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Posts posted by backtonormal

  1. tulsathit RT @Phil_kttv:

    Korn describes rice pledging as worst government policy ever.

    "For every 100bt, only 30bt reaches farmers"


    Did he go on to explain the billions that went to the fertiliser manufacturers and did not increase the farmer profit one baht, but just maintained the same low margins......he should know plenty about this democrat methodology...yes?

    Instead of hitting the "But the Democrats..." key, why don't you try to defend this PTP/Thaksin policy?

    Remember. The government can't reveal how much they have sold and for what price. It is a secret.

    They claim that the issue of selling rice is sensitive. whistling.gif

    The big question remains, how can anybody defend the scam if the public is kept in the dark?

    Come on 473ego, give it a try.

    If it is the scam to end all scams why are PTP about to smash the Dems in Bangkok. And remember they will be the educated middle classe voting. Kinda rips a new 4rs3hole in your statement..dont you think

  2. Those rice farmers in the NE area where I live work very very hard for bare subsistence. Anything to help them other than hoping daughter marries a farang is great in my book. Where would Thailand be without the rice farmer...who will grow up to be one? Thaksin is not relevant to this truth. Like everyone else I am surprised he is talking and getting printed. Can't call him stupid..just getting old and not pertinent.

    What would be good is if the millers and middle men didn't syphon off the money meant for the farmers. THEN it would be a good scheme.

    I believe the article says 'unmilled rice' no millers needed. There is no middle men as all the mills are owned by the same few people...the rice exporters.

  3. Why is Tarit (left in OP photo) appearing at a press conference with Pongsapat (right)?

    Why did Tarit appear at a press conference earlier on this issue with Pheu Thai Party Spokesman Prompong?

    Is he not supposed to be independent and non-aligned?

    I'm sure Suthep and Abhisit will get their photo opportunity later. Isn't that the normal arrangement for a press conference? It's not as if Pongsapat is guilty - he's proved that, just more muckraking by the dems before the election.

    Oh you wouldn't be trying to deflect attention from the fact that he is innocent would you, surely not.

    I'm just trying to understand how a supposedly independent, non-partisan, and objective law enforcement officer is doing at a press conferences appearing with a person being investigated (Pongsapat) and on top of that appearing with someone not even not directly involved with a police investigation, in the form of a political party spokesman.

    btw, it's not normal protocol and additionally, at this point, no one has "proven" their innocence.


    I ask is it any different than the army C in C telling the nation to vote for the Dems(good people) the day before the last election

  4. 65 million Thai's may need to realise they need to make some changes but not when they vote for scumbag self serving endemic corruption and representation controlling their destiny. Mr Abhisit it is no good talking reform of economic policies and good governance when you are not attacking the main cause of all the problems. Outright disregard to the law and people of Thailand through fraud, theft and never doing anything about it. On a scale of 1 to 10 where Mr Abhisit would you rate efficiency of law and order? I'd give it a 2.

    Strong words but who are you to decide who the Thai people should vote for...

    • Like 2
  5. 65 million Thai's may need to realise they need to make some changes but not when they vote for scumbag self serving endemic corruption and representation controlling their destiny. (snip)

    I presume you are referring to the likes of Suthep, as in http://www.thaivisa....thai-editorial/.

    Graft and corruption thrives in every political party and every organ of the state, from the top to the bottom.

    Although I loathe the Dems and their coterie of English Public School educated chums and their ghastly hi-so backers, I am pleased to see them addressing the real problems facing Thailand. I wish them well in this.

    The Dems could not address Christmas cards to their next door neighbours. The summary of whatever they come up with will read 'The country needs a coup to get us back to power'

  6. First there is a story on Sukhumbhand saying the word "Koo" (The Nation) who cares?

    Yingluck has said worse. what was it again "ow you"?

    Now this story about Bangkokians not wanting to vote (MCOT)

    I think all countries media run these sort of stories before elections because it's all they know what to write.

    Me thinks a trend is happening, who is paying these people to do polls and silly stories?

    Pheu Thai is desperate to take Bangkok and it would be sad if they did.

    All Bangkok people need to vote! or silly Red Mafia will want to own Bangkok as well.

    As I have previously stated, at the last election, the dusit poll had all areas of the country nearly spot on with their predictions as to who would get elected. Except Bangkok where they were so far out on their predictions it was unheard of, which lends a lot of credit as too where the 7,000,000 extra ballot slips went. PT winning Bangkok mid term, which is usually when people protest vote against the government of their choice, will further reinforce my belief that the Dems only carried a majority in Bangkok, at the last election because they manipulated the polls. Comments

    I wonder how the Dems will write up this humiliation in their Blue Print for Thailand.

  7. Just a message for those in denial on here. Thailand is run by a corrupt mafia family whos head is a dangerous wanted criminal who is responsible for thousands of dead citizens. The whole system is corrupt to the core, they are trousering billions from this scheme and that scheme. They only got to power because of paying voters.

    But guess what, after over 18 months in power the educated masses of Bangkok, the so called middle classes, are going to return their candidate to the office of Bangkok Governer. So what do you think the Dems should do next as the PTT have cornered all voting sectors. LMFAO

    • Like 1
  8. Interestingly, what the article doesn't point out that this project was one of many under the wing of Abhisits and Korns borrowing of 1.43 TRILLION Baht for "investment" in Thailands future during their term in power. The Dust Free roads project was another part of it.

    The irony is, firstly their condemnation of the Yinglucks government for borrowing a similar amount to invest in Thailand and secondly to then accuse it of using the investment for corruption. The truth is becoming to come out about the "squeaky clean" abhisit administration, and guess who is up to his neck in it, Suthep (the guy who managed to bring down the first Chuan Leekpai government) TWICE chosen by abhisit as a valued member of his cabinet and deputy - what a value call that was.

    Didnt take long for a Dem basher to appear, only the second post.

    And condemnation before any investigation has taken place.

    However by your post I assume you know the whole history of the project and will therefore be testifing before the DSI.

    And you might like to share your knowledge with us, I await your post.

    But then the impartial DSI wouldnt be called in if they didnt think blame could be laid at the door of the Dems.

    Wont even comment on the second pile of dog poo.

    A wounded political animal barking in the dark. Its over for the DEms. Maybe the dress making thread is where you could win your first argument

  9. People talk about reconcilliation an amnesty. Its not happening because Thaksins got a real boner for these two Dem muppets who appear to be as big as crooks as Thaksin himself. I think Abhisit will end up absconding to far away shores. What an embarrasment. Thaksin will destroy what remains of the the Dem Party. If it were a dog in this mess the RSPCA would want to know why it had not been shot. (no reference to April 2010 intended)

    Theres no opposition to PTT which is not good and no army to coup them . Looks like decades of PTT. It has been fun for 3 -4 years running the gauntlet with these pro coup and democrat supporters but if they are to seriously challenge anybody on a thread again it cant be on a political thread bcos the DEM cred is no more.

  10. Apart from the atrocious editing of this piece of journalism, the point is, Sukhumband has the track record as well as some noted achievements, and stands his ground against this corrupt government. PTP's candidate is simply another populist mouthpiece with empty promises. Glad to see the 'marketing team' now understand how to use his strengths in the right way. But there still are issues such as traffic management and town planning, compounded greatly by the Government and then laying blame on Bangkok governance i.e. thousands of cars added under their populist BS and then saying the Governor is mismanaging. Let's hope the votes reflect rejection of populist politicians.

    Populist he maybe. But he going to win. Maybe the Dems should trying being popular.

    • Like 1
  11. Hardly ahead when polled across less than 1,000 people in 'favourable' areas.

    And after the by elections in Bangkok which didn't look good for PTP.

    Don't know if it is possible to register a lot people from upcountry in Bangkok just for the election?

    How many of the 1250 surveyed were eligible to vote, and of the eligible, how many intend to? Basic questions which have a big effect on poll accuracy.

    Well common praxis on a pol is that if you need 1250 people, you take a 125 and made the rest up to save time without your superior know is......

    I don't know if it is possible in Thailand to just let 1 Million of your party members from Upcountry register in Bangkok, to beef up your numbers?

    It was common at the elections at university in Austria.

    Because I know about a lot people who were pro PTP but got very anti after the floodings.

    THose are p1ss poor excuses for an ailing political party. Bit like the PTT did not get more than 50% of the voters at the last election. They had a 100 seat majority before they formed a coalition . Pipe and smoke it

  12. Ah Thailand the hub of what do you want proven we will have a poll and prove it. More than likley paid for by the PT and a list of names given to use in the poll.

    Is there any reliable polls in Thailand.sad.pngcoffee1.gif

    Dems last claim to credibility ' at least the educated middle classes vote for us' going down the river. Not only Northern oiks support Thaksin now the educated middle classes do. Puts tin hat on

  13. Schools and teachers give children homework for a variety of reasons and purposes. Most teachers would say the major focus for homework is reinforcing and revising concepts learnt in class time.

    Leading Australian academics and psychologists say homework has little benifit for primary school children.

    HOMEWORK should be banned until high school, a literacy expert says.

    Flinders University lecturer in education Dr Barbara Nielsen said homework had no educational benefit for primary school-aged children.

    Instead, younger children should spend their after-school hours socialising, playing and spending quality time with their parents, she said.


    Child and adolescent psychologist Dr Michael Carr-Gregg believes that rather than building child-family relationships positively, homework often creates an arena for argument and conflict. He says that time taken to do homework is time taken away from valuable positive family time – particularly in families where both parents work and time with children is limited.


    Personally I agree with the above people and think it would be more benificial to primary level students if parents spent time reading to them, read with them and talk to them about issues such as the enviroment, health and what is happening outside thier borders. Include them in social/physical activities. I believe school projects are benificial in primary level as they encourage family participation.

    This is all very fine for OZ and other developed countries but I would suggest the demographics are different here in Thailand.

    For instance: In many parts of the country, especially outside big cities the parents are in no position to give much help to the kids whether because of work commitments or because they themselves have low levels of education, then of course theres those who arent interested; 'education's the schools job pass me another can'.

    In most parts BKK for instance there is little opportunity for kids to go out and play because of crowed living conditions and peer pressure,stuff homework, looks to me like the ones who would do homework are being put off or at least distracted by those who wont. This I feel drags down the brighter kids to a lower level.

    While I'm on about things I see an increasing number of tablets (not Govt supplied) which are mostly used for playing games. That may teach them to use the things but how educational is one whatever trying to kill another on a little screen.

    On the same track I was in BKK yesterday and on the BTS and looked around, there are 7 seats in a row on either side and I counted 4 out of every 7 sitting in the seats I could see playing on a phone or tablet, that is adults.

    An off subject aside: To the posters who post long screeds of text please consider at least spaceing your pharagraphs, the way you are posting makes reading very hard going.

    I find your post very confusing; please explain to me how these examples or "demographics" as you mentioned are specific to Thailand?

    I come from a major US city and find the issues you mentioned to be much more acute there, in the inner city, than Bkk or anywhere in Thailand. The US students also have to contend with daily murders and armed gang members regularly fighting over turf (daily drive by shootings). In addition, the family unit is much more decimated and torn apart than compared to Thailand where the family unit is strong.

    Perhaps you could elaborate.

    A well conceived myth. The Thai family in most cases, compared to the west is dysfunctional at best with the parents away working and the grandparents taking care.

  14. If ASEAN arrives in its intended entirety the Thai Education system will collapse within 5-10 years. The obligatory two photos and your bit of paper will mean nothing when the new Singaporean business up the street employs an ex bar girl to answer the reception phone and turns down ex amounts of BA's. PARENT why have we just wasted 2,000,000 baht on her education... crashing down

  15. Well, this is something that I've been thinking about , who the hell cares if the number of people on retirement visas increases or decreases, or if the most of the applicants r britishers or russians, they, they are not the real problem, the elephant in the room is the huge number of foreigners( of all nationalities and colors) that hav thai families( married to thais, or that have thai husdband/wife) and don't even have the right to earn a living in this country unless you hav a bachellor degree, or lots of money in the bank. we r thousand of people in this situtatuion, and it seems that no one in teh goverment care about us or about the well-being of our thai relative who in most of cases depends on us, at least give us the chance of work freely, eliminate the income requirements to our visa or make it equal to the normal income of a thai 15000 bath/ month ( 400,000 yearly = 33,333/month), and pleace lower the income requirements for pr and citizenship as well, we r human beings and our thai families too.

    Nonsense. You didn't have a Thai family when you arrived here. You knew the rules when you created a Thai family and now you think you are special because you entered into the situation you don't like voluntarily.

    Hardly fair to those of us who did the actual work to come in to Thailand and call it home legally.

    You have no idea how sorry I feel for you.

    Perhaps you are like the other poster who figures he is so good he shouldn't have to do what the rest of us do.

    Every forum has em "if you dont like it here go back to your own country mob" Give the poster a break for all you know when he came here the visa requirements were 200k which is only slightly above the 15000 per month he is requesting. I sense some desperation in his message and may require some advice which you as ' Im alright Jack' is not capable of providing. Yes I agree there should be certain jobs we can do here that dont require degrees. What they are I dont really know. I would suggest a visa for running a business online in most cases does not effect Thais as long as you pay your taxes

  16. Religion, money, corruption, ethics, inaction, morals, hypocrisy.

    Could this story go any deeper into the shateen?

    A microcosm of yuk....

    Ergo...no more needs to be said on the matter. Except, some follow up, conclusive reporting from the Nation. whistling.gif

    Reading the stories it's reasonable to assume the director isn't Thai. If they wanted, they could basically investigate any fee paying school in the country and find the same rubbish.

    ''Tea money is apparently involved - but no one has really investigated it," he complained.

    The subject of tea money is paramount here. All schools 'of note' demand - and I mean demand - tea money if you want your child to attend. It's clearly stated on all admission papers, under fees as a requirement - not a donation, which technically would be voluntary - for the school development fund. Some schools do not ask for a development payment, but demand a sizeable non-refundable admission registration fee instead.

    Either way, every year, that amounts to a fair sized chunk of disposable and unaccountable cash in hand for the people who run these schools.

    On any schools site, I have never scene any detailed public accounts on how much money is accumulated in this way, or on how the money is actually used.

    In the interests of fairness and transparency, if anyone reading this has any information to the contrary, please would you post on here.

    It's time this practice stopped. I mean honestly, what are the profit margins from term/ year fees, and how much does it really cost to register a child at these schools?

    I have heard of 350,000 baht as a 'door opening' contribution on many occasions. Times 200 new students per year...wheres my calculator

  17. Google for the article "state within a state - Thailand" to see who big business dealt with before this government. Well its all changing and now they're dealing with Thaksin

    Not Arisaman. He's not literate enough to write an article.

    The author is another fugitive Red Shirt Leader, Jakrapob, with multiple criminal charges still pending.jak4.jpg


    Jakrapob Penkair

    As you pointed out to me, can you not stay on topic? What has this got to do with Mazda's announcement?

    Ask backtonormal


    As yet no one has tried to deny that the content of this article is untrue. The statement in the original article 'wholly owned' , would that mean that a 'paper ' Thai company will not own 51% of it.

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