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Posts posted by Swiss1960

  1. 41 minutes ago, sqwakvfr said:

    Medical Certificate is for the Visa and the lab report for RT-PCR test are two different documents.  The medical certificate is for the issuance of the Visa.  The RT-PCR test result is required at airline check-in once the OOE has been issued.  Look item #2 on n the response from the LA Consulate.  

    Plain wrong! the requirement in section 1.3, as posted by @docinbangkok, is the result of the Covid-19 PCR test. They call it "medical certificate" because it will be stamped by a healthcare provider, i.e. hospital.

    Previously, there was the requirement for a "fit-to-fly", but that was scrapped at the end of April already. 


    @docinbangkok: There is a NEW document called "T8" which must be filled out and given to the immigration officer upon arrival, best to prepare that one in advance and also download the app that you will need to feed the COE-code and the COE-letter-code into. 



    • Like 2
  2. 12 minutes ago, Tony125 said:

    Well ;since you have confirmation of appointment  and would most likely be given Atrazeneca  why not cancel the expensive trip and go get your shot  here?

    because I had every thing arranged in Switzerland before I got the confirmed appointment here, and that "everything" includes lots of meetings with family and friends which I have not seen for 2 years. 

    • Like 1
  3. Heavy rains here in Nongprue, the water level in my pool went up by 5-6 cm... so I guess all roads down to Pats were flooded last night.

  4. 7 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    It's not that it can't be done. It's that they don't want to do it. 

    Remember sticks and carrots... China offered a LOT of carrots, AND they have a pretty big stick if needed... the US of A would be in a similar situation (if they would want to), but all the small countries that have expats here have no such stick, not even too many carrots...

  5. 9 minutes ago, sapson said:

    So with a pink id card and a morom app you can get a shot of Astra Zenneca if you are in Pattaya.


    However if you are in Khon Kaen where two have sadly died today from covid and you are over 60 and have a few other high risk ailments and you dont have either an app or a pink id card and cannot register with Intervac ..............how do you get a vaccine without waiting to October to pay the 4k at a private hospital?


    Can you simply turn up at the hospital in the newly opened covid free sandbox Pattaya and as a farang get a vaccine?

    The Mor Phrom app with the pink ID card is not an option anymore, unfortunately. 

    There is not sandbox model for Pattaya at this time and there can not be one for quite some time, as vaccination is only now starting in earnest.
    The latest I heard out of Pattaya City Hall (my lawyer goes there frequently) is that Chonburi province is preparing the registration process for foreigners and it should be coming soon... but this is just hearsay, no proof.

  6. 15 minutes ago, Excel said:


    Sorry that is total BS. The PM as you well know made a statement last year that all residents Thais or Foreigners would receive vaccinations. So now you must be claiming you didn't belive him then and you decided to go back to Switzerland but for everybody else they should believe him now based on his latest statement. Stinks of double standards and hypocrisy to me so how do you now justify your stance ?

    I don't have to justify nothing. 
    But I will explain to you, what I think is different. For months - up to the end of May this year - the government flip-flopped around, i.e. with restaurants and alcohol, and had all their chips on the royal company and the Chinese brothers, and the main goal was zero cases, as if this could eliminate the problem for Thailand. At that time, the daily mantra was "we have everything under control".


    Since June, they very obviously realize that this is not going to work. They finally agree that they NEED to purchase vaccines from everybody who can deliver (i.e. the Moderna route they take now), they finally realize that they need help in vaccinating, i.e. allowing the Thonburi group or currently the Pattaya memorial to order and sell vaccines... AND the PM admits that a huge vaccination effort is needed for a swift opening up in October, as otherwise the country will go down even more and people are going to starve to death due to lack of work and money. Even two months ago, such statements were unthinkable, but not reality has catched up with the PM. Admitting that NOT everything is under control is a HUGE admission for this PM


    Edit to add: There is even a royally led University that publicly admonished the government when they said that they are going to buy vaccines from abroad around the government.  A PM can't get his a$$ kicked harder I think. 

  7. An hour ago, I got a call from the Banglamung health department that my vaccination date is CONFIRMED  and that I could come to get my first shot of Astra Zeneca on the 21th! So I guess that Pattaya/Banglamung are really serious about going forward with vaccinating everybody, no matter Thai or foreigner. I registered the date through the Mor Prom app on the first day it was published through my pink ID card. I did not get any feedback until this morning.


    The person on the phone was then of course very sad when I had to tell him, that I am travelling to Switzerland to get my Moderna shot and therefore have to cancel my appointment... maybe I just ruined a photo-op

    Kudos, ???? Pattaya / Banglamung / Pattaya City hospital for a very positive surprise this morning, even though I don't need anymore.

    • Like 1
  8. 22 hours ago, Scouse123 said:

    I have Covid insurance to $100,000.


    I have extension based on Non-O.


    i have correct medical cover for hospital at 5 million with Pacific Cross.


    So, are we saying at TVF that I don't need this 40/400K nonsense if I go to UK and then apply for a COE for re-entry.?

    No, you do NOT need the 40K/400K insurance. The document from pacific cross should take care of that. 

    You actually do not even need the special Covid insurance. My insurance (Cigna Global) confirmed in a special letter that I have an insurance in the excess of 35 Million Baht which includes coverage for Covid issues. This is the only document I uploaded for the COE and I was approved within less than 24 hours. The letter btw did not even mention anything about inpatient/outpatient, just coverage period, Covid inclusion and coverage amount.

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  9. The "normal" health insurance showing 40K Baht outpatient / 400K Baht inpatient is only needed for holders of a Non-Imm-O-A-Visa. For the COE, everybody needs a Covid-coverage of min. 100K USD. And yes, the Covid insurance should cover your full stay in Thailand - which for a extension holder with re-entry permit is the end of the current extension.

    That said.. you can combine it. I just applied for the COE with my standard health insurance with a letter from the insurance company confirming that I am covered for Covid-related problems for 35 Mio THB (roughly 1 Mio USD) and it was accepted within less than 24 hours.

  10. @ISTJ You write "If i wasn't to get the STV and just arrived in Phuket with the sandbox program": Are you thinking of a Visa Exempt entry, when you write this? 


    While of course in theory you are entitled to a Visa exempt as a Swiss citizen, I think you will not be able to get the COE that you need to enter, if you can NOT show a valid Visa or Re-Entry permit. I just received my COE from the Thai Embassy in Bern and the requirements are pretty clear: Upload your Visa or Re-Entry permit OR apply for one beforehand.

  11. 4 hours ago, Sheryl said:


    I think antivirals not antibiotics, that is what is used for shingles.


    The scalp neuralgia may also be due to the shingles even though no lesions there. (herpetic neuralgia)

    Hi @Sheryl Yes, I stand corrected, antivirals it is. Now I try to figure out, why I have also been given a quite high dose of a corticosteroid (prednisolone, 3x10mg per day)... from what I read (nhs.uk), side effects seem to be very high...

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