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Posts posted by backtonormal

  1. Thailand's judiciary gives sentences of 18 years for defamation due to loss of 'face', but a death will result in less than half that attached to a pissy 20,000 Baht fine. The legal system of Thailand is simply a joke. What is more important dear judiciary? post-4641-1156693976.gif

    The laws of Thailand are such so that nobody can question the status quo because those with most money sue the 4rse off you. That wont change under any government.

  2. Yes as a former CREST Director , he have experience how to bomb and killing !!

    Yes indeed he would certainly have experience in combating those who would bomb, kill and set fires in trying to destroy the country for the selfish ends of a convicted crim on the run.

    I doubt a coup was what he had in mind rather the probable trouble that would eventuate if all the reds were pardoned, given amnesty or whatever you want to call it.

    After all it is only the reds and in particular their leaders who want to get away with their crimes, the yellow shirt leaders, if I understand correctly, have said they don't want amnesty but are willing to stand up and be counted for their actions.

    Stand up to be counted for their actions!!!! Its easy to say that when the judiciary is urinating in the same pot. Example if needed. Sondhi has been sentenced to 23 years in jail and the nasty little man is doing tv programmes, while he should be inprison. Further proof is the only recent charge he got away with was LM, simply because you cannot appeal LM.

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  3. From what I have read PCC did not get a government contract before 2001 under the first Thaksin government. I believe introduced to the game by Nevin Chidchob. Over the last dozen years this company has received approx 750 billion bahts worth of government contracts. Thats a shed load of money to be awarded. Of course Nevin's now documented phonecall to Thaksin "its all over boss" then jumping ship to secure his own finances under the army coalition government really pissed Thaksin off. I would imagine there is something that this PCC was still getting contracts under the dem coalition/army government that pisses Thaksin even more. Its alright being bent and corrupt if the PM is your mate but when hes not watch out. About $25,000,000,000, would be nice to know what other bidders were awarded during this 12 year period.

  4. "I will have to use people's power to deal with the judges"

    This guys going farther and farther into the darkness Münich 1936 anyone...? Abhisit was too busy dealing with a city at war waged by his minions on his bankroll and at his behest , Abhisit had no time to go abroad -as for the constitutional court it serves all the people it's ethos is to protect society-Thaksin like other despots in history cares little for his nation and less for his compatriots.


    City at war.. Abhisit was on no 1st or 2nd world countrys Christmas card list because he and cohorts were viewed internationally as a government propped up by the military which were controlled by some shadowy figures. Now look at the difference Yingluck whacking in those airmiles at the request of all the worlds powers including many G8 government. Some of the worlds leading comapnies committing billions of dollars to Thailand all of which will we withdrawn quicker than you can blink if the Dems come to power because the only way they get to power is with military support..fact end of...

    The Constitutional court is just another tool used by the amart. Maybe it should be totally disbanded and replaced with something more workable. It really serves no other purpose than to obstruct political changes at the calling of the amart

    • Like 2
  5. The four questions make a lot of sense to me, except for number 3. I believe he probably was killed by a govt. sniper, and rightfully so. He was dangerous, and advocating violence in a very reckless manner. I don't believe he was a "sacrificial lamb", but I do believe he was a very dangerous loose cannon who had to be killed for the safety of everybody.

    >Seh Daeng got whacked by Thai Army snipers unders orders by the government for desertion and mutiny. coffee1.gif

    a week before the Red occupation started, Sae Dang was confronted by a patrol of Thai army, in southern Thailand. They had orders to arrest him (perhaps suspecting his leadership role (for militants) in upcoming in the upcoming Bkk demonstration). He had already been a bad boy prior to that, but tolerated by other Army brass. It's tempting and believable to think an Army sniper whacked him. Yet he was more of a liability for Thaksin and Red militants than for the government of the time. Yet, the army doesn't often think in a reasonable manner, so they may have whacked the one man who could have spilled the beans on the MIB and Thaksin's involvement - had he lived to testify. With the puzzle pieces arranged on the table, it looks more likely that he was whacked by Reds, because he knew too much.

    The key point of all this for me is that for all the army personnel, snipers, support troops , observer teams etc, no MIB were captured or tried I believe. I find that odd .

    Thais are adept at fading away. Most times, when we hear of a public bus driver who wrecks a bus full of passengers - the driver is last seen running out in to a rice paddy, never to be heard of again. Another angle: a local Thai woman owed me money. Last I heard, she had gone to another province and got a sex change. Even getting name changes are easy here, and it's used to avoid credit card payments. On a top gov't level, when a former Minister is accused of malfeasance or corruption while in office, all he/she has to say is: "I'm not head of that office any more, how can you lay charges about that?" That's the Thai way.

    Whacked by the reds uh. So if they had the will the know how to hit a General in the head from maybe 250m (guess) why did no soldiers get assassinated with a bullet to the head. The TV pics showed the shooting, experts could have ascertained from which angle and direction the round came from, if they had wanted too. Bit like superwoman Porntip who investigetd the so called grenade attack on the public. She investigated and then no one heard the findings of that investigation. You need to face it, burning central, assassinating a general, MIB , shooting journos so the world wont know was all the work of the DEMS

  6. Let them fail. Another coup? Great, the country is going nowhere fast as the PTP and Shin clan continue to weave their tentacles into every little loophole of governance, law and banking, to continue to feather their nest towards abject dictatorship on their messiah's return on the passing of the most revered patriarch. They are just biding their time...

    Another coup advocator . You just dont get it. Thailands on the economic rise, just ask those who matter from other major economies, and you and your facist clan want to take us back to the dark ages. You call for coups like it ordering another beer. There is no more bloodless coups, next time its civil war and nobody wants that, except maybe you. So much cr4p from one keyboard..is it possible

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  7. What a refreshing view of the current situation and how it might be attended to,interesting also the referrals back to the history of Hitlers rise to power too, one can of course include a number of other despots in the same.category.

    We should all learn the lessons of yesterday (history) so as we don't make the same mistakes in our or I should say the country's future .

    Going to be interesting to see how the more staunch supporters of this current maladministration view this speech and to hear what they might think courtesy of their puppet masters orders of course.

    Indeed it will be interesting to see and hear what all the assorted factions think about this speech and its content

    Personally I am of the opinion like the previous posters here that the gentleman has indeed analyzed the situation correctly and his speech was indeed a sage word speech.

    However how often is the word of the wise man heard in the madhouse that currently prevails on the political scene here in Thailand ?

    Interesting article for those that dont do research

    Wasan Soypisudh is cited as demanding that the “coalition government to heed minority opinions…”, something the government has been doing since its landslide election victory in July 2011. Wasan implied that the elected government had been “corrupted by power” and may “use its majority to force through legal amendments in an attempt to perpetuate its hold on power.” In other words, this judge has already made his decision on the case! And he seems not to care one iota that everyone knows this. His statements are a travesty for the judiciary in Thailand, which sinks further into a swamp of political bilge each time Wasan opens his mouth.

    Wasan then shows that he is ignorant of history when he is cited as babbling that:

    Adolf Hitler, Germany’s dictatorial leader of the 1930s and ’40s, as an example of one who abused a popular majority to perpetuate his power, which ultimately led to disaster for Germany. After Hitler’s party won an election, the Constitutional Court president said, it abused its majority by amending laws to preserve power, after which the German leader led his country to defeat in World War II.

    The Nazis never won an electoral majority or the majority of parliamentary seats in any election, except in November 1933, “All opposition parties had been banned by this time, and voters were presented with a single list containing Nazis and 22 non-party ‘guests’ of the Nazi Party.” That situation also applied in 1936 and 1938 when the Nazis held “elections.” Additionally, Hitler never won a majority in a presidential election.

    Wasan is then reported as saying that “Article 68 of Thailand’s Constitution seeks to protect the Constitutional Monarchy system, and was also modelled on the German charter…”. We suppose that Wasan knows that Germany is a republic?

    Wasan also said something about the courts needing to be”non-partisan agencies in order to mediate disputes,” and yet his own words appear to condemn him as partisan in the extreme. He added to this clear partisanship by reciting a PAD version of recent political history.

    Wasan seems clear on what his job is: to support the unelected and undemocratic in Thailand

    Another exposed puppet of the regime

    The Nation reports that the Constitutional Court judge Jaran Pakdithanakul has “sought and received” permission to withdraw from the already bizarre “charter amendment bill” case.

    The Nation, citing the Court President Wasan Soypisudh, makes the ludicrous claim that Jaran withdrew “due to his concern for prejudiced decision…”.

    What makes this claim ludicrous is that Jaran actually presided at “the morning session but decided to exit the [inquiry] during the lunch break.” The only reason Jaran stood down was because a lawyer for those who stand accused of threatening the “constitutional monarchy” “submitted a transcription of Jaran’s recorded interview when he was a charter writer for the 2007 Constitution” where Jaran spoke in support of the military junta’s constitution.

    If Jaran hadn’t been called out, he would have stayed on the bench. This is yet another example of how the justices of the court are not only politically biased and corrupt but also seem to lack ethics and even a command of the law.

    Jaran is not the only justice who should recluse. Think of Court President Wasan. He has already told the media his view:

    At the bp the royalist’s favorite judge says he “believes the present process to amend the charter may be intended to change the government of Thailand or end its constitutional monarchy.”

    He went even further, saying that the whole court already has a view:

    the court studied debates in parliament’s third reading of the bill to amend Section 291 of the present constitution and found there were possible attempts to change the government of Thailand and end the constitutional monarchy which violate Section 68 of the constitution.

    This court is a law unto itself. We suspect that Jaran was actually off to Hua Hin for a long weekend for judicial and ethical considerations have never bothered this lot.

    Update: We were right. PPT noted above that more than one more judge should leave the bench. Now the bp reports that three more judges “asked for permission to withdraw from the bench considering the constitutionality of the charter amendment bill…”. This included Court President Wasan.

    Wasan “said two judges – Supot Khaimuk and Nurak Mapraneet – asked to withdraw because they were members of the committee that drafted the 2007 constitution.” Their requests were rejected, “saying the fact that they were among the drafters of the 2007 charter did not justify their withdrawal from the case.”

    In Wasan’s case, he “sought permission to withdraw, because an audio clip of him commenting on the charter amendment had been posted on the YouTube social video site. The meeting of judges also rejected his request.”

    That this is a kangaroo court is plain to all.

    Judges in support of the army constitution cannot in any way be deemed independant

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  8. What a refreshing view of the current situation and how it might be attended to,interesting also the referrals back to the history of Hitlers rise to power too, one can of course include a number of other despots in the same.category.

    We should all learn the lessons of yesterday (history) so as we don't make the same mistakes in our or I should say the country's future .

    Going to be interesting to see how the more staunch supporters of this current maladministration view this speech and to hear what they might think courtesy of their puppet masters orders of course.

    Indeed it will be interesting to see and hear what all the assorted factions think about this speech and its content

    Personally I am of the opinion like the previous posters here that the gentleman has indeed analyzed the situation correctly and his speech was indeed a sage word speech.

    However how often is the word of the wise man heard in the madhouse that currently prevails on the political scene here in Thailand ?

    Interesting article for those that dont do research

    Wasan Soypisudh is cited as demanding that the “coalition government to heed minority opinions…”, something the government has been doing since its landslide election victory in July 2011. Wasan implied that the elected government had been “corrupted by power” and may “use its majority to force through legal amendments in an attempt to perpetuate its hold on power.” In other words, this judge has already made his decision on the case! And he seems not to care one iota that everyone knows this. His statements are a travesty for the judiciary in Thailand, which sinks further into a swamp of political bilge each time Wasan opens his mouth.

    Wasan then shows that he is ignorant of history when he is cited as babbling that:

    Adolf Hitler, Germany’s dictatorial leader of the 1930s and ’40s, as an example of one who abused a popular majority to perpetuate his power, which ultimately led to disaster for Germany. After Hitler’s party won an election, the Constitutional Court president said, it abused its majority by amending laws to preserve power, after which the German leader led his country to defeat in World War II.

    The Nazis never won an electoral majority or the majority of parliamentary seats in any election, except in November 1933, “All opposition parties had been banned by this time, and voters were presented with a single list containing Nazis and 22 non-party ‘guests’ of the Nazi Party.” That situation also applied in 1936 and 1938 when the Nazis held “elections.” Additionally, Hitler never won a majority in a presidential election.

    Wasan is then reported as saying that “Article 68 of Thailand’s Constitution seeks to protect the Constitutional Monarchy system, and was also modelled on the German charter…”. We suppose that Wasan knows that Germany is a republic?

    Wasan also said something about the courts needing to be”non-partisan agencies in order to mediate disputes,” and yet his own words appear to condemn him as partisan in the extreme. He added to this clear partisanship by reciting a PAD version of recent political history.

    Wasan seems clear on what his job is: to support the unelected and undemocratic in Thailand

    Another exposed puppet of the regime

    • Like 1
  9. If the Red Shirts had not been there with weapons, there would have been no need for live fire zones ...... hence they were created by the Red Shirts.

    They also wouldn´t been there if Thaksin didn´t pay them to go to Bangkok.

    Dont have a problem with the vid. I feel sorry for all the misinformed people who posted comments on youtube. The elite have actually indoctrinated people to believe if you are a red you cant be a royalist. So Sad

  10. Thida added that she wanted police to bring those responsible for arson and for killing people during the political mayhem to justice.

    i can see nothing wrong with that.

    There is nothing wrong with that.

    The problem is that if that happened and the persons responsible were brought to justice, she would cry foul, as that wouldn't be who she meant.


    so why not investigate and nail those responsible.

    If the reds did not set any fires (all acquitted) logic says the army set them and the army never get prosecuted for diddly squat. For those that dont understand the relationship between the army, the amart (of which central world owners are amart), the dems and the invisible hand etc please do some research because I dont like to keep typing it as I can only type with 4 fingers

  11. Its the elites last chance to indoctrinate you after leaving school, unless you have the required 30k, then it just corruption. I believe Thaksin (1st mention in this thread) will eventually get his choice of C in C and then we will see the transformation of the RTA and a complete downsizing of forces. if nothing else it will be a sure vote winner with the young men if conscription goes out the window. After the next election victory is my guess.

  12. Oh good grief! Let's have another army coup and be done with it.

    The last army coup was against a non legal Prime Minister and indeed popular feeling was with the military as the event's at that time clearly showed.

    This time around, too many vested interests involved from Thaksin , the Red Shirts P.AD and a number of other shady groups and individuals who have their own agendas.

    If there is a situation where civil strife may yet rise to the forefront again it's not going to be a pleasant time the struggle for power and control of this country ,its money and its peoples are serous matters for certain groups and there will be a lot more violence, wanton destruction of property and indeed blood flowing on the streets this time around.

    The rat pack that wants total dominance will fight tooth and nail to achieve their sponsors aims, the splinter groups will indeed create assorted inter group strife to ensure that they get a crumb or two from the power struggle on the dining table which will be set out as Thailand.

    The current maladministration is continuing to flaunt, distort and amend and also ignore the rule of law in their relentless pursuit of total dominance for their puppet master and his clan along with their brown nosing acolytes thus indeed leading Thailand along a twisting dangerous path as the peoples and the country's future is determined

    On reflection a military coup might be for what it is worth the lesser of all the evils that we are currently facing.

    On reflection...this is why this country is still in the dark ages because you are your like keep advocating the army takes over. Thailands ratings are up, the currency is strong, ASEAN around the corner, stable government, international companies have pledged money to create jobs etc. and you would rather have the men in khaki run the country for their amart bosses and return us back 50 years where the poor have to doff their caps to the gentry. Save your fingerprints, stop typing this nonsense. You much like the PAD, The Green party etc are in an insignificant minority.

    The game purpetrated for the last century is nearing an end, you lead everybody to believe that corruption started and ended with Thaksin. Thaksin is small fry in the money grabbing stakes compared to the theft that has occurred from state coffers in the last 50 years

  13. It does surprise me none of this chappies previous form was reported because on May 4th 2006 this appeared in the Nonsense

    Suriyasai Katasila: a man of the future
    Suriyasai Katasila has proved himself to be one of Thailand's foremost political activists.

    A spokesman of the People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD), Suriyasai has been standing in the front line, challenging and fighting the Thaksin regime in the name of people power.

    Only in his early 30s and with enormous energy and an endless fighting spirit, he is sharp and knows how to think strategically to achieve political objectives. Over the past three months of a gruelling political battle against the Thaksin regime, Suriyasai has played a key role in designing both the offensive and defensive strategies of the PAD. Both the Thaksin government and the PAD have had equal intelligence information about their moves and countermoves while trying to outwit each other for political advantage.

    The PAD is a political phenomenon, a reaction against the repressive Thaksin regime. Although Thais in general do not trust some key members of the PAD, they are willing to give the organisation the benefit of the doubt as it focuses its energy on resisting the Thaksin machine. There were some 10 million "no votes" on April 2, reflecting widespread resentment against Thai Rak Thai among middle-class voters.

    A protege of Phiphop Thongchai, Suriyasai has risen to meet the challenge of Thai politics being at a crossroads. Over the past two years, he succeeded in becoming secretary-general of the Campaign for Popular Democracy. The organisation's aim is to enhance the role of people's politics.

    You must agree that Suriyasai has passed a critical test. He now has the larger-than-life image of a political activist. Speaking to Manager Online, Suriyasai said he slept very few hours at the height of the battle. With his busy travel schedule, he has had to snatch naps in taxis, buses and planes. When the PAD camped out at Sanam Luang or Government House to rally against Thaksin Shinawatra, he could wake up late. But then he'd have to travel upcountry to meet with PAD supporters.

    It was probably the most intense period of his life, and he admitted to taking precautions. He received late-night calls threatening his life. Sometimes he deliberately avoided answering his mobile phone, resulting in some 50 or 60 missed calls. When meeting strangers, he had to keep his guard up. If they were friends, then it was all right; otherwise, he had to stay alert.

    He spoke a little about his private life, how he now had little time for subjects close to his heart. But he may plans to go to the US or the UK for three or five years after this episode. Or he may set up a political party. He'll decide next year.

    For now, Suriyasai can bask in his success, which has come at a big price, because his life has completely changed, for better or for worse.

    Keep an eye on the future of this young man, who will be a force in Thai politics for decades to come.

  14. The Japanese promised Thailand the return of all its lost territories when they (Japan) strolled into Thailand as paying guests in 1940,That was a fine example of cheap political rhetoric,

    Note that Thailand has already requested a delay in the full implementation of A.S.E.A.N. on the grounds of the fact that its business community in general is not as yet prepared for open markets and competition in trade, banking Insurance etc..

    The Japanese are using the proposal as a goad to prod Thailand to move as timetabled, nothing more nothing less..

    When you consider that most of Thailands important business is controlled by a few families its understandable why they dont want ASEAN and Thaksin does.

  15. So in the end, the mall is burned down and absolutely no one is held criminally responsible for what clearly was a crime. Disgusting.

    I don't know that I'd blame the court so much in this case.

    Two teenagers and the two final suspects in this case hardly seem like the likely masterminds or main players behind the fire that burned down CentralWorld.

    Rather, it's more likely a failure of the police to effectively investigate and pursue a meaningful criminal case against the arsonists, whomever they were. And the current government certainly has no great motivation to see justice done.

    Hardly surprising, considering that the police were the ones who effectively failed to protect the building in the first place. And those in the government today were some of the same ones responsible for the chaos that led to the arson.

    Quick clue...which group is beyond the law in Thailand...which group kills many people and bever gets punished...who was in total control of the area when the blaze started...who pisses in the same amaat pot as the owners... who wear a fetching shade of khaki...Now you have your answer

  16. Will the insurance company who paid out so quickly ask for the money back if its not terrorism. Please remember who owns central world and their position in the amaat. I have a lovely diagram that links families thru business and political ties in Thailand. Dont think the 'nonsense' newspaper would like me to post it here. Go search the net guys

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