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Everything posted by Swiss1960

  1. I wasn't aware that this is news... just an excuse to dig up more streets and fill some peoples' pockets through the construction of never working pipes
  2. B & B ( no, not Bed and Breafast, but Brexit and Boris...) is all that is to say...
  3. With a US passport, you will most likely not be able to sponsor a Visa, as the "issue" for the Schengen immigration will be your lack of accessible assets to block in case, the Visa applicant decides to "run". I know for a fact, that German Visa sponsors must guarantee 50K EUR, and the guarantee remains in place for 5 years!
  4. Business!!! The TM6 was for free, so no benefit, only work. Re-entry permits is good and easy money.
  5. 1. Talk to a lawyer. 2. You posting her pic here ir anywhere else without her consent is illegal under the new Thai data privacy act and will land YOU in trouble.
  6. Do they get the money also, when they report themselves for using and dealing? In Bangkok, specially at night time, it is scary how stoned some of these mototaxy drivers are...
  7. I live for the future and not in the past
  8. Yes, surprisingly low number
  9. Sounds like you have a very special sitting preference ????
  10. Yes, its closed since very long time. BUT look up Vespresso (same area, opposite Tara Pattana school), the Ticino owner's son has started this after the closure of Ticino and is running it with equal quality. I switched from Ticino to there, never a single complaint.
  11. That is probably the most positive message I ever heard about from a Thai politician!
  12. You are unfortunately very wrong on many levels: 1. You can't get permanent residency just by being married to a Thai husband. People can only apply for permanent residency, if they fulfill certain conditions, like having worked and paid taxes for at least 3 years, but if you hold a non-immigration Visa (non-O or non-OA with extensions), then you do not qualify. 2. The yellow book (and the pink Thai-ID-card for foreigners) are related to where you live permanently. In order to get a yellow book, the Housemaster of the place where you live (the housemaster is the person on the first page in the blue book of the residency) must agree with that, and then of course, there are other conditions that must be met. Yellow book and pink ID card both have nothing to do with being married or not. 3. The yellow house book and the pink ID card both have nothing to do with your visa status / permission to stay in Thailand. Even if you have a yellow house book, if you don't fulfill the conditions for an extension of stay (i.e. the financial conditions for a retirement or marriage extension), then you would be denied the next extension and - yes - would be ordered to leave the country. 4. No, being married by itself does NOT give you a path to citizenship. There are again other conditions, like having worked and paid taxes, that must be met before you can apply for citizenship. 5. Every foreigner - man of woman - who is married to a Thai, has to make sure that in the case of death (or divorce) from his/her partner, he/she has an alternative way to ask immigration for a new type of visa, i.e. retirement, Elite Visa etc. There is no such thing as a widow/widower certificate to continue applying for marriage extensions. And that is actually where you are right. If you apply for a retirement visa, then you definitely have one thing less to worry about, should your husband die. You still can get a yellow house book, if the housemaster of your residency agrees to that. And you are right, with a retirement visa, you can not apply to residency status or citizenship, but - see above - neither can you do this with a marriage visa alone.
  13. You are wrong, @roobaa01, the only "fixed" thing about your account is the interest rate you get, if you don't touch the money before the end of the term. You could however withdraw anytime (loosing interest) and therefore going under the required 400K. Your fixed deposit account will therefore be treated by immigration as a standard deposit account, so you need an updated bank book (best with an additional deposit of 1K at the day of getting the update), and the letter from your bank stating that the money was always there.
  14. Yes, because nobody cooks my favourite food as good as I do - and it's much cheaper than always go to eat my food in restaurants. Thai food however is cooked by my wife for me.
  15. Thais change their surnames for lots of reasons, including hope for better luck, so the Thai system is well capable of handling it. Immigration can handle passport changes in-country (I.e. renewals), but I doubt they can do it at the point of entry, even if the name is the same. I strongly suggest to do the change while in Thailand, get a letter / entry in the old passport, that refer the old and new passports, and of course an official document confirming your name change. Than go to immigration and move your stamps.
  16. Of course depends on the data plan you have. Google play might be the culprit, when it updates apps, or an antivirus app updating malware signatures.
  17. Tightening up licences? We know why this will NEVER EVER going to happen. Short public outrage, back to standard procedures in a week or two
  18. Taking out a loan and pay interest on it does ONLY make sense if either you can't afford to pay cash OR if your money gives you more interest than you'll have to pay. Given the high interest rates in Thailand (15% or more) and the current investment climate, that seems highly unlikely, therefore your idea of getting motorbike on loan is either a desperate act or outright stupid
  19. Your card details - even if you have been very careful - could have been stolen at many points: any websites / online shops, where you did your shopping any processor of those websites / shops that process your transactions any POS / payment terminal where you put your card inside (including ATMs) the banks of the merchants (sellers) where you used your goods Your own bank where your card data is handled (yes, fraudsters also exist in banks) Any piece of paper where your full card details are printed on (should not happen anymore, but...) Your phone / computer could have a malicious scanner / virus on it to collect your card data, if you use/store them there One of the apps on your phone, where you use your card data is corrupt / hacked I have been working for a credit card company as head of IT security, I have seen all of the above. You think that big companies should know how to protect data, but... read this article to learn about some of the biggest frauds
  20. Swiss1960

    Eye Test.

    Rutnin Eye Hospital on Bangkok is what I use for a serious general examination by doctors, including new prescriptions. Staff in those optical shops, well, they can operate the two machines to make prescriptions, but that is it.
  21. Transam is absoluty correct, the loan contact must be registered against the change in the land office. Whether the borrower or the lender can use the land during the payback time is to be decided in the contract and will likely influence the interest rate to be paid.
  22. Looks like the OP responded on a phishing message...
  23. Did you get checked for HPV yourself? As men can also get it, if they "tinder boom boom" too much, the jury would still be out, whether you gave it to her or vice versa, if you get tested positive... Other than that... the only right thing to do is help her treat what ever symptoms she has, so that she can take care of you and your kid. After all, you most probably knew about her profession and still decided to go "all in" with unprotected sex and having a child with her...
  24. You should be looking for a tailor workshop that does stuff for schools... like my SIL does in Bangkok. Maybe go around visit school uniform suppliers and ask, where they get their stuff from
  25. Ah, so now you agree with me that installing anti malware solutions on the mobile phone - first point on my list - is a good thing, because it is common sense... glad I convince you ????
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