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Everything posted by Swiss1960

  1. Don't go Monday mornings, Friday afternoons or days after long holidays... I have never in all my years in Jomtien had a queue out into the soi
  2. Don't know about the online system, never used it, but the queue area outside is covered by a tent, so no waiting in direct sunshine
  3. I think that most people don't really want to think about you running around in your house naked or with a towel only...
  4. @justsignedin: Your post is somewhat confusing. You write that you need to RECEIVE USD, but then you write about the payee and not the payer... I assume you mean the person who will pay you, since later you write that you don't know where he is located. Here is the thing: Wise has a list of countries, from which you can NOT receive USD to your wise account
  5. OP wrote about "xopies of previous extensions and bankbook pages" those were ALWAYS required.
  6. First, you didn't bring the required copies that you knew you needed, your first mistake. Second mistake is going after a long weekend without need. All in all - no pity from me
  7. Swiss1960

    Prices etc

    If we tell you everything, we take all your fun out of your holiday experience ????
  8. I would recommend Pattaya Memorial. In my view, they have the better general doctors to investigate things as you describe. In BPH or Int, they'll send you from specialist to specialist and accrue costs... Once you get a diagnosis from Memorial, it's still time to go to BPH, if you are not comfortable in Memorial. Memorial btwis the cheapest of all 3. Cost per night in BPH start from 8K depending on the nursing care you need
  9. Have seen millions of cash been handed over at Pattaya land office, but also payments on app (immediately visinle) or cashiers checks which will take 3-5 days to be posted to your account. All depends on what payment terms are scheduled in the contract.
  10. Just to join the party... everybody who could take your complaint (police, Poo Yai Baan etc.) will be there partying. They will definitely have a laugh
  11. absolutely normal for some events (see other posts). You decided to live here, so go with the flow and get used to it
  12. It is all your mistake!!! If you would not be such a d****, they would have invited you to the party and you would have a blast too!
  13. Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) is the future for secure access to banks / websites / social media etc. 2FA (2-factor authentication) is just a subset of it. Banks started with issuing you the little number pads for login to your online banking, and other companies followed. The second wave of 2FA was one-time passcodes through SMS (still in use), which need a telephone number to work or one-time passcodes sent through email, which "only" needs internet, but does not care about your phone number. Todays standard are authenticator apps, be this Microsoft Authenticator, Google Authenticator, Duo - or any of the zillion other apps that provide that service. Additional factors can be fingerprints or Face ID. It does not matter Google or Apple or Microsoft or banks or social media accounts - MFA is here and will not go away. Hacked accounts cost these companies a ton of money and effort to help the customer recover from a breach, and thus, MFA will be mandatory very soon. I currently have 6 different 2FA/MFA solutions in use, since there still is no clear standard and every company pushes their own / their partner's product.
  14. The referendums in Switzerland are only a part of the system. The other main part is that governments in Switzerkand (on a national and state level) consist of ministers of several political parties that actually work together to find solutions. The Swiss government consists of 7 ministers (secretarys in the US) from the 5 biggest political parties. Each year, one of them will be President, but only as Primus inter Pares (first among equals). It is their job to jointly find the best solutions for a majority of the population and not only for their political basis.
  15. Do NOT take a Thai health insurance. When you have a claim, they will either throw you out for next year OR apply a 25% risk surcharge for every claim! @internationalism: that is what Pacific Cross did after my wife had a meniscus surgery. I am happy with Cigna Global
  16. Oh yes, I have evidence of that... my own evidence... Until last year, I had a fixed interest account with SCB for my extension. What SCB does for these accounts is that every time they change the interest rate / when the term runs out, they book three intra-day transaction: One with the interest, a second one to withdraw the WHOLE balance from the account, and a third to deposit the whole balance back to the account in order to start a new term. I thought that this is no problem, as all is intraday and it is only internal SCB transactions... the first IO rejected the bank statements and told me to come back when I have seasoning without such transactions. I had to call my account manager from SCB in Jomtien and have her come to the immigration office in order to clear the situation and explain that I never touched the money. The then IO (the lady manager at desk 6) told me that next year, this would not be accepted any more and that I should change my account to a "normal" one, which I did.
  17. Final report: I want to Jomtien yesterday with the two bank letters from SCB and presented the whole bundle. The IO did see two accounts, asked why, I explained my mistake, then the IO started to compare dates, came to the conclusion that I was always above the 400K in total and the only remark was "be careful with your bank account". Definitely helps to be upfront and have all other papers complete, in order and signed. Thanks for all those with valuable input.
  18. You are wrong again, as the rule says that the balance has to be above the limit "at all times". That includes intra-day.
  19. A very wise man once said: "There are no stupid questions, only stupid answers"... your answer clearly falls into that category. Another very wise man once said: "If you have nothing of relevance to say, stay quiet"... you should clearly heed this advice.
  20. I did my extension yesterday in Jomtien, and in the field TM6 on the TM7 form, I simply put "not received" and that was it, no questions asked. IOs know that they are not issued anymore
  21. Unfortunately, that is wrong! Both the withdrawal and the deposit are shown on the bank statement, each with it's associate balance.
  22. Could I get such an extension in-country or would I have to to a border run?
  23. So I messed up... I went shopping yesterday, paid with the banking app and chose the wrong bank account. My balance dropped below the required amount of 400K. My renewal date is mid of November, so I am within the 2 months where the limit must be above. I realized it minutes later and filled the account up, but I have to assume that it will be an issue at immigration. What are my options? So far, I always did my extensions on my own, never had an issue. Can an agent "fix" this with immigration? Will immigration in Jomtien "accept" it as a genuine error? Do I need to do a "border run" to get a 30d exempt and then restart the marriage visa process when back in country? How would that work? Am genuinely pI$$ed at myself.
  24. No. There are no work permits for self employed foreigners. A work permit needs a company.
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