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Posts posted by Swiss1960

  1. On 6/6/2021 at 12:36 PM, Sheryl said:

    From what you describe this is not a headache at all but rather pain on the scalp area when the scalp is pulled, which suggests some sort of localized lesion such as follicultitis (inflammation of hair follicle). Which may also be what you have under your arm.



    Thanks to all for their ideas and advice and reading material


    @Sheryl: was in hospital today, diagnosed with shingles (herpes zoster) under the arm and with "right occipital neuralgia" (for laypeople like me a nerve inflammation causing pain)on the scalp, treatment with anti-biotics, actually the same for both problems plus some additional creams and pills (pain killers if needed). 

    • Thanks 1
  2. Wife tried several hospitals and several doctors in Pattaya for her menstruation pains, with no luck. Brought her to Bumrungrad in BKK and the doctor we got assigned was able to help a d explain in first meeting, no talks about "have to take out all" etc. Can't remember the doc's name, but Bumrungrad is known for good internal specialists. 

    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, Sheryl said:

    From what you describe this is not a headache at all but rather pain on the scalp area when the scalp is pulled, which suggests some sort of localized lesion such as follicultitis (inflammation of hair follicle). Which may also be what you have under your arm.



    Thanks Sheryl. Would expain few things, specially why I got it few days after being at the hair dresser (barber's itch...). thing is that I don't see or feel any inflammation on the skin (bumps etc), which internet says normally come with folliculitis. Skin looks completely normal.

    For the arm pit, the pharmacy gave me an antifungal, anti-inflammatory cream to use. Will see how that works out. 

  4. 1 minute ago, mvdf said:

    I experienced the same searing long-term headaches earlier this year. Tried various OTC meds, including ibuprofen and paracetamol with codeine. Had long hot showers (suggested by a friend). The headaches would come and go despite all these measures. A doctor back home in Europe suggested it could be tension headaches because it hurts in the neck area when I move my head right and left. I also noticed it would start in the morning (as if it was there all along while I slept) and last most of the day. I adjusted my sleeping posture and bought an orthopaedic mattress. The pain disappeared after a few weeks. I do still get them but no longer as intense as before. 


    Yours could be a posture issue but then again, I'm no authority in medical matters. I suggest consulting a doctor. Headaches might be indicative of an underlying (more serious) issue.

    Thanks for sharing your experience. Doctor is definitely on my agenda next week. As I said, the pain is very time-limited only when I touch / move the scalp, nothing long term, disappears seconds later when I take my hand away. I do know about tension headaches, I used lot of Ponstan for that, but as you, a new pillow and regular exercise for the neck eliminated those. 

  5. 22 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

    Do you have any bumps on your head or back of the upper neck area.  I had the same when I had shingles.  Getting my hand anywhere near my head or scalp seemed to set it off.

    I currently have a skin infection under my left arm pit, probably from sweating too much. But not sure whether that would be qualified as "shingles"? Nothing in the head/neck area though. As I said, I can touch my head/scalp without pain, as long as I do not move my hand.

  6. First, of course I will go to see a doctor, but I am not sure, what kind of to ask from, so I would like to ask people with experience, if they ever encountered something like this. For days now, I get stabbing headaches, when I stretch my scalp, i.e. for washing my hair or scratching. As soon as I stop washing/scratching, the pain is gone. This only happens, when I "stretch" or move the skin on the right side of the head or forehead, so a very limited area. Left side completely normal. Also, when I just touch the skin (even when I tap it) with a finger without moving, there is no pain. When I don't stretch my scalp, I have NO pain, my vision is completely normal and I can read /drive car for hours without issues. Skin looks completely normal. So again, pain ONLY comes when I "stretch" the skin during washing the hair or when I scratch when I have some itching (normal itching, nothing special or excessive). the only thing I found in the net about such pains would be a Periosteum inflammation (Periostitis), but never heard about this to be on the skull...


    Any ideas? 

  7. 4 hours ago, asiam110 said:

    So from above, it seems probable a CoE will be required for July, I guess expected, don't want a flood of tourists, and have to rely on airline, immigration officers, and a number of PCR tests to make Phuket safe, got to get embassy staff to check a PDF, and issue another PDF.. 


    Onto my question, is a CoE likely to be required after the state of emergency? traveling August for example? It is a lot of extra work dealing with embassies, and especially if you have to take the ridiculously priced Thai originated covid only insurance where your own medical insurance is more than sufficient. Waited this long so prepared to move it out another month if it avoids all the headaches

    At present, nobody can answer your question, because nobody knows, whether or not the state of emergency will be renewed for another 2 months or not and how many times this will happen. Given the current vaccination status in Thailand (or the lack thereof), it seems safe to assume that 2021 will end with most restrictions in place and the state of emergency not lifted before October or November. 

    • Like 2
  8. @jakestevernson I am still using the same account I opened before moving to Thailand, which is on amazon.de. I have changed my address and my phone number to my Thai details, and about a year or two ago, I also changed my payment method to my Thai VISA credit card. Absolutely no problem ordering books, paying for them and downloading to my Kindle eReader, both through the website or the app. I never applied/paid for Kindle Unlimited, I am buying book by book with 1-click.

  9. 2 hours ago, colinneil said:

    Cheapest/easiest way to get rid of ants, dog tick/flea powder, twenty five baht from Lazada, works a treat.

    Just seen a load of ants around the table, spread a bit of tick powder 10 minutes all dead.

    but with the powder, you seem to kill them on the spot... while with the gel, they take it back to the nest to feed all others too...

  10. 2 hours ago, possum1931 said:

    I don't understand about ant trails and where they enter or leave, I just don't have the inclination to study or follow them, I see them running around in my kitchen, gathering inside my kettle with some of them drowned, I just keep killing them all the time. I have just accepted that it is all I can do.

    Spraying a mix of vinegar and water may help, but not when they keep gathering in my kettle.

    With the Bayer gel, you don't need to understand anything about trails and such. When you see ants on the floor, put some drops of the gel where they walk (2 or more, no matter come or go), preferably near a wall so that yo don't step on the gel, the ants nearby will smell it, try it, alert their compadres to come for a meal and take it back to the nest where they kill all their brethren, unborn, kings & queens (what ever they have) and you won't see them again after few hours, then you clean up the drop(s)

    • Thanks 1
  11. 1 minute ago, edogthong said:

    Right back at you! We will equally not care when you begin to suffer the side effects of your decision.

    the "side effects" of not getting vaccinated (meaning getting the virus) include, but are not limited to:
    - loosing taste and not getting it back
    - month-long suffering from the virus

    - ending in the ECR with a tube down your throat

    - die...

    I prefer the vaccination side-effects like short-time allergic reaction or headaches...

  12. 13 minutes ago, ukrules said:

    Oh yeah, 50k potentially infected pre-symptomatic prisoners being sent all over the country will really help to do one thing - increase the COVID numbers.


    Unless of course they're all isolation quarantined on the way out which is how a thinking man would implement such a mass release....what's the odds of that happening though?

    AND all 50'000 will be thoroughly scanned to ensure that they don't relapse once thrown out of the prison with no preparation...

    • Haha 2
  13. 38 minutes ago, Moonlover said:


    Your personal issue has nothing whatsoever to do with topic in hand, which is the legality of insisting upon employees accept a vaccine offered by the company.


    If you you feel that Sinovac doesn't suit you then you're free to seek an alterative. Personally though, I think your fears are unfounded and Sinovac will soon join the list of WHO approved vaccines.


    WHO Inches Closer to Approval of Chinese vaccine

    1) Your are right, my comment is only indirectly related to the legality question, but important for the decision process about risking the job or not... I think teachers in Thai schools will soon ALL face that dilemma, when the government decides to mandate vaccinations for teachers without offering alternativ vaccines. 
    2) WHO approval is irrelevant and - given the reputation of that body - I do not expect any country to say "if WHO approves it, we will do so also"... I need individual countries to accept the vaccines that will be put in my body, not the Chinese-driven WHO

    • Like 1
  14. 1 minute ago, mrbojangles said:


    I've required 3 letters from Immigration over the last few weeks and even thoughI write my address in English on the form when I pick the letter up they have translated it into Thai ???? Don't know if they would keep it in English if you ask nicely though. Got to be worth a try and the girl at counter 9 would probably tell you if she can or can't before you stump up the 300 baht

    As far as I remember, there is a "reason" box on the form... that is where I write "English language address certificate for XY government" or something similar. Never been refused in Jomtien

  15. 2 minutes ago, jacko45k said:

    It has never been on the list of documents they require of me.  Although you would expect it to fit their needs.  A few issues with Jomtiem/Chonburi.... the CORs are always in Thai when I have got them. They also seem very fussy about knowing why you need one, and in some cases ask for supporting paperwork. 

    Well, I did get a few certificates from Jomtien in the past years, and when you tell them you need them in English for purpose of "Address Verification for XY Government", they will do it. I have never been asked for additional paperwork, last time I needed one was in September last year. Just an idea for you, certainly cheaper and less time consuming than looking for a certified translator

    • Thanks 1
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