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Posts posted by backtonormal

  1. but those who have been charged for terrorism in the political upheaval are not included on the AMLO list.

    So they are not going to include Thaksin or any of the other red shirt leaders.

    How convenient.......... but they are a govt body aren't they?

    They were arsonists. whistling.gif

    Links please to convicted arsonists arriving from unrest in April/May 2010. When you are ready.Thank you

  2. but those who have been charged for terrorism in the political upheaval are not included on the AMLO list.

    So they are not going to include Thaksin or any of the other red shirt leaders.

    How convenient.......... but they are a govt body aren't they?

    And the winner for the earliest Thaksin Post is......... setting the tone of the thread for those to follow. Ask interpol...Thaksin is not classed as a terrorist to the international community. End of.

  3. One has to wonder what the urgency is to bring Thaksin back now. This government, with the mandate they have from the people and the popularity of Yingluck have an opportunity to make peoples live better, but all they are concerned about is bringing big brother back. Perhaps the promised rewards are the main concern.

    Bringing Thaksin back was ALWAYS the number 1 goal of this administration. That, and lining their pockets with the contents of the treasury coffers, which they have done an outstanding job of so doing.

    It was NEVER about improving the lives of the little people, nor of improving the country.

    It was/is always about Thaksin and money, especially, HIS money. But also, let's not forget the insatiable lust for power that Thaksin has too.

    What has this post got to do with the Peace process. Please supply some evidence or links. A PAD hymn sheet is not evidence

  4. It is obvious in my opinion that the red shirt have no respect for anyone or anything that is not "RED"

    They are like hooligans and thugs who feel it is there right to protest, rampage and cause civil unrest when things do not go their way or whenever TS tells them to run amok.

    It is too bad that protesting in Thailand is such a good paying job, sure a heck beats working in factories.

    These red shirts do include doctors, lawyers, engineers, teacher, lecturers and many people from profeional jobs and I am sure that they are not hooligans and thugs and dont ramapage and run amok. But then you know that

  5. The Army Chief should not even need to comment........., because the Army chief should not even have to be asked.........because the crowd should not be there..............because the POLICE should disperse them in exactly the same way as they did Siam Pitak......because the POLICE should be maintaining stable, objective law and order in the city.

    Because the police are told what to do by the likes of Chalerm - not the epitome of law & order.

    Please come to the other thread...we're waiting

  6. It raises more questions. High Velocity, why not say sniper. Who was the bullet intended for. I can only conclude it was a head shot intended for a protestor. It would appear that 'shoot to kill' orders were given way before 'live fire zones' and the eventually crackdown at Rajaprasong. Evidence is slowly creeping out about who escalated the violence (in order to justify the killing).

    One question that won't go away is who actually gained from 'innocent protestors' being shot during the red shirt siege that was being carried out in full international view....?

    It was not to gain anything. It was a piece in the jigsaw that, in their own minds, justified the slaughter of over 90 people. Add the 'men in black', throwing grenades into the public, showing arms cache to the world media etc..It was setting up the end game

  7. It raises more questions. High Velocity, why not say sniper. Who was the bullet intended for. I can only conclude it was a head shot intended for a protestor. It would appear that 'shoot to kill' orders were given way before 'live fire zones' and the eventually crackdown at Rajaprasong. Evidence is slowly creeping out about who escalated the violence (in order to justify the killing).

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  8. In Thailand there is a strong support for Thaksin, that's one of the reasons he was overthrew from power, somehow he was getting too popular unlike Aphisit who was putted into power buy the coup leaders.

    Disclaimer: I am not a supporter of Thaksin, or any other politician.

    "I am not a supporter of Thaksin but ... " cheesy.gif

    Which coup leaders put Abhisit in power?

    I think you will find that a majority of elected MPs put Abhisit in power.

    As you whish, just to say that Abhisit and hes dems has not won an ellection in like 20 years?whistling.gif

    As I wish? Am I wrong?

    Yes you are.

    The Abhisit army instigated government was created in an army barracks under the guidance of a certain GP. There was no free majority. The leader of the Chart Thai Pattana party stated, just before the last election, that he joined the Abhisit coalition becaue he was made an 'offer he could not refuse', make of that what you will. Not worth talking about Newin, hes just jumped for the money (and now paying the price in the political wilderness, away from the trough)

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  9. I wait a day and still nobody can tell me who financed the yellow shirt facists. Somebody financed them, they did not sit there for 5 months for free. To Robbie NZ the reason they were not openly carrying guns is they were protected by the army. Please I dont really know , who paid million of dollars to allow the geriatric clappers to sit there with army protection. Somebody knows.

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  10. ASTV went to being a shopping channel for a while . Now they have that convicted criminal Sondhi spewing his bile on there. <deleted>. Can somebody please explain to the unenlightened who financed 6 months of sit ins at government house and the airport. They did not eat for free. We are all to keen to have a go at the chosen one for his alledged financing of that little skirmish downtown. When you can list the financiers of the yellows it will look like a list of families that have kept people in the dark ages for the last 60 years. They are the cancer of Thailand

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  11. That blockade did nothing more than piss off the visitors/tourists. We have a friends who were stuck at the airport for 36 hours with two young children a 2yr old and 4 yr old. They have never returned to Thailand and vowed never to do so. I avoid the airport which even on a very good day is the worst in the world. We fly from Chiangmai/Singapore and then onto Melbourne.

    >That blockade did nothing more than piss off the visitors/tourists. We have a friends who were stuck at the airport for 36 hours with two young children a 2yr old and 4 yr old. They have never returned to Thailand and vowed never to do so. I avoid the airport which even on a very good day is the worst in the world. We fly from Chiangmai/Singapore and then onto Melbourne.

    overr reacting to something that happened 5 years ago.

    Over reacting


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  12. I'm sure it are all just rumors and the whole thing is blown out of proportion? Judge for yourself.



    Having watching that gut churning violence I dont know how to comment. Living in fear bcos I have young son born here and Luk Krung kids will get worse that this if conscription is still in force in ten years. Unfortunately what you see here is a mirror of a large chunk of Thai society. Stop Conscription, down size the army

  13. There is little hope of change within the Dems because they are so beholden to old business and the army, the moment they come up with anything remotely different, I am sure the phones ring off the hook at party office demanding a meeting, be it minimum wage, ATM charges or retail law, land reform or agriculture reform. Their backers have been served extremely well by the party delivering policies that have been very good for a select number of companies in given markets and these companies have made hay for many many years.

    The only hope, is that the younger bunch split away and plough their own furrow on the basis of a clear political and economic ideology. That is their only hope because actually PTP is a contradiction itself. It is the supposedly the party of the poor, whilst also being the party of its own rich backers. By working out that benefitting the country actually encompasses consumers, personal tax payers, entrepreneurs and employees not just established oligopolistic companies they might just win something.

    Further, with such a large % of the total electorate unaware of what the whole picture should really look like, the 'New Dems' (or whatever they call themselves - actually a new name and image would be better) they need to develop some clever policies which are attractive to both the politically unaware and the aware and policies which really and quickly install change and quickly take a large % of Thais into an obvious better quality of life through their own productivity.

    Also the Dems must quickly give the whole electorate a new and honest understanding of what good democracy looks like / feels like / and how it works. In fact IMHO they are derelict in NOT having make serious & obvious progress on this front already.

    Policies which provide other and different options for the poor farmers which also build strong income etc., also highly desirable.

    Education, in many forms is obviously one key to value-added and sustainable change. As an aligned point, Thailand needs to realize that relying on cheap labour as an attraction for investment has pretty much gone and will not return, Thailand desperately needs to design and implement education programs which really equip large numbers for value added work.

    Abhisit and Korn IMHO can and should spearhead a new party and IMHO are well capable of designing and implementing the above when surrounded by a new breed of young and clever politicians who have a different mindset to pretty much every current politician in all parties.

    And at the same time the 'New Dems' (or whatever name) must develop a scenario which makes the paymasters machine simply irrelevant.

    A tall order no doubt, but not much other choice.

    I think there are 3 or 4 thorny issues out there that they have known about but haven't been able to implement for fear of upsetting their base.

    First : Corruption. The Dems as they stand now cannot do anything about this as it stands now because the assembled old guard are as corrupt as any. No one will grab the bull by the horns and sort it out. IT IS EVERYWHERE

    Second : Land reform. The rich hide their cash in this, pay virtually nothing to hang onto it. It is essentially legal money laundering. The biggest asset the country has, essentially is abused to hide cash that should be declared as income and taxed.

    Third : Agricultural Markets : They really need to do a wholesale review of how these markets work and then understand that basically the exporters take virtually no risk. The losses are nationalised or the farmers get screwed year after year. I would allow foreign companies into the market to increase competition

    Fourth : FBA. It is time for the country to open up to increase competition across the board to stop monopoly pricing.

    The Amart has survived this long by not allowing this

  14. Boworn Yasinthorn...The United Front for Solving National Crises, led by Boworn Yasinthorn...Also... People’s Volunteer Network for the Protection of the Monarchy, led by Boworn Yasintorn . Another Amart paid for crackpot. Using the same things to hopefully prick the nations (not the newspaper) conscience. Just another Facist Gob <deleted>. All I can say is "Shut your Pie Hole nobody is listening"

  15. I truly hope this works. If ASEAN actually becomes a working reality, very quickly the Thai public will realise how their childrens 'pieces of paper and obligatory photographs' are actually worthless against those of other ASEAN nations. The 20 years they spent in education will no longer guarantee them a job. While the well educated ASEAN nationals will walk into some of the jobs they expected to fill.

  16. PTP are of course free to petition the CC, just as the senator is free to lodge a complaint, but why are they so very afraid of what the CC might rule, when there is still every chance that the complaint will be rejected ?

    They seem very eager to deny other peoples' democratic and legal rights, for a party which claims to fight for justice & freedom, now they're in-power !

    Not that they're displaying Double-Standards, of course ! laugh.png

    Because the cc is literally a law unto itself?

    The constitution is a law unto itself, the constitutional court is an independent arbitrator who determine if a new law. legislation and amnesty bills are in accord with the constitution, in other words legal. I can understand how a follower of a convicted criminal and fugitive from justice would have little regard for legalities but the rule of law is the background of democracy that protects the rest of Thai society from criminal dictators like Thaksin.

    Once I got to the bit in red I stopped because I knew you dont know what your talking about. Most of those sitting judges were in total agreement with the last constitution change by the army government that ousted Thaksin. Independent my brown hole. Time to sack these judges and bring in some new boys

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  17. How can a political party reform that has known links to shadowy powerbrokers and who the electorate view as the political wing of the amart and army. A party when in power that was never invited anywhere, by leading world powers, and major companies of the world would not invest here because of the unstability of being propped up by military coups. Good luck but the next election is already in the bag for Yingluck. You may have a stab at 2020 but hey what the hell just try raising some soldiers onto the street. Forgot you cant even muster a coup now.

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  18. Now anybody who watches FOX News realises what a one sided tv station it is. I can only compare it to 'The Nonsense' in its 135th attempt to raise the rise issue as a thread here. Tell those exporters its over and nobody cares about their plight. Tell them please go gracefully and quietly with the billions they have raped on the backs of the poor (my attempt at a 'Churchillian' speech. Seriously Thailand does not need to rely on rice exports, lets grow something else up North. These exporters are an open sore. Please editor no more rice stories, most people dont give a <deleted> about greedy multi billionaires who are having a hard time

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