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Posts posted by backtonormal

  1. Sathit said we are gathering up the masses , the people left behind by the PTP , never a truer word spoken, this is the sort of stuff that's got to be used, the days of being the polite guy's are well and truly over , you are dealing with thugs and criminals , what comes around go's around , go get em guys.clap2.gif

    I pity where some members get there History lessons...must be on this forum. Please oh please research the internet Look at the creation of the Dem Party..Prime Minister Pridi with his core supporters from Isaan, read and try to understand why he had to live in Paris in exile for 30+years etc etc and the people behind it. The original Thai rak Thai was the first party for 50 years who gave something to the poor and now you think they are being left behind. Jog onbah.gif

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  2. C'mon vocational kids, you could have beat them up a lot harder than that.

    Give them a taste of their own medicine.

    A bus full of Millwall fans could have kicked 7 bags of turd out of these oiks (students) Please no bullets but please please launch into these with the truncheon. Kill two birds with one stone and let them know their organised fighting (regardless if they or the people army organise it) will not be tolerated.

    Like the riots of the 80s in Britian, a person known to me was clubbed with a truncheon (for bystanding) and as blood gushed from his head wound, the perpertrator ( a member of the Manchester Constabulary) bent over and said "if you want some more, by all means come back tomorrow...now eff off home" Described by the Home Secretary of the day as...minimum force. Quite acceptable to dish out beatings to Thai Vocational students if its acceptable in a more civilised country

  3. If the Democrat Party indeed is not aiming at "creating violence", and therefore "not responsible for it", i wonder then what they are doing in alliance with the group at Lumpini Park. Yesterday several hundred vocational students, representatives from many colleges, joined the Lumpini Park rally - the exact same gangs which are regularly getting into the news for their fights with rival schools. Given the propensity for extreme violence under these groups reaching back decades, no political group that purposely reaches out to them to attract them to their political cause can absolve itself of responsibility in case violence will break out.

    Not so keen on your theory that all vocational students are violent, perhaps there are a vast majority who are keen to study and get somewhere in the world.

    Could be that they even keep up with the news and can see where PT is taking this country they will be spending their lives in and don't like what they see?

    And possibly they believe they have a stake in what will happen in this country and would like to see it free of the present corruption, lies, threats and intimidation.

    But hay, its obvious none of them were lucky enough to go to a red school or they would know the real truth.

    It's pointless for Nick Nostitz or indeed anyone who has any knowledge of Thai history (or indeed general culture - Clockwork Orange etc) to argue with this kind of astonishingly ignorant yet bigoted post.Some of us who were here in the 1970's know about the background of the red gaurs and village scouts (and who encouraged and financed them).

    All the Thai history is at your finger tips but after they google it they wont want to believe what they are reading. Its not a crime to research but it may be a crime to post it

  4. If the Democrat Party indeed is not aiming at "creating violence", and therefore "not responsible for it", i wonder then what they are doing in alliance with the group at Lumpini Park. Yesterday several hundred vocational students, representatives from many colleges, joined the Lumpini Park rally - the exact same gangs which are regularly getting into the news for their fights with rival schools. Given the propensity for extreme violence under these groups reaching back decades, no political group that purposely reaches out to them to attract them to their political cause can absolve itself of responsibility in case violence will break out.

    For the context - during the volatile 70's vocational students were first allied with the pro-democracy groups in 1973 which ousted dictators Praphas and Thanom and , but soon changed sides, and formed part of the core troops of the extreme right wing paramilitary "Krating Daeng" (Red Gaur), which was responsible for many killings of student leaders, union leaders and suspected communists and leftists.

    my hero

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  5. That's never been a policy of the Democrats or the Bangkok elite. Like the other side of politics, power is all they want.

    But do the Dems 'only want power' Time Traveler, have they shown that in the past and are they showing it now?

    If that was the case surely the easiest way to get power would be to go along with PT and become part of 'their' government and share the power.

    Abhisit for Deputy PM, Korn for treasurer then they could have the power to help to rape the country, all they would have to do is kiss Thaksins ass.

    They have no chance of winning in Parliament all they can do is try to bring the misdeeds of PT to the public attention.

    Yet they continue fighting against what is recognized world wide as a corrupt regime in spite of threats and intimidation in the way of numerous law suits.

    Is that showing a lust for power?

    "Yet they continue fighting against what is recognized world wide as a corrupt regime in spite of threats and intimidation in the way of numerous law suits"....what utter nonsense.

    When Abhisit was brought to power with a coalition made in an army camp nobody invited him anywhere at a diplomatic level because they knew ...as always the Dems were propped up by the army.

    When Yingluck gets to power ...shes off everywhere (or shopping trips as the doubters refer to it) at the invite of Western powers and her fugitive brother has nearly clocked as many airmiles as she as at the invite of other countries. I suggest you find a more accurate source before posting

  6. "There are no doubt other facets that could be considered as to why Thailand has sustained from joining the AEC for the time being but the dilemma remains as to whether the Thai Government really wants to educate the people sufficiently in order to compete with other AEC member states.

    Many have considered the possibility that those in power really don’t want the masses to be educated for this often breeds’ opinions, leading to debates, leading to the insistence of change."

    Its as simple as this.... and Thailand will opt out again when the ASEAN deadline approaches

  7. The DEMS, sadly enough, have only one subject and one subject only: "Thaksin"!

    Instead of showing a way into the future, instead of being progressive, instead of even being interesting, they just beat the old (dead) horse! Over and over and over again!

    If you want more voters than just the same same old -if you want the voters, who usually vote PT- you have to show them a way, have to integrate them and give them something, why they should vote for you!

    Not why they should not vote for PT!

    Without the junta judiciary and the bogus 2 year jail term the Dems would have nothing to spout about. The last two years have revealed the total ineptitude of the Democrat Party which has always been there but ceased to attract voters since a credible oppostion turned up in 2001

  8. I was out for dinner last night and on the way back my Thai companions started singing a song with much gusto. When I asked them what it was about they said it was about Yingluck being like a crab, she's got legs, got two eyes, but she ain't got a head ( brain ).

    A bit harsh I thought. She has got a head, she just doesn't use it much. coffee1.gif

    I think she is doing a pretty good job, at least she has not told the army to shoot people.

    Who ordered the army to shoot anyone?

    Who ordered the army to shoot anyone. Thats the question the Thai public want the answer too. As you can see by the death counts on both sides Army/Dems 91 kills v Red shirts O kills proven that the army grossly over reacted to the situation or the army was given license to shoot all and sundry (most likely). Somewhere there is the orders on paper and somebody is keeping that as a 'get out of jail' card

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  9. diehard60. post # 14
    I think she is doing a pretty good job, at least she has not told the army to shoot people.

    Can you, will you recall that her brother was an open backer of the Red Shirts vocally and financially as proven on many a short and not so short video clip in the worlds social media sites at the time of the civil unrest arson hospital occupation looting and general terrorist acts? He was certainly vocal in telling people how to act violently while he and his clan were off shopping in the worlds high end shopping malls.

    Seem to recall Tak Bai, the victims there died from weakness as a result of fasting over Ramadan. Who was the Prime Minister then?

    Seem to recall a prominent lawyer who was opposing the then government going missing too, poor soul has still not be found,

    Guess who was the Prime minister then?

    The truth is indeed twixt two opposing factions which you need to view from both sides and then in the middle to get the clear picture

    links to financial involvement please

  10. "We will therefore fight Thaksin's regime both in Parliament and on the streets."

    The Democrats can only fight via the yellow shirt movement on the streets. In Parliament they will always be the looser.

    As I always said, no difference in any government, they will always move to the streets if they can't win inside the parliament.

    Wouldn't be surprised if the yellows this time block Bangkok or move into Airports once again.

    Thaksin was sentenced to prison.

    Here is a short Wikipedia quote:

    In 1987, when Chuan Lekpai was Parliament Speaker, his younger brother Raluek Leekpai (ระลึก หลีกภัย) was charged with embezzling 231.8 million THB (approx. 9 million USD in 1987) from Thai Farmers Bank. Raluek had been an executive at TFB. Responding to accusations in Parliament, Chuan publicly defended the innocence of his brother. Raluek fled the country, and only returned to Thailand in 2004 after the statute of limitations expired on his crime and he couldn't be prosecuted. He had been on the run as a fugitive in Taiwan. Raluek has said he might enter politics in order to restore his reputation, although he said he wanted to live a quiet life in his Trang hometown.

    He was in fact 17 years on the run. Welcome to the Democrat Party.

    Go back to the founding of the Dem Party back in 46 and do the research. Its pretty clear they are only the Army political wing. Democrats have never won an outright majority at an election. If you research thoroughly you will make the jigsaw and understand how the Army has so much power and positions of power in Thai Life...its not rocket science

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  11. Not surprising that for the length of time this thread has been started that the usual Anti Thaksin suspects have steered clear. Whatever spin the Admiral puts on this , in truth it has been yet another pathetic abject failure. Similar to Pitak Siam The white Masks etc. People were free to attend and two men and a dog turned up.

    People are voting with there feet and the vast majority of Thais dont want a return to an Amaat instructed military government running the country and emptying the coffers. A reality check is required for those that cannot see the writing is on the wall. Thaksin is their leader and offers far more opportunity for a better life than those who claim they know whats best for them. Your silence on this thread is an acceptance of the future and maybe an acceptance that most Thais dont think remotely like you.

  12. "Bangkok people's Army" = Democratic Party , PAD and old military coup maker's. They will never com to power through leagel election , therefore they run to street's this poor jealous people's !!!!

    Before these people would have just paid the army to get their crowd back in power. Now that thaksin is holding Prems gonads over some wiki leaks cable he cant do what hes done for years. That is the sole reason we keeping seeing all these different pressure groups with the same rent a mob in attendance. Once one fails miserably they create another and when the Peoples army fail you will see another..with the same faces.

    Life is a sh144er when you cant have all your own way anymore..

    Welcome to a lifetime in the cheap seats for those that once ruled and dictated in this country. They are a dying breed...thank xxxx

  13. Lol.... more crap from the courts.

    Has anyone with any intelligence sucked this up?

    This is a 95% Buddhist country. If soldiers just took it upon themselves to camp in front of a temple full of women and children, with police filming it, then indiscriminately fire shots at people inside killing 6 including medical personnel want their heads examined.

    It would be like soldiers in the UK firing into a primary school full of kids and mothers and hoping to get away with it. It is stupidity beyond imagination.

    If such a calous act had taken place without any provocation, would the soldiers not have been rounded up immediately after knowing how horrendous this would be perceived?

    Come on...

    Let's get real. No..... The courts are not real, the courts read out decisions that they have been told/paid to.

    TIT... never forget that.

    Not stupidity just the hate and loathing the paymasters have for the poor in Thailand. I dont think Abhisit gave the shoot to kill orders but the poor smuck will carry the can.

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  14. Not really anything to do with Thaksin, is it ???

    Only a halfwit would make a comment like that, especially when you are talking about the mayhem in Bangkok in 2010 that Thaksin arranged, organized, orchestrated and financed.

    Every rotten thing that happened in Bangkok during those terrorist operations, every life that was lost, every building that burned, every hospital that was held to ransom, had everything to do with that evil criminal.

    Another example, albeit a crass and singularly unreflective one, of a usual suspect seeking to divert attention from the army's murder of unarmed civilians in Wat Pathum where some of the victims had no political affiliation at all.Even accepting hypothetically the Thaksin is the root of all evil propaganda line, it is quite irrelevant to this particular piece of army criminality and the responsibility of Abhisit's government that presided over it.

    You paint such an accurate picture of such events... You were obviously there, or members of your family who never lie were there.

    What was it like in the temple that day?

    Did soldiers just walk in like Rambo and mo people down that had nothing to do with the RIOTS??

    Of course not a single person shot guns at the soldiers did they???

    In any country in the world, even in first world countries... you shoot at soldiers and they shoot back... it's called 'rules of engagement'.

    Maybe you think that Thailand is different. Many soldiers already handed over their weapons to reds, so as far as anyone was concerned, they were armed to the teeth.

    Please explain what happened that day..... Maybe this certain batch of soldiers were instructed to walk into temples and open fire on as many innocent people as possible. Yeah.... that is what happened, they were ordered to do it, even if not provoked.

    Man..... your version of events is a product of having your Thai family so far up Thaksin's ares, it is untrue.

    Well, please spare us.... we are educated in this forum. Save it for the karaoke bar.

    I have just soiled my pants..cant stop laughing. The anti Thaksin mob keep quoting the MIBs with an arsenal of weapons. Yet when you ask them how many soldiers were shot and killed or wounded by the other side what can they reply. A big fat zero. Now if they were like the army and dispense 120,000 rounds of Ammo into the soldiers sods law says they would hit quite a few. But hey none hit. Please stoprepeating this proganda.

    Please dont make me soil my pants again with utter nonsense or I will send my pants around for you to launder

  15. Perhaps they should take over downtown Bangkok for months, make ridiculous demands, disrupt business, riot, burn down buildings, shoot at civilians and Army and see how this current Govt likes it. It is apparently a legitimate form of protest.

    Very funny,but seriously, if all these groups united and didn't do any of the above, just made their presence and their dislike of the government known yet remained entirely peaceful and undisruptive, I feel they would accomplish far more...

    Not possible to get these groups together because they are the same people at each anti government rally in a different colour or mask. Oh and paid for trouble causers , usually career squaddies

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  16. As much as people here like to slam PTP, Yingluck, Thaksin, and the Red Shirts, you have to remember that there are some nasty ultra-nationalist and fascistic elements among the current opposition (Yellows, etc.). Would be curious to know more about the ideologies of these groups. A few years back, I 'moved on' from a relationship with a woman from Udon after she went on a vicious rant about Cambodia and the Preah Vihear issue. She was a self-professed 'Yellow Shirt", was university educated, had a good job, and was otherwise very sane and normal. But she said things like Thailand should take the territory by force and basically that all Cambodians should be wiped from the face of the planet (in her mind, the atrocities of the Khmer Rouge were proof that the whole nation did not deserve to exist). Well, I've had a Red Shirt gf for the past three years (not a conscious choice - just worked out that way), and when I took her to Cambodia she fell in love with the place and got along wonderfully with the Khmer. I know that two people don't absolutely prove anything about whole movements, but both are/were well-informed of their colour-coded politics and I don't think their personal views are completely independent of these affiliations. Flame away...

    So how does your red g/f feel about Cambodian politics? Warm and fuzzy knowing the strong man is in charge?

    Does she express any thoughts about the hundreds of billions of baht "missing" in the rice scam, or about where that money has gone?

    She's never expressed an opinion about Cambodian politics, Hun Sen, etc. That's not the thing. She simply had the openness-of-mind to enjoy her visit to Cambodia and her interactions with Khmer people (I only know 'regular' people there, not any politicians). One thing I forgot to mention about my Yellow ex. Once we went to Phimai to see the Khmer ruins there. She denied that they were Khmer... said there is no proof of this and that the temples may have very well been built by Thai people. I've since come across other Thais who believe the same thing. Blind nationalism that does seem to be more strongly associated with the 'yellow' side.

    As for corruption, my gf is of the view that all politicians are corrupt ... she said something like "all of them eat cake, but at least Thaksin also gave some cake to the poor". Can't recall her precise words. But she does feel that the lot of the working poor improved under Thaksin... at least that was her family's experience. Your mileage may differ... [Remember, for a lot of poor people outside of Bangkok, Thaksin was the first leader to actually recognise them and their needs ... whatever his real motives may have been].

    That simply is why this man is a god in Thailand. Before him Dems promised the world and gave Jack Sh1t. Its not difficult

  17. They have one very good point. How is it that Tarit Pengdit is the one investigating things that he was involved in? Conflict of interest anybody? the majority of UDD/Reds that were at these demonstrations were there to voice legitimate grievances and were duped into believing they were part of a peaceful sit-in protect.

    The Many reports of "confiscated" ID cards and not being able to leave are now ignored? where is testimony on these issues to show the true nature of these "peaceful" demonstrations.

    The peaceful side of the demonstrations was lost on April 10th when the first shots were fired, that is when the innocent bystanders should have said, "This isn't peaceful, we need to leave and not be part of this" but they didn't, now they are all whinging that they were in a war zone and got shot at.

    Condolences and sympathy to those that lost loved ones and those injured but if you know that live bullets are flying about and you don't think that is good for your health best idea is to leave. Watching the whole mess from my apartment in the area there were many in the area participating in active combat, these people are not innocent "peaceful demonstrators" and not enough information has come out about these people flinging their bombs, RPGs, stolen guns, setting fires, looting and other acts, who coordinated this amongst the red leaders? we believe it was the one calling for people to bring one million litres of benzine to Bangkok and burn it down but they say that evidence was doctored?

    The "peaceful demonstrators" need to come forth and admit that there were several hundred or thousand combatants in their midst and that these people were responsible for creating the environment that warranted action by the government. The whole country should be taking criminal action against all police for allowing it to happen as it was their job int he first place to keep order. Pathumwan and Lumpini police stations seemed to be all on holiday for the period and the Police headquarters apparently was a safe place for reds to hide according to rumors. Where are the investigations into the police action/inaction? nothing so far?

    The PT government won the election in its way in 2011 and so now has the elected right to rewrite the truth to suit them. and their sycophant followers hoping to be sucking at the teat of the spoils of victory will all continue to support the revisionist methods and ignore the reality of the events of 2010, 2009, 2008 and all before and after.

    The real losers here?, The truth and the people.

    Faced by several thousand heavily armed combatants, viewed from your bedroom window, please remind me how many soldiers died. Give head a wobble and take a reality check

  18. The widow of the founder of Thai Rath, Vacharapol, got to as high as 10th richest family in Thailand with a fortune estimated at over $1,000,000,000. Which may suggest to some people she is deeply entrenched in the infamous amart. Which would then explain why a cartoonist was allowed to use the word whore when speaking about the pM.

    Any protest, patriots, pitak siam, pad, Prah Vaheer border dispute etc, against the current government is likely to be financed by one or all of the amart families

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