Changed my name by deed poll to Public Good, chosen pronoun - the.
  6. Just received an email to say my online 90 day report was rejected, so a trip to the drive thru' soon I guess....
  7. I did an online 90 report on Sunday, which is still pending. Previously it was completed within hours - what is different from usual is that the last report was made by Imm. during my extension, rather than online.
  8. Have you tried a router hard power reset - off/on? That has resolved the odd occasion that I have encountered similar problems.
  9. There won't be a nuclear war any time soon as the US has a 1973 based system (polais II and Minuteman III) that is managed on an 'until fail' principle. Russia, on the other hand, has hypersonics, so no guessing as to who would survive. As others have said, climate changes - unsurprising seeing as literally everything is changing all of the time. Having said that, a not insignificant amount of the changes happening are at least influenced by man. There is a theory that God invented man so that he could make a plastic-full world, so maybe we have fulfilled our purpose and it is curtains for us - I need to go to black magic for an answer.......
  10. It's called technological progress - Personally I have moved through vinyl > cassette tape > Betamax - VHS > (V)CD > DVD > Torrent files. Once the physical realm was left for digital, the concept of owning a copy was meaningless. I haven't embraced streaming as the availability via torrent has been incredible - don't like the typical Hollywood fare - join something like https://cinemaz.to My wife likes Korean period drama series which are easy to find on torrent sites.
  11. Actually 4th.... https://www.macrotrends.net/cities/22618/chiang-mai/population
  12. I've been using motion detected IP cams on our residential block for 10 years. Using the LAN that also provides residents with internet access via WiFi, bandwidth was a factor. These modern day systems are expensive in comparison to what we use and severely limit configuration - I programmatically manipulate saved images to produce time-synced multi-camera movies, for example. Over the last 7 years or so, with the advent of the app-based cams that only offered SD-card for local storage, I have had to build my own cameras that send images via FTP to my system, which is a raspberry Pi storing images on a USB flash drive. I use raspberry Pi zeros and ESP32-cams in dummy cameras to great effect. Last month I found someone selling some of the larger app-based cams on shopee as dummy cams cheaper than actual dummy cams (they only ever where gimmicks to sell pay-for cloud based hosting), so have been able to repurpose them with some old raspberry Pi1s I have. For a small, house based setup there are plenty of Chinese systems on offer - just be sure to get something that doesn't only allow cloud-based storage.
  13. The transfer stamp has all the information they need, but take the old passport to show if asked for.
  14. There is a shop in Chiang Mai that will put whatever brand name you want on hi-fi equipment you purchase......
  15. Our village school had a party yesterday evening. Our house is half km away, but we could hear the music perfectly, with the added bonus that the glass was rattling in the window frames in time with the rhythm. This is standard fare in our, and I assume, every other normal Thai community. If it happens at school, the kids are hearing impaired and indoctrinated into the bigger and louder the better by adulthood. The solution? Shut the doors and windows and immerse yourself into something with headphones on if you can't go elsewhere for the duration. The next-door neighbours had a ghost party a couple of years ago, thankfully only during the day, so Airport Plaza for the afternoon was in order.
  16. I never drive after sun down. At least once a week, we witness the car/pickup in front driving erratically, the nut behind the wheel presumably drunk, stoned, or playing with their phone. The wife's aunt was knocked off her motorcycle outside 7/11 by a drunk in a pickup just last night - she is now in hospital. What will happen to the drunk? Not enough, for sure. We had a drunk in a pickup following his gps, drive into our metal fence earlier in the year - he was so drunk he could hardly talk and kept falling over, but he was very apologetic, so all good! He phoned the guys he had been drinking with and they took him and his pickup away.
  17. All I know is what they tell me and years of doing exactly that - No queuing or getting a number, just going directly to window 3.
  18. I provided all used passport pages and bankbook pages, which meant a complete old book and a single entry in a new book to cover the 60 days.
  19. I grabbed the forms when passing a few weeks before.
  20. We didn't bother with the tent and just joined the queue.
  21. https://outlook.office365.com/owa/calendar/[email protected]/bookings/
  22. I've always been told, including this year, to get the Final Stamp after 13:00 - it seems you have given good example as to why they say that.
  23. Extended my family visa today. A busy office, but very efficient - handed in paperwork and paid at the front desk. I had an appointment booked, so just had to wait (we got there early). 40 minutes later called to sign some papers, had photo taken, they had done a 90 report for me, and they handed over my passport. All done in one interaction, so we left 20 minutes before our appointment time. There was no walk-in queue after 13:30 from what I could see.
  24. Of course, but "I have my own business na kaa" rolls off the tongue.......
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