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Everything posted by Swiss1960

  1. It really must be a bliss to be so ignorant... I was head IT Security for a Swiss financial institute and we had to follow hundreds of pages of security requirements for mobile app development in order to keep them secure and certified... and we did not do it for fun. Here are the Top Mobile Security threats according to Kapersky Lab (I could have taken any other provider): Data Leakage Unsecured Wi-Fi Network Spoofing Phishing Attacks Spyware Broken Cryptography Improper Session handling. And for you question: My phone was infected as many times as my Windows laptop: Never, because I follow the basic security precautions on all devices, mainly: using Malware detection on every device with regular scans no downloads and installations from untrusted sources using VPN for any interaction involving sensitive PII no clicking on links, unless from people I trust using secure passwords and where possible multi-factor authentication keeping my devices and apps up-to-date no jailbreaking or rooting of the mobile phone But hey, it's not my money or information that get stolen, if others are ignorant as you...
  2. What a BS answer... you really think that mobile security providers didn't realise that? Scanners for phones are of course specialised for that purpose and therefore different from the PC product, no matter the brand. My subscription from McAfee provides versions for Windows, Mac, Android and iOS, and so will Kapersky. @Speedo1968: can I ask, why you want to install from CD?
  3. Well, if you need advice for such a situation, then maybe you haven't got it anymore, even if you could...
  4. So you engage with a sex worker and refuse to pay? Well, you'll have it coming...
  5. Swiss1960


    You can't. You must use the "General Topics" site
  6. Deleted
  7. As per my long answer: Thai govt hospitals ARE significantly cheaper than private hospitals, BUT you could as well register with your passport, has nothing to do with the pink ID card
  8. yes, that is EXACTLY what I am saying. I have the yellow house book and the pink ID card. The card does NOT give you access to the health care system in the way the Thai 30 Baht scheme does or in the way the social security system does, if you are working and paying taxes. The only financial benefit it gives you is that in SOME (but not all) Thai attractions, you can get around the dual pricing scheme, but that is about it. "Cheaper" with regards to the health care system means, you have to go to the government hospital, where registering with your pink ID card will be a bit faster, BUT will NOT give you any discount on the prices they charge. The prices in the government hospitals are lower than in private hospitals, but that has nothing to do with the pink ID card, you could as well register with your passport and get the exact same price. The ID is useful for registration purposes, i.e. in banks, for certain apps, even in hotels and on domestic flights, and it helps create some "respect" in traffic stops, if you show it together with a valid drivers license, but that is about it. The pink ID does not even have a chip to read it in, and I have never seen anybody using a mag stripe reader with it, so I don*t even know, if the data on the mag stripe is worth anything.
  9. Nope, your pink Thai ID does NOT give you ANY free perks, specifically not in the health area.
  10. Rule 1: Turn left on red IS ALLOWED, when there is a sign saying so. HOWEVER, you have no right of way in that situation, you turn at your own risk. Rule 2: Red lights at pedestrian crossings - as in your picture - must be followed, the taxi is clearly in violation of the law. Rule 3: The leftmost lane, if clearly separated from the other lanes, can go through red lights, IF there is no intersection for turning left, so there will be no traffic crossing through your lane (kind of a T-junction coming from the right side). HOWEVER, you have no right of way in that situation, you drive through at your own risk. MAIN RULE 1: No enforcement of traffic rules means, that everybody drives as he/she sees fit. I often drive early morning, and red lights seem to be ignored by a majority of the road users. If they don't see nothing, they drive. Motorbikes are worse than cars. MAIN RULE 2: Even when you have a green light, you drive through at your own risk, you never know what/who is still driving through their red light (see main rule 1). There is a reason why careful drivers wait for 5 seconds, until they start driving on the light turning green...
  11. Bye bye, don't let the door hit your butt. You are obviously not fit for Thailand / have never bothered to understand the country and the people you were coming to visit / work with.
  12. With 5K per day, you can stay pretty much everywhere
  13. Looks like a 2 or 3 component filter to me, and pretty old at that too. I have such a filter (a modern one), it gets backwashed monthly, and the filter materials get replaced annually.
  14. "Emergency" for me means keeping the fridge(s), few lights, wifi, water pump and security system running, but definitely no AC, pool pump, washing machine etc. That would reduce output needed and cost considerably
  15. Whatever filter, without maintenance, it will likely be clogged and completely ineffective
  16. This morning, Swampy immigration, no TM6 (I asked in plane, they don't have them anymore), should save time, right? WRONG!!! First of all, don't throw away your boarding card, now immigration wants to see it. Then you get asked where you live, you have to write the address down on your boarding card (above your name), THEN the boarding card gets scanned in, while you scan your fingers (4 right, 4 left, 2 thumbs) and have your pic taken. Overall process is LONGER! You have to write down almost all the information previous on TM6 on your boarding card or on a piece of paper, most people don't have a pen or don't find their boarding card no more...
  17. Always ever Indians, never other nationalities...
  18. Easy... stop the Indians wearing gold stuff for insurance cheats...
  19. If they don't like the laws, they can at anytime move to any of the Islamic countries... or to Texas, which is about as homophobic and misogynistic as this bunch
  20. So they will officialize what is already happening in the city: The majority of tourists (99% of the tourists from India and 50% of the tourists from other countries) are not wearing a mask already now. Yesterday, the Starbucks on beach road outside Central festival did deny entry to at least 15 tourists from India in the span of 5 minutes (while I was waiting for my coffee), none of them either willing to wearing or even having a mask. And oh... I am waiting to see the Pattaya police with weight scales on beach road to check the wait (and age) of every single person without mask...
  21. Everybody is cutting their losses, including - or starting with??? - the companies who built these Ponzi schemes...
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