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Posts posted by backtonormal

  1. Two major car manufacturers confirming expansions running into 10's of billions. Take my hat off to this government and its leader. Can somebody remind me how many companies announced major investment under the last Dem government. Announcements like these are just putting nails in the Dem Party coffin. Like it or lump it PT is here to stay. Maybe has a lot to do with ASEAN where foreign companies will own 88% of their own business in Thailand.

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  2. We can see clearly here who should be the PM, this statement is that correct it isnt funny. Abhisit has really hit it on the nose with his comments, he has stated the obvious truth, those incited by the red leaders that didnt commit any physical pain/damage on anyone should be let off, while those that actually caused damage/physical harm on others should not. At least he has been able to give a solid opinion unlike the govt drunk who just didnt know what to say at all. Once again we see why the govt should be replaced, they are simply beyond their depth in this, they are there for personal gain only and care nothing for the people of the country, all they can do is try to manipulate everyone to their ways, they have taken bribery to new levels and are using their influence to try to damage the opposition using inuendo and accusations that are simply false. The sooner there is an election to rid this country of these goons the better.

    Old Abhisit may be grateful for an amnesty after his numerous court cases

  3. Worse is how they learn.

    If you get something to calculate and you calculate it right but the way you think yourself than it is wrong. Because you need to copy exact the steps the teacher told. Every non-conform thinking is wrong....

    The Thai education system is designed to teach students conformity and obedience.

    It is a very successful system.

    Homework adds nothing to this aim, and is therefore pointless

    conformity and obedience to the culture, which is whats stopping them learning. Stop basing the education around the culture

    • Like 1
  4. What will happen to all those providers of 'extra classes' outside of school whose job is to complete the homework from the students' day school? Job losses on the horizon in this sector....

    On another note, I've been regularly checking the homework of my 6-year old boy from a private school in Chiang Mai. It usually takes him about 10 minutes. His last maths homework contained questions like 1+0= and 2+3= . I have been teaching him maths myself on average for 30 mins 2 or 3 times a week during term time for the last year or so. He can add and subtract 3-digit numbers and multiply 2 and 1 digit numbers. I'm not saying this to show off. I totally believe that all kids have the potential to do this at that age and that many Thai schools are letting their students down terribly by not recognizing their potential at all.

    If you don't want to leave the degree of your child's aptitude to some chance genetic predisposition, and don't want to allow the Thai school system to let your child's brain - a pinnacle of thousands of years of human evolution - stagnate and never approach its true potential then I thoroughly recommend spending a bit of time teaching them basic maths and English in your own home at an early age.

    The way homework is set and done is just a tiny part of what's wrong with education in Thai schools, but it shouldn't be done away with.

    I once watched a 5 year old kindergarten 1 student do mental arithmetic at the board with her teacher and arrive at 3 digit answers. The student had ability but was taking extra classes. In discussion with the class teacher she told me in K1 children only learn to the number 5 (value). Whattttttt!!!!!!!!! Just before leaving I listen to the class repeat the date in English and Thai It was the 27th of the month...you work it out

  5. Thai students and children get no guidance on "prioritizing" tasks and work. They have no work ethic or sense of reward for "achievement. They are not driven by achievement success. They are driven by "compatibility" and fraternity with their sakdi na network and pecking order. When it comes to schoolwork they have no discipline, the work has little meaning or application. They waste time and dilly dally about chit chatting and playing games and uploading pictures.

    They have never been taught "order" and priority of work tasks. It doesn't mean anything in Thai culture. Homework in Thailand is merely busy work , it is not designed to teach or for students to learn and take interest. Thailand education is a sham and everyone knows it. They are not prepared for adult life. Everyone who knows and understands Thailand knows that the system is broken long before homework is assigned. Assigning homework at any level of volume in Thailand is an exercise in futility.

    Worse is how they learn.

    If you get something to calculate and you calculate it right but the way you think yourself than it is wrong. Because you need to copy exact the steps the teacher told. Every non-conform thinking is wrong....

    I taught my son a different way to do long division to help him overcome his block. It was working but one day his book came home covered in red ink. The answers were correct but he had not done the working out the way the teacher had told him.

    Also in maths the children are not allowed to do their working out in their answer book (presuming bcos it does not look beautiful) they are given a notebook. Problem being that when he would come to review previous work the answers were there but the way he got to the answer was in another book which was god knows where.

  6. Lets not these mention the hundreds of video clips and eye witness accounts of the reds shirts carrying, using and proudly displaying these assault weapons.

    Bullets may have come from both sides

    Why do they keep saying this? Is there really any doubt? Really!

    Your quote is the title and what was really said is

    However, in the fifth case, the court said it could not determine which side the bullets came from inferring bullets may have come from a different direction. Which does not imply it was redshirts. It could easily have been army snipers.

    Yeh, so what.

    Are you implying that the redshirts had no weapons and where not shooting at the military at any time during the protests.

    I am certain they did not fire 120,000 rounds of live ammo at the army

  7. Sorry Dolly can't make out exactly what words you are trying to put in my mouth......what I will say is please do not make stuff up that I am supposed to be saying, as you appear already to be rather struggling to comprehend what I do actually say.....the protest if you recall was to get the government who did not have a mandate from the electorate, to step down....you think this wasn't achieved....fine up to you.....the detail missing from this scenario is why the government felt the need to cling to power for a few more measley months, and why they employed such excessive measures to achieve this end....any ideas?

    They had the support of the majority of MPs (ie the majority of the representatives of the electorate). Why should they step down? They had every right to wait until the election was due.

    Cobbled together in an army base under army guidelines with in appropriate inteference from above. Is that the majority of people. Head for a wobble please

  8. Lets take it a little further. The authorised killing of innocent people. Granted some may not be but most were no threat to army personnel or precious buildngs

    You do realize how stupid that makes you sound, right?

    YOu sound like my Prathom daughter...'dad dont be silly' Authorising live fire zones and snipers who between them discharged (or not returned to the armoury) nearly 120,000 rounds of live ammo an authorisation to kill because only a fool could believe all them rounds were fired at red shirts with weapons. Does that make me sound stupid. One word replys not accepted. Please tell me why I appear stupid

  9. Som num na, they got what they deserved. No city in the world would have been as tolerant as long as this one was, before finally having to relieve Bangkok of these people. First negotiation, offers of settlement (which were ignored), then requests to disperse, then demands to vacate, and finally military - what did they expect? Try laying siege to any western country and see what the police will do. No sympathy from me that's for sure.

    They would be using RUBBER bullets and TEAR Gas, NOT live ammunition. For goodness sake, which western country would turn their army loose on civillian protesters with live ammunition. That is criminal respective of how long the protests had been running. Surely somebody has to answer for this bastardly order.

    It's a shame that the red-villages also have internet-connection. Otherwise I wouldn't see comments like yours.

    Bastardly order - hahahahaha. I am sure, you don't know what you are talking about.

    There were also civilian (unarmed) protestors, but they are stupid when they don't leave the scene (they had many weeks time to do so) when they realise that they are on the same side with heavily armed terrorists.

    Don't you know, what was going on before the army did what they finally had to do (and the western armies would have done this weeks before).

    Please link to pictures of the weapons they recovered after the final assault. If they found weapons the Dems would have been all so quick to display them. I only want links to photos after the final day not PR images displayed to justify the final slaughter

  10. Som num na, they got what they deserved. No city in the world would have been as tolerant as long as this one was, before finally having to relieve Bangkok of these people. First negotiation, offers of settlement (which were ignored), then requests to disperse, then demands to vacate, and finally military - what did they expect? Try laying siege to any western country and see what the police will do. No sympathy from me that's for sure.

    They would be using RUBBER bullets and TEAR Gas, NOT live ammunition. For goodness sake, which western country would turn their army loose on civillian protesters with live ammunition. That is criminal respective of how long the protests had been running. Surely somebody has to answer for this bastardly order.

    The indiscriminate use of live ammunition................

    Those responsible and in command will, I hope, eventually be brought to court.

    From the top down.

    Lets take it a little further. The authorised killing of innocent people. Granted some may not be but most were no threat to army personnel or precious buildngs

  11. Lets not these mention the hundreds of video clips and eye witness accounts of the reds shirts carrying, using and proudly displaying these assault weapons.

    Bullets may have come from both sides

    Why do they keep saying this? Is there really any doubt? Really!

    Your quote is the title and what was really said is

    However, in the fifth case, the court said it could not determine which side the bullets came from inferring bullets may have come from a different direction. Which does not imply it was redshirts. It could easily have been army snipers.

  12. Without saying the extra-judicial killings were justified, I have to ask how you came to the conclusion that all 1,400 killed were "innocent Thai citizens". Unless of course you consider drug dealers to be innocent.


    In the first three months of the campaign there were some 2800 extrajudicial killings. In 2007, an official investigation found that more than half of those killed had no connection whatsoever to drugs.


    Did Thaksin give orders to shoot to kill..we dont know lets invetigate. Funny how the dems did not bring those extra judicial killings to court when they controlled them. Thaksins to smart for anybody to pin that on him. On the other hand 'unsmart mark' is where the buck may stop

  13. Without saying the extra-judicial killings were justified, I have to ask how you came to the conclusion that all 1,400 killed were "innocent Thai citizens". Unless of course you consider drug dealers to be innocent.


    In the first three months of the campaign there were some 2800 extrajudicial killings. In 2007, an official investigation found that more than half of those killed had no connection whatsoever to drugs.


    Common place to redirect a thread onto the bogeyman when your own man is a dead man walking

  14. If I understand correctly Tarit was on the committee that recomended the actions to be taken against the red rioters.

    If this is indeed true then he must have had prior knowledge and inside information on all the actions taken to uphold the law.

    The minutes of the meetings of that committee should show if he voted for or against actions to be taken.

    If he voted in favour then surely he is just as guilty of anything he charges Khun A & S with.

    "Thawil said DSI chief Tarit Pengdit could not escape responsibility either, because Tarit was also on the CRES panel"


    If Tarit was selected by the Dems and now he works for Thaksin..its only reasonable to conclude that Thaksin knows exactly what went on at the CRES meetings, who was present and who gave what orders.Thats why Mark and mate are being charged with unlawful killings because they signed off on the deal.In return as with top army officers, Tarit will escape prosecution. Thaksin stitches them up again

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  15. I'd appreciate it if Hun Sen returns the favor and stays out of Thai politics. It'd be nice if he refrained from repeat of 2011, when he launched artillery strikes against Thai villages and schools in the run up to the election to help his buddy Thaksin by splitting the yellow shirts from the Dems.

    Talking thru your 'pie hole' Thailands army started that skirmish in a failed attempt to whip up nationalism. Sounds similar to what the people are doing now over the ICJ. Only one group uses nationalism in the hope of cancelling elections or bringing down governments. You work it out. if you dont support the flag you cannot be Thai. There is other thing they use that you cannot not speak about ie religion. Remember the plot to blow up the Emerald Buddha

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  16. more people get beat up on an average night at a Phuket or Pattaya night club area, than all the Yellow demonstrations put together - with one exception. There was a Yellow shirt woman protestor who was shot by (what was believed to be) a military weapon at the Government House site. Of course no effective investigation was done in that case.

    Please read my previous posts. The only dead at PAD rallys were caused by the army. Throwing grenades off flyovers into the people they were protecting...purely to whip up the tension similar to when one of there own threw a grenade into a group of their own officers to justify shooting at will with live ammo

  17. Irrespective of your position on the red/yellow &lt;deleted&gt; anybody who thinks that not a single person was armed in some way or another at the airport siege has a serious case of the dumbs and knows nothing about the Thai political situation. Of course the alternative being that a justifiable hatred of all things Thaksin means a single minded obtuseness to anything slightly negative about the opposition.

    I think factually speaking, you are correct to say there were some yellows armed at the airport. They obviously shouldn't have been. For the most part however, those weapons were relatively "low-grade", iron bars and the like, and were not used, people weren't physically threatened, assaulted or killed, not in any significant number anyway. We can of course speculate whether they would have been, had the authorities tried removing them forcefully, but we can't try them of things they hadn't yet done.

    Whilst i agree it's important to recognise that the yellows have been armed at times and are guilty of some incidents of violence, it's also important to recognise that the yellow's track history with regards this stuff reads quite differently from the red's track history, in terms of scale, in terms of weapons used, in terms of causalities, in terms of deaths, in terms of damage and destruction... and it is possible to recognise all these differences without condoning any of the violence on either side.

    The PAD are protected by the army. The reds are shot at by the army. Get the picture

  18. Only in Thailand can you burn down the center of the capital,

    hold the country hostage .... then get a criminal whitewash

    Only in Thailand can you take over the country's major airport,

    hold the country hostage .... then get a criminal whitewash

    Rubbish. Was anyone hurt at the airport, apart from missing their precious flights? No

    Was anything set on fire? No Was any one there armed ? No Not even in the same ballpark. The took Ghandi's stance and protested, non violently. But the reds, being masters at turning the tables using smoke and mirrors actually did burn stuff down, were armed, and were violent...

    I agree. Lucky Lew stuck his foot in it and tracked it on this thread. The Yellows were demonstrating along the lines of a classical non-violent style. The Reds showed their colors when they harmed people and property on a large scale. It's like comparing fruit salad with hog's head soup.

    I think you will find that the PAD at all stages of that demo were protected by the army in civvies. Simply no violence because nobody wants to take on the army...they have bigger and more guns. Where the reds were in direct conflict with the army hence all the bloodshed

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