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Posts posted by Swiss1960

  1. 2 minutes ago, GrandPapillon said:

    To the OP,


    if you have Win7, you are eligible to a free Win10 upgrade, just download the "Upgrade to Windows 10" thing on MS website


    make sure to clear up at least 10GB or more on your C Drive


    once done, and after a few hours, you will have the options to upgrade to Win11 free


    personally Win10 is much better than Win7, so you will be better off at the end

    It does not matter, whether somebody likes W7 better or less than W10. The point is that W7 is not supported anymore and therefore, a person using W7 is endangering their own data. 


    Second, depending on how old the computer is that the OP is currently using, an upgrade to W10 might crash his computer or make it SOOOOO slow, that he will regret the time he invested to cleanup and upgrade the old machine, specially, if the old computer does not have an SSD for the OS (which I recommend to everybody nowadays, SSD is not expensive anymore). 

  2. @davemax49 I used this lab before and was satisfied, but as mentioned above, they only test fluids / swabs, not sure about stool examination. 


    A "check-up" in my opinion includes more things like ECG (heart) with or without exercise, X-ray (lungs), ultrasounds (liver hardening, kidney or gallbladder stones, enlarged prostate etc), which could be early indicators of problems that pure fluid / swab tests will not pick up.


    That said... whether a full checkup is required / recommended depends on many other factors like your age, your current health status, health issues in family etc. Many hospitals offer packages that include all of above, you just need go shopping around, sometimes you find huge discounts where a package offers more and can even be cheaper than individual testing in a lab.

  3. Most insurances offer (or impose) country and/or time specific limitations for coverage. My own Cigna health insurance (bought in Thailand) offers 3 options: Asia (excluding China, Hong Kong, Singapore), Worldwide excluding USA and Worldwide. For all not covered countries, emergency treatment is covered for up to 180 days per annum, which is similar to a travel insurance. 

    Details for all insurances (not only health) lay in the T&C 

    • Like 1
  4. Legally, you will be working and you need a work permit. As you will be here on a marriage extension, you can get a work permit

    - when you create your own company with enough employees, turnover etc (seems unrealistic in your case)

    - find a company who will offer you a workspace and a work visa for a share of your profit (there are quite a few such companies doing business in Thailand)


    There is a lot of talk about he "Smart Visa" for digital nomads with reduced taxes, BUT... you need a certain income from you work (which you will probably not have) AND it is a B-visa limited to 4 years (at least that is the latest I heard).


    I would guess that there are a lot of people who are (illegally) working online in Thailand. The authorities will not care about them / not find them, as long as 

    - the work they do is completely for companies outside Thailand

    - the salary/remuneration is paid to an account outside Thailand and transferred into Thailand from an account in your name

    - no Thai could do this work, so you are not taking anybody's job away

    - they are quiet about what they do.


    From your description, you will probably fall into this category.

    • Thanks 1
  5. 3 hours ago, SCOTT FITZGERSLD said:

    they give the world a discount. don't you get it? millions of people all over the world


    BUT seriously, i want to ask for how long the insurance has to be valid?

    say i have a non-O visa for another 8 months, but also carry a passport that allow

    me visa exempt. can i buy insurance only for , say, 30 days, or will the thai embassy / computer/ IO will tell me: NO YOU MUST HAVE INSURANCE FOR 9 MONTHS ??

    Your problem would not be the insurance, but the loss of the non-O visa... you left the country and got stamped out with a re-entry permit. You enter the country with another passport on a visa exempt, therefore you do not have a re-entry stamp on your non-O visa and therefore, this visa is not valid. You will save few bucks on the insurance, but lose your visa.

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