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Posts posted by backtonormal

  1. "Defenders of the practice says it creates school spirit and respect for upperclassmen, as well as creating stronger bonds between the beleaguered freshmen."

    Thai hazing goes well beyond "singing songs" or "performing calisthenics." "Upper classmen" who force freshmen to engage in a variety of distasteful, even harmful, activities - to generally submit in all ways to bullying, may gain submission. They do not gain respect. Nor does the university, and so nor does "school spirit" benefit in any meaningful way. A significant number of students, possibly more than half, quit in their first or second term (observed when my eldest daughter attended university here). Far from creating "stronger bonds between the beleaguered freshmen" (WHY are they beleaguered, again?), it appears to alienate said students more often than not.

    If one wants their dog to love them, be loyal, etc., the way to achieve such is plain: give the dog love and respect. Treat it badly, and it will hate you.

    The same is true of university students. If the Thai university system wants freshmen to "pay respect to the senior students and teachers, and also to love the university and their major of studying," so as to "cause harmony between groups of students," the way to do so is plain: treat your freshmen with respect, and they will respect you. Treat your freshmen without respect, and well... Karma can be a b*tch sometimes, as they say.

    Well this just led me to a conversation I had never had. I just asked my wife what happened to her as a Freshman! Oh yes, there was singing and having to make funny faces, all in front of the staff, and then there was the other side. The 'secret room', and when every week for 3 months the seniors got a bus to come outside the university and they all had to go to an undisclosed location. SImulated sex, stripping, eating shit, eating parts of poisonous insects, lining up 20 people and one senior spits a greeny into the mouth of a freshman and then they had to swill it round, add their own spit and spit it all in to the mouth of the next (all supposed to be 'fun' for the seniors', not a thought for hepatitis or any other orally transmitted disease), at points along the line certain students would have to swallow! The stories of what happened were so rife my wife spoke with her parents and her Father point blank refused her to participate. The overall results, 15 girls and 5 boys left within 2 months , my wife stuck it out. Her punishment for not participating was that she was banned from participating in any Uni event (which meant she would not receive vital 'participation' points for Graduation, she was called into the 'secret room' every day for a year and threatened and on many occasions, slapped, she was at the end of her tether and almost left, but for a teacher realising her predicament and helping out. In short her years at uni were an utter nightmare. All of those that took part in the 'hazing', loathed the University and those that made them do it.

    If that is fostering school unity and spirit, then those on here that endorse 'hazing' should take a serious look at yourselves. My wife went to a good Uni, one of her friends went to a lower Uni and had a very tough time, one boy in her year being paralyzed and hospitalized for years.

    I feel quite angry just now!

    I feel sorry for your wife going through that.

    That type of initiation is rubbish, done by sadists and bullies. No place for it anywhere

    Supported by the Uni teachers. Xxxxxx up system of what being a thai is all about

  2. Critics of this are sad and pathetic people who need to get a life. I have witnessed this tradition in a Thai Uni and at at no point did i see any one being coerced into doing it, in fact quite the opposite, the students seemed to greatly enjoy

    being a part of it and appeared to be having a jolly good time and much merriment..

    To all critics, Yahboo sucks !!

    I have a friend who refused to take part. She was treated like a pariah after that and her few friends were encouraged to ditch her. The senior students don't like independence of thought and can make life hell for those who stand up to them. Hazing is about power and is a form of bullying. By all means students should be allowed to take part if they wish. They also should be allowed to say no.

    respect for upperclassmen..yet another example of what holds this country back...thainess

    • Like 1
  3. Tawee Piyapattana, president of Pacific Fish Processing Co, which specialises in the production of frozen seafood, said the company, which employs 3,000 staff, would not lay off people to cut costs but would focus more on trimming logistics expenses. It will also boost efficiencies in production and human-resource management.

    What this means is, that staff will have to work harder, faster and probably longer to compensate for employing less staff, because companies will take on less employees to make adjustments for the wage increases and not lose out on profits.

    So it`s all swings and roundabouts for the workers. I believe this new minimum wage increase will not benefit the employees, but only places more pressure on them in the work place.

    You've never worked in a modern production enviroment

  4. Abhist taught at the academy, what did he teach, military strategy or how to build houses,was he awarded a rank while teaching, rather shallow on the information this is, if Abhist taught military matters then he would automatically have a rank at a military academy.Sour grapes from the other side, more planned harassment, to beat into submission any opposition , which will increase, as this year progress , ah la "T" coffee1.gif

    One wonders if they at the PT are doing such a wonderful job why are they are trying to stifle Abhist.

    Can there work not stand on it's own merits.

    Sounds to me like they are a bit shall we say insecure and looking for vengeance.

    I think they feel the world crumbling about them and instead of trying to shore it up with an honest concern for the Thai people they are trying to tear down the opposition so when the axe does fall on them the opposition will be shredded.

    Insecure about an opposition whos <deleted> they whooped by 100 seats. Discredit the leader and you discredit the party who chose him to be leader. Give me something to get my teeth into this is too easy

  5. This is just a joke like everything else this govt does. How can the defence minister possibly state that he is correct if he has ignored the militaries own ruling on this matter, obviously it is not what he wanted so he has gone over their heads and declared himself god, this govt is just one big joke doing big leaders commands, they wouldnt know the truth if it bit them on the bum.

    Another lackey to the Shinawatra clan. This will all end badly for him when he (in the same way as Tarit) is found to have overstepped his authority

    A military ruling over a military backed PM in office. Please think before you type

  6. "The academy would have to ask the Army to forward the matter to the Royal Palace and seek a royal command to cancel the rank".

    Now they will try to involve the palace in their nefarious political machinations. Oh well another storm in a tea cup. Abihist should be content in the knowledge that everything the PTP involve themselves in is turning to <deleted> and they bare crutching at straws to gain the upper hand. Their corrupt policies are falling apart and the true essence of what they are doing is becoming clear to the electrate. Before their term is over the "chickens will come home to roost", then the PTPs skills at ruining running Thailand will be plain for all to see.

    Then PTP will win the next electionohmy.png

    • Like 1
  7. Abhisit and his masters truly believed that this would never see the light of day. I dont blame tarit I blame the guy who gave the orders (if they were obeyed). Stop thinking Abhisit was the overlord in this situation. The Thai people know who they want to see with h.. feet dangling in space. These are truly abhorent people who rule this country and are responsible for these deaths. Call them the amaat call them pigs but please publicly reveal the faces of these criminals.

  8. In what company would any employee be able to make such stupid decisions that allowed the company to pay more for a product than they can sell it for, lose so much marketshare that they fell from number 1 to number 3 within 1 year, and still stuffed the warehouse with products with a limited shelf life?

    Then make up "phantom" deals that they can't prove and then say they are going to do exactly the same thing next year?

    To call the PTP clowns would be an insult to clowns everywhere.

    You wont think they are clowns when they hand out 5 million ton of rice to the poor...just before the next election. Thaksin to clever for some farang

    You mean the loss from the pledging scheme and the bribe to the poor all out of the tax payers pocket instead of last time when it was out of Thaksin's own pocket.

    It is a governments job to alleviate the plight of the poor. It also destroys the cornerstone of the amaat.

  9. I think the press are trying to get through to the government by method of attrition that Thailand has lost it's position as number one rice exporter. How many times are we going to be fed this headline? We have been told this for 6 months. Is anyone of importance going to take notice?

    Editor gets a phone call and complys to his mates

  10. In what company would any employee be able to make such stupid decisions that allowed the company to pay more for a product than they can sell it for, lose so much marketshare that they fell from number 1 to number 3 within 1 year, and still stuffed the warehouse with products with a limited shelf life?

    Then make up "phantom" deals that they can't prove and then say they are going to do exactly the same thing next year?

    To call the PTP clowns would be an insult to clowns everywhere.

    You wont think they are clowns when they hand out 5 million ton of rice to the poor...just before the next election. Thaksin to clever for some farang

  11. Well if the economic situation is as severe as you make up, then the chances are somewhere down the line this Government will have to deal with it. Whinge as you may its not as if any other party poses a viable alternative to the voting public so unless there is a coup the chances are you are going to spend the foreseeable future writing the same whining messages everyday for the next 10 years. For your health I would try and sit back and see where the country goes. According to a recent interview with Korn, the economy is in good health, but i expect you know more than him....................

    No, it would be the next government, and it will be hated by the public for reining in on spending and setting austerity measures to amend the economy. Next cycle the same clique that caused the damage comes around reminding everyone how generous they were when they were in government and so on and so forth.

    Everyone likes the free goodies, noone wants to hear that later on they actually have to pay for them with interest.

    The next government will be this government without military intervention...end of your story

  12. The next government to come to power will find the coffers empty, massive national debt and millions of tonnes of expired rice.

    Well if the economic situation is as severe as you make up, then the chances are somewhere down the line this Government will have to deal with it. Whinge as you may its not as if any other party poses a viable alternative to the voting public so unless there is a coup the chances are you are going to spend the foreseeable future writing the same whining messages everyday for the next 10 years. For your health I would try and sit back and see where the country goes. According to a recent interview with Korn, the economy is in good health, but i expect you know more than him....................

    The Democrats had quite a good rice subsidy scheme whereby the farmer received a direct payment. It cost alot less than PT's and certainly had less scope for corruption. One can only guess why the present government chose their own disastrous one.

    That popular scheme did not put them in power again

  13. The next government to come to power will find the coffers empty, massive national debt and millions of tonnes of expired rice.

    Well if the economic situation is as severe as you make up, then the chances are somewhere down the line this Government will have to deal with it. Whinge as you may its not as if any other party poses a viable alternative to the voting public so unless there is a coup the chances are you are going to spend the foreseeable future writing the same whining messages everyday for the next 10 years. For your health I would try and sit back and see where the country goes. According to a recent interview with Korn, the economy is in good health, but i expect you know more than him....................

    The Democrats had quite a good rice subsidy scheme whereby the farmer received a direct payment. It cost alot less than PT's and certainly had less scope for corruption. One can only guess why the present government chose their own disastrous one.

    Its about taking power back from the amaat. Why should anybody worry if Thailand is not the top exporter. Being that means you need millions in poverty to sustain top spot. What little cliche is he going after next?

  14. Huh? In this case, Mr. abhisit used a forged document to obtain his commission. He was caught and lost his commission.

    simple as that.

    Can you show us the results of the official inquiry which found that Abhisit forged the documents?

    Read the MoD report. It was a lawful review, of which Abhisit was unable to offer a plausible explanation for the forgery. Mr. Abhisit got off lightly.

    So Abhisit was found guilty and punished by a committee set up by Thaksin's cousin, you honestly don't see anything objectionable about that?

    Abhisit was previously cleared by the army of this wrong doing. Do you find anything objectionable about that

  15. When did the PTP ? this was a decision taken by an impartial military committee, just like the AEC and it's secretary Atibhodi were acting on their own against Thaksin whistling.gif see how that works.

    Just when I start thinking finally we can start having discussions where people acknowledge wrong doing on both sides you come up with this.rolleyes.gif

    Further to my earlier response to this, the AEC investigated Thaksin. The Supreme court found him guilty.

    In the case of Abhisit, a PTP appointed committee have found that Abhisit used forged document and stripped him of his military record. No court involved.

    Hes rather quiet in his defence. Let him protest his innocence. Water tight case undefendable. I am sure he would be available for comment if the Nonsense paper asked 24/7

  16. Interesting that it is the minestry of defence that has done this and not the army.

    Sure I read some time back that the army had investigated Khun A many years ago and found nothing wrong.

    Counldnt possibly be political could it?

    Wasn't he stripped of it a couple of months ago by this ridiculous ministry ...? And they are stripping him again ... well there will be 3rd stripping I guess as never 2 without 3... Man this is sooooo ridiculous .. !! And at the end of the day who really cares ... Strip all you want ...! Where is that going to get you ??

    A public figure caught lying is effectively stripped of any honour he may....or may not have. Good prosecution titbit for future trials against Abhisit

  17. Finally, some accountability regarding Thai politicians and their corruption. I couldn't think of a better person to begin with....bravo!

    Frankly, Abhisit should resign as an MP for this, it's really a scandal and a disgrace. I hope the public speaks up and demands his resignation.

    For what?? The Army concluded years ago that nothing was wrong. It's only political. Same as the push against the BMA sky train extension.

    sent from my Q6

    The Dem party is the political wing of the junta. Any surprise no case to answer. He is not protesting his innocence in any great way. Silence tells its story. If he lied about this can we believe anything this man says M'lord

  18. Hold your foot up. A couple of things to consider. PTP had a 100 seat majority on its own. It formed a coalition on promises to stop thee smaller parties getting "offers they could not refuse.

    7,000,000 extra ballot papers where printed (reported on Thai visa) not a big problem you would think but consider how The Dusit Poll correctly predicted the whole of the country in results yet it was so far off target in Bangkok. Well beyond the 3% + or - Is it possible that some of those 7 million ballot papers found there way into ballot boxes in Bangkok. Dusit have never been this far out in all the time it has been predicting Thailand election outcomes. How silly would the dems have looked if they had lost the majority of seats in Bangkok. Rumours..could be But if not you can bet this Dem indiscretion will reappear just before the next election

    I'll ignore the conspiracy theories.

    The PTP had a 100 seat gap over the Democrats. That doesn't mean that they have to lose 100 seats to lose the election.

    They had a 15 seat majority, so if they lost 16 seats, theoretically, the rest could form government.

    if them two get convicted you will be two seats down

  19. The Yingluck government offered Khun Abhisit a place in her government. Which remarkably he declined. Sooner or later the coupes de terre thing and the Taksin & Abhisit thing has to be resolved. OK Abhisit won the day on Taksin's demise. Taksin has offered an olive branch. Whether by intent or naivety Abhisit seems have been the major source of Thailand political pain. If Taksin and Abhisit can't resolve their problem with each other I think Thailand must do away with both of them in order to bring harmony and prosperity back to the people.

    What is so remarkable about him declining? It would have been more remarkable if he accepted?

    Why would they join a government run by a man they despise? The main reason for the political mess over the last 7 years is Thaksin.

    Any evidence to support the assertion in your last sentence ??

    Yes. Plenty.

    Lets have it then

  20. if the majority is so small and Thaksin is the 'big bad bogeyman" do you think Mark will win the next election. Without the coup Mark wont see the PM Office until at least 2025. Or any other out of touch Democrat. Suthep the voice of the people. Sorry got to stop I've wet my pants

    I don't think Abhisit will win the next election. There might be a small possibility that he (or whoever is the Democrat leader) might lead a coalition, but at this early stage, I am predicting PTP will need (ie won't have their own majority) a coalition to form government.

    Hold your foot up. A couple of things to consider. PTP had a 100 seat majority on its own. It formed a coalition on promises to stop thee smaller parties getting "offers they could not refuse.

    7,000,000 extra ballot papers where printed (reported on Thai visa) not a big problem you would think but consider how The Dusit Poll correctly predicted the whole of the country in results yet it was so far off target in Bangkok. Well beyond the 3% + or - Is it possible that some of those 7 million ballot papers found there way into ballot boxes in Bangkok. Dusit have never been this far out in all the time it has been predicting Thailand election outcomes. How silly would the dems have looked if they had lost the majority of seats in Bangkok. Rumours..could be But if not you can bet this Dem indiscretion will reappear just before the next election

  21. I dont think anybody is working for reconcilliation. It wont work because the Thais are suppose to forgive and forget then a few years later a legally elected government is removed, by force in the shape of a coup. I believe what we are seeing is the start of the end game. Thaksin is dismantling the system, the amaat whatever you want to call it so they dont have the power to call another coup. It has started with the rice boys, next it maybe the totally biased media...who knows.

    The'dying swan'imitation by a retired general,Patak Siam ..."dont worry the armys coming to help us..he then run off the stage to an army base where the commander wont let him in..pathetic if thats the only support the amaat can afford nowadays.

    Its a lose/lose situation, if you think whats on the horizon in the next few years, for the amaat. Their only hope is to get the army back in office but that is gloves off civil war and condemnation from the free world. Its over, tomorrow, next week, next year or in ten years

    Thaksin's dismantling of the system is what led to the unelected caretaker government being ousted by a coup.

    Thaksin is just a different crook but still a crook. The system we are talking about is the faceless money people of this country. The government will destroy the rice boys and wont lose much because it will then hold the emergency rice stocks for the nation. Do some research into construction and transport and banking, all the boys are easy to find. There is other industry with amaat faces. We can only go so far down this line before a mod delete comments so I will leave it there

  22. The PM has the right to consult with whomever she wishes. All Thais knew Thaksin was her brother when they elected her. Move on......

    All Thais knew Thaksin was her brother, which might be why a majority didn't vote for her.

    Er, uh.....who won the election and who is the current PM? Get over it.....

    Still, "all Thais" didn't vote her.

    if the majority is so small and Thaksin is the 'big bad bogeyman" do you think Mark will win the next election. Without the coup Mark wont see the PM Office until at least 2025. Or any other out of touch Democrat. Suthep the voice of the people. Sorry got to stop I've wet my pants

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