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Posts posted by Swiss1960

  1. Simple solution: the contract has to state that the cashiers cheque has to be issued in the name of xxx yyyy, this name probably is equal to the name of the sole (or one of the) director. The contract is signed by the company's director(s), with company stamp, number of signatories depending on the company's terms and documents. 

    This will give the buyer peace of mind, and it is not his concern anymore.

    • Like 2
  2. 31 minutes ago, Skeptic7 said:

    Perhaps this should be moved to the Farang Pub? 

    Perhaps this poll should be closed, because it is completely useless, the official figures are out there for everybody to see and everybody knows how to read Thai statistics...

    • Like 2
    • Confused 1
  3. 5 minutes ago, petedk said:


    Is that correct?

    Now I realise why someone I know passed away on Sunday after having Covid. He was eventually tested negative and moved to another ICU (after 6 or 7 weeks in Covid ICU) where he passed away after just 24 hours. Cause of death - inflammation of the lungs.

    400'000 Baht for each Covid-vaccination related death is the figure. So far, only 1 such payment has been acknowledged. And yes, so far all others who died after the vaccination would have died anyway because of their underlying conditions, even those, where the underlying conditions were yet to be developed...

    • Like 2
  4. 29 minutes ago, Harveyg said:

    Who is really running the show? Where do the conspiracies lie?

    The names of the countries change. The evidence remains more or less the same:



    REALLY???? You are quoting something, where Tucker Carlson is part of, the biggest conspiracy disseminator of all times??? Wow... 

    • Confused 1
    • Thanks 1
  5. 53 minutes ago, Awinkl said:

    I am flabbergasted by the bickering between the Excel Guy and your posts  - Both of you are lucky that you are ....."IN" LOS, while many, many People cannot get there to resume staying in our properties there - because NO travel is permitted from Oz.. We will have to wait probably until Mid 2022, until these travel restrictions are lifted ..... so just count your blessings - while we can only lament .....

    BTW, now that you are going to Switzerland for your shot of Moderna - what are your chances of getting back into LOS? Or are  you staying over in Switzerland for a while?

    Good Luck.

    I did not know about those restrictions for Australian people, sounds pretty harsh to me. But then, all governments worldwide have their issues dealing with this pandemic, some do it a little better, some a little worse.

    I will stay in Switzerland until I have my second dose, then I will return 3-4 days later. Returning to Thailand is absolutely easy, if you follow the rules... meaning having the right insurance, the right flights, the right ASQ booking and so on. Took me around 4-5 days all together (bookings and COE process, now I already have the COE even before flying to Switzerland. The only obstacle for returning would be, if I fail the PCR test in Switzerland before my PCR test OR if Thailand would impose new regulations.

    • Like 1
  6. 16 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

    It is not required for the COE.

    But it and the T8 form is required for entry on some embassy websites.

    This embassy webpage shows it under this heading.

    Checklist for the documents each passenger need to have for going to Thailand. They must present these to the airlines and the Thai authorities.


    Ok, thanks. The website of the Thai embassy in Bern, Switzerland does NOT mention that form. I'll probably download it just as well to be on the safe side.

  7. 51 minutes ago, Golden Triangle said:

    With all due respect, have you tried reading many of the threads that are available on the COVID-19 situation here in Thailand ? They are a source of vital information, go to the Corona virus forum for most of what you need to know.

    With all due respect, the Thaivisa website would be half empty, if questions would not be asked again based on existing threads... and with constantly evolving / changing situations like Covid restrictions, the answers MIGHT be found in the threads (or maybe not, as they are already outdated shortly after being posted), so the ONLY real sources of information about restrictions are official websites / facebook pages, be this if the Thai government or the various provincial governments.

    • Like 2
  8. 11 minutes ago, tonray said:

    Gyms closed, must wear mask or subject to fines. Restaurants restricted to 50% capacity if have AC otherwise can seat 100 %. No alcohol served in restaurants or bars. Many food courts closed with chairs and tables removed.

    Partially correct, partially wrong:
    - many restrictions depend on the province, BKK is still dark red, while Conburi (including Pattaya) is "only" red
    - mask wearing: correct, high fines when not wearing (indlucing in motorbikes)
    - sports venues / gyms: Open in BKK from 21 June onwards, also indoor if good A/C, until 21:00

    - restaurants BKK: 50%, no exception for A/C
    - still no alcohol in restaurants, bars are CLOSED


    @farik: check the facbook page of the Thai government https://www.facebook.com/thailandprd for infos. The restrictions change regularly, on that page you find the latest info, just scroll down until you find the chart you are interested in.


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