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Posts posted by Swiss1960

  1. Never had to deal with this myself, but since it is a pretty common problem in humanity, I would guess any doctor i.e. in Memorial hospital would be qualified to deal with it. If you want to spend more, go to Bangkok hospital Pattaya

  2. 21 hours ago, Doctor Tom said:

    flying ability would be a bigger one. 

    Yep, but you have to see the positive side... this is THE chance of Thailand to not only keep the first place in road accidents and deaths worldwide, but gain another first place in the number of annual air accident deaths worldwide... 

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  3. 4 minutes ago, mattk1 said:

    Swiss1960, you say the flaws are obvious but really they aren't ????


    Then in your second paragraph you say "At that time, your kids would be on their own, need their own visas etc". Well according to immigration, that's the status they are now LOL.. They have to have a visa NOW, even as Thai kids with renewed THAI passports. Can't you see how stupid that is?


    Then you mention my kids not needing to work, how do you know anything about their situation? For all you know, at age 18 they could be inheriting millions ????


    Anyway thanks for your input buddy ????



    If you can't see the flaws, then for your kids, I hope that they earned their mental capabilities from their mother... 

    Next flaw: Even though they need a Visa / extension, they are not "on their own", their Visa is depending on yours...


    Dream on about your kids future, up to you


    But you don't want to hear, you can't comprehend intelligent and valid arguments (from all the people who tried to give you input) and like to be such a smug boy and always right, so you have earned a slot on my ignore list, my boy

    • Haha 1
  4. 6 hours ago, mattk1 said:

    They would be in Thailand classed as foreigners just like us. That's the whole idea buddy.


    They won't need to work 

    The flaws in your thinking are obvious... 


    Your kids are now 9 and 7 according to your post... but you are discussing a situation in between 10 and 20 years in the future, when your kids will be in the age where conscription can happen (normally 21, but anytime between 18 and 29, if i.e. they were out of country when they were 21). At that time, your kids would be on their own, need their own visas etc.


    And in your previous post, you write that you don't even have the money for a UK quarantine... now you want to make us believe, that you kids, once they reach conscription age, still don't need to work? Pretty unbelievable, right?


    You better start thinking this situation over again and not take decisions that in 10 years from now are fully the responsibility of your kids. You don`t even know where they will want to live by then...


    And btw I am not your buddy.

    • Haha 1
  5. 8 hours ago, Carrbhoy said:

    I think Mor Chana app is specific to the 'sandbox' schemes - I'm doing ASQ in Bangkok so, as far as I'm aware, the correct App for me is the ThailandPlus. Hopefully it will be fixed by then! Thanks for replying.


    The print out of the COE is your alternative solution, if the Thailand Plus app does not work. However, when I arrived in Thailand (end of July), nobody even asked about the app, they wanted to see was papers, papers, paper sand more papers...

  6. 5 hours ago, Peterw42 said:

    Depends, are you buying the house from the company or changing who owns the company.

    Changing the company directors doesn't involve the land office so no transfer fees and taxes.


    A straight house purchase from a company has the usual 2-3% transfer and taxes, usually shared between buyer and seller, and a 3% business tax paid by the seller


    Correct. In the second case however, the seller will then sit on an empty shelf company, for which he still has to pay annual taxes, or dissolve it (not cheap) or sell it to somebody else. The seller might not want to sit on these costs while having to share the land office taxes with the buyer (well... I would not want to do that), so this scenario might bring some discussion with it.

  7. 36 minutes ago, new2here said:

    i was at BangSue on Tuesday, and i asked this question…. “how can i import vaccine data from jab received abroad into the MP system?”


    The answer i got was that it is not possible to import data into MP from external sources. The MP platform only aggregates jab data from domestic sources like Central vaccination center, Thai Ruamjai and other similar programs.  


    My guess - a guess only - is that you won’t get able to do so.. only because to do means that the RTG would then effectively assuming some liability for the legitimacy of data, that they can’t really verify independently. Now, perhaps if more countries went to an all “E-certificate” system, then it might be able to have one common platform- but as at now, you can’t 

    The same issue is of course true vice versa... if somebody vaccinated in Thailand wants to import the data into an app from their home country for travel - not possible.


    All you can do is use your home country app (or a paper copy of your certificate) and hope that the person checking it is intelligent enough to check (and read) what they see

  8. 1) it is not a "exit/return form from my local immigration office", it is a re-entry stamp in your passport

    2) You have to go through the full COE process, no matter how long you stay outside of the country.

    3) You have two option for the quarantine: a Sandbox (currently only Phuket available) quarantine or a ASQ quarantine. 

    4) Both options require the same paperwork, except the vaccination certificate that you only need for the sandbox. Yellow book, Pink ID card are completely irrelevant. 


    As Sheryl said: read the website of the Thai Embassy, where you will apply for the COE to find out, what you need. You can apply for the COE (and even complete the COE) while you are still in Thailand. That is what I did, and since you only want to stay outside for one week, I strongly suggest to start the process in advance to be sure you get the COE in time. I had all the necessary papers (flight reservations, ASQ reservation, health insurance, passport copies including re-entry stamp) and applied and received the COE even before I left Thailand. The only thing I had to do abroad was organize the Covid PCR test

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