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Posts posted by Swiss1960

  1. 2 hours ago, In Full Agreement said:


    Starting a post with words like this isn't likely to make you any new friends.



    1) The notion that somebody might try to make friends on a public and anonymous forum makes me ROFL

    2) I have never been and will never be intimidated by or a member of the dictatorship of political correct language

    • Confused 1
    • Sad 1
  2. Normally, they accept renewal requests one month beforehand. So if you enter end of October for 4 weeks, that would give you a leave date around the w/c 25th November. Therefore, you could apply for the 1y extension (assuming it is a retirement extension) on or after 19th November and get the new extension (and by a new re-entry permit) before you have to leave the country. That is in my view the way to go.

    • Like 1
  3. The only thing the OP seems to "know" about Pattaya is Walking Street - and probably all the 6.x and 13.x sois - and only during nighttime. If you then are drunk yourself and run into other alcoholics (Thai or foreigner does'nt matter), it is the recipe for problems. OP better stays home.

    • Like 1
  4. I understand your frustration, OP, about the permanent changes to everything Thailand and Covid. The same is true for us "locals", be this for sale of alcohol (from shops or in restaurants), opening hours and curfews, cinemas, waterparks, not to speak about vaccination opportunities for Thais and foreigners alike.


    That said... I understand the "Sandbox" concept for an island, where there are limited ingress and egress points that can be controlled. I have yet to understand, how they want to do such a thing for Pattaya with literally thousands of roads in and out? Do they want to imprison Pattaya center and Jomtien as they did before with (limited) success? But then what to do with locals travelling in and out for work, shopping etc? But then I think, nobody in the whole government did think about this also. 

    • Like 2
  5. 7 hours ago, bbabythai said:

    You are exactly the reason why I would NEVER buy in a gated community. You think you are living in Switzerland with your self entitled attitude. This is Thailand NOT switzerland...

    This is not about a country, but about being a responsible neighbor. By allowing trash, rodents and termites in their garden, they endangered all the homes around. If you live in the boonies and far away from other houses, then up to you how you want to live. But if you invest in a gated community, there are written rules about various things that you have to obey to. If you break the rules, you will have the consequences coming.


    Imagine you live in an apartment... your neighbor smokes and grills on his balcony and the smoke comes into your apartment. Your neighbor has mold in his apartment and it starts to creep through the wall into your apartment. How fast would you call the juristic committee for help, if your personal talks did lead nowhere? 

    • Like 1
  6. The English is not really good, but basically, the consulate rejected your initial offer, as they wanted to give you the chance to change your SHA booking and reduce the number of nights to 7/10 instead of 15. Read again their full text "Good news!! FYI, from October 1st, 2021 onwards, the traveler who is going to Thailand with fully vaccinated will be quarantined only 7 nights, but for the traveler who unvaccinated will be quarantined at AQ hotel for 10 nights. If you are thinking that you still have time to change your hotel booking pls change,

    Actually an almost unheard of proactive effort of a consulate to help you save money on SHA costs

    • Thanks 2
  7. Well, on a serious note: from what I read, this is not just some glitch caused by an update of a router gone wrong, this seems to be serious, affecting the company worldwide, despite the various datacenters they have for backup. 

    So the two things that come to my mind:

    1. If it can hit a company like Facebook with thousands of security and other system engineers, it can hit ANY company. Just gone through my bookmark list and found quite a few companies that when going offline, would have a huge impact on my life.
    2. During such an outage, we all have NO IDEA about the safety and security of our data. That is why as soon as FB, Instagram and WhatsApp are back online, I will change the passwords and force my family to do the same. 

    I would guess that the smugness in the face of Zuckerberg is crumpling by now... first the leaking of all his documents and now this... funny to see twitter messages flying around with messages like "TikTok is working".. "Twitter does not have problems" and so on. 

    Unfortunately, 2 days after the service is restored, the majority of users will have forgotten it, and only the politicians will go on fussing about it like they had any idea to start with...

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