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Posts posted by Geoffggi

  1. Desalination plants are a good idea where there are little or no storage areas to keep the excess water during the rainy season or when ever their friends up country turn off the valves. However, as has been pointed out already these type of plants need a lot of power, coupled with the country planning to go all electric one has to wonder where all this additional power will be generated, after all Thailand does not want any Chinese coal fired power stations as has happened in Cambodia.

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  2. 48 minutes ago, Natai Beach said:

    i disagree. It says “find the right marriage partner”

    I have seen many foreigners come to Thailand and marry prostitutes, buy her a house, take over the role as father to her kids, spend money trying to help out the extended family or entire village, get overcharged on sinsot etc. and then end up losing the lot and being very bitter about the situation. 

    Obviously the wrong marriage partner. Finding a wife in a hooker bar would be like buying a second hand car from a hire car company, thrashed by hundreds of people with worn out parts and dodgy wiring and too many miles on the clock.


    An all to common occurrence in Thailand. Amazing how many fall for it. 


    I don't remember saying marry a prostitute in my post, I suppose it depends in which circles you move around in, I can only speak for myself and have been married here for 28 years without any problems, my wife was a secretary at a school up country although I met her in Pattaya while she was visiting her brother so your comments are way off the mark IMO.

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  3. 18 hours ago, webfact said:

    The subcommittee of the Covid-19 Situation Administration (CCSA) on Monday reportedly discussed extension of the emergency decree nationwide by another month.


    18 hours ago, webfact said:

    It is expected to also discuss the reduction of quarantine period for foreign visitors to 10 days from the current 14 days.

    How can you agree to extend the emergency decree and reduce the quarantine period? it makes no sense there again nothing this government does makes any sense .............LOL

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  4. 5 hours ago, webfact said:


    The Agriculture and Cooperatives Ministry has announced its 2000-2021 drought-risk-management (DRM) plan in a bid to prevent a repeat of the severe water shortages that hit farmers earlier this year.

    Send a copy to the Chinese to see if this fits in with their plans for water regulation ................LOL

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  5. 2 minutes ago, mrbojangles said:


    I saw on SkyNews yesterday a logistics company who transport medicine amongst other things, talking about this. Apparently they ship many things around at this temp in dry ice, which has a temperature of about -80. He said obviously they haven't shipped at this volume before but didn't see it being a big issue

    Sky news also admitted that not many hospitals had the required facilities to store at this low temperature

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