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Posts posted by KNJ

  1. Saudi teaching English.

    Housing, car, 3 flights a year, bank 4kUSD a month, 5 years and you are good to go with at least some dosh in your back pocket.

    It aint so bad.

    PM me if you want any details ( Stuck in the Sandbox at the moment, flying out tomorrow night - BBBB ( beer and Bacon Butties for breakie )

  2. Just to jump on your thread, and again I am sure it has been asked before,

    The life in the UK test, is that required before applying for the second visa or can that be done any time after the second visa ?

    What is the experience with the test, my wife will study, but does not enjoy, is it necessary to read teh books cover to cover or are many just common sense answers?

  3. If it Mahseer you are after then go to India. You may need some salt water fly rods as they grow to quite a size.

    Google it, Jim Corbett reserve or Himalaya's are your best bet, but it does not come cheap.

    For the big guys you will need VERY substantial gear

  4. It is not just Thai's who have to jump through hurdles, my wife ( japanese ) application was equally fraught with concern, married several years, sufficient finances, lived together several countries, IELTS sufficient for university iof she wanted to.

    Eventuyally issued, BUT make sure you have at least all teh paperwork completed correctly all teh supporting documents as minimum required, and anything else you can possible think of.

    She even owns property in the UK, so FLM you would have thought should have been no problem. Did all of this in Japan.

    Now only hurdle for ILM is that stupid test for knowing what was teh latest episode of eastenders and what king died when.......... very useful for everyday life .......NOT

    • Like 1
  5. Regarding hospitals chasing unpaid fees, they are private companies " no pay no play" and whilst there might be exceptions, they have had enough cases of unpaid bills which is why they ask for money up front or an insurance card.

    Most countries demand that retirees take out a minimum insurance plan, can be purchased from wherever but must be bought. Thailand, will inevitably follow this at some stage, and why shouldn't they? If the Thai government want to offer at a discount rate as being able to buy in bulk, that is something which would make sense.

    Enforcement of the financial regulations for retirees will come about, again inevitable, and will without doubt raise the limits. There are millions of rich Asians, Chinese in particular who can easily afford, and would be happy to move to Thailand for multiple reasons. It will happen sooner than you think. So expect the rents to rise over the coming years.

    As I have said before the freeze on pension rises will remain, don't expect the British government to change that there is close to zero chance of that happening. Inflation is real, whether here or in UK, my prediction is it will reach 10% in the next 4 years ( hope I am around that long so I can be proved wrong ) but whatever the rate it most certainly will not be negative. Annuities are at record lows, and EU directive, means that they fall even further, QE will further erode and another round of that is coming. forex rates are another concern, but in my view the Baht is probably trading beyond its worth, and as manufacturers see large increase in minimum salaries, cheaper investments in other countries ( Cambodia, Vietnam, Bangladesh and soon to be Myanmar ) this will spell problems for Thailand and I believe rate will improve in 2-3 years.

    Not planning for the future is fool-hearty, yet some will still take this path.

    Do not expect the British consulate to give or even loan you money for an airfare home, they just will not do that. Sorry that is the way it is.

    On the plus side, it is possible to live on a few hundred dollars a month, if you have to , millions of Thais do it every day of their lives, but do not expect to have a beer with the boys and retire to your 50 sq meter air con apartment after. Yes you can struggle by, the question is do you want to?

    If you genuinely have enough for the financial requirements for visa, then at least you should have enough to return home to your native soil where you can survive.

    If you do not, by the time you reach zero, unless you have friends or family to assist you are in serious problems

    If you only have 800 dollars a month to live,l then you need to be spending only 700, not 800 and cadging drinks, that will only end in disaster.

    Think about all teh costs, teh initial set up, daily, weekly, monthly and yearly as well as beyond (is that car or MC going to last till the end of your life? )

  6. When I used to live in Bangkok a few years back, I used to know a Farang couple, they used to keep in tow a fine looking young lady, prepared to go whichever way the couple preffered or both together is desired. she was a cracker, even if in it only for the cash, the wife said she was exteremly enthusiastic, and would approach her rather than the other way around when the husband was not there, so I guess she enjoyed it both ways.

    Horses for courses

  7. Bear in mind that as soon as UK is aware you are deceased your bank accounts will be frozen.You need to have made provision in an English will to cover this eventuality

    If you buy annuity with your pension fund it depends if you have chosen single life ( most money ) of double life ( does not matter who dies first but amount payable will be reduced )

    If you want an annuity with inflation built in then you will get less still per month, rates are crap at the moment

    If you have income of more than 20 k GBP then you have another option of drawdown, that means you need something like 4000k working for you , but allows you more choice and the remainder to go to your wife, rather than lose to a company on your death.

    Depending on how big your pension is and if under 18 000 then you can take the lot as cash, above that and only 25% as a tax free lump sum

    Depending on size of estate you may want to consult an IFA ( I am not one, but am well read on such matters ) as best way to take your monies ( savings etc )

    without a will in place, for UK assets then it will become a bun fight potentially, brothers, sisters, aunts uncles cousins, may want to claim your assets GET A UK WILL MADE.

    Make a will also in Thailand and make sure that it covers the Thai assets.

    Insurance against life is a good idea if you can afford, but don't buy more than is necessary

    make sure you list all your assets, car, bike, pictures books etc and define what and where goes to whom GET A THAI WILL MADE

    Now I am not being pessimistic, but what if you both die in an accident? Then where do you want the assets to go GET YOUR WIFE TO MAKE A THAI WILL

    Any children? pets ? special items e.g. stamp collection, antiques, family airloomss? Things that you want to be treated special after your demise?

    Good forward thinking, more people should do it.

  8. I arrived to Tokyo with a suitcase, and left 4 years later with a wife ( to be ) didn't marry till later.

    Carefull where you shop, supermarkets can be relatively cheap to high proced depending which one you use

    Accomodation can be ok if you live a little outside the cities, and or more than 7 minutes walk to nearest rail station.

    Avoid drinking out every night, that will kill you in terms of cost.

    Get outside the cities, loads of great places to see and do.

    Learn some of the language will make life easier, and check on teh expat forums for all manner of everything.


    • Like 1
  9. I can't say about all chains, but US based chains are completely anal about having all franchisees use the same methods and ingredients. If you walk into a McDonalds or Burger King in any country in the world you expect the food to be exactly what you're used to. Any franchisee who thinks he has a better idea will lose his franchise. I would bet if you studied MDee's food ingredients on google you'd soon know what's in it.

    Edit. I do recall news that McD and BK and others went from using unhealthy fats to healthier fats in their friers just a few years ago. This was from public pressure and bad publicity.

    The only two things a McD franchise cannot change in another country are the golden arches and Ronald MacDonald.

    Look at India for example, Raja burgers, veggie burgeres etc. ( Can still get a fillet o fish )

  10. Try the next island over, Lombok, if you like beaches and grenery.

    3 good golf courses, fishing is better.

    Still a little nightlife if you want it, but nothing like Kuta.

    I rented a house on the beach with swimming pool for less than 1000 USD for the week ( breakfast included )

  11. Try the next island over, Lombok, if you like beaches and grenery.

    3 good golf courses, ( MUCH cheaper than Bali ) fishing is better.

    Still a little nightlife if you want it, but nothing like Kuta.

    I rented a house on the beach with swimming pool for less than 1000 USD for the week ( breakfast included )

  12. Not in my village they didn't. Offered 5 rai free of charge to anybody in the village to grow only organic - not one would accept but they kept pestering me to grow rice on it which they stated openly they would use herbicides and pesticides. It is still available but I doubt the offer will be be taken up. TIT

    Interesting article on NHK yesterday regarding population migration to Bangkok, and how some of the younger immigrants were dissatified with their existence in teh Capital, and interviews with people wanting return to home and produce organic produce. Seems it is not just claims, but that teh Thai youth are becoming mire aware of orgainic produce.

    Small steps but can only lead to good things.

    How about renting a small plot of land and growing your own, then you know what is and is not used in teh production. I am sure many locals would be happy to rent out a rai or two on a yearly basis

    A crying shame, if you are still around in a few years you may have a tenant.

    Good on you.

  13. Interesting article on NHK yesterday regarding population migration to Bangkok, and how some of the younger immigrants were dissatified with their existence in teh Capital, and interviews with people wanting return to home and produce organic produce. Seems it is not just claims, but that teh Thai youth are becoming mire aware of orgainic produce.

    Small steps but can only lead to good things.

    How about renting a small plot of land and growing your own, then you know what is and is not used in teh production. I am sure many locals would be happy to rent out a rai or two on a yearly basis

    • Like 2
  14. I asked my Thai bank (Kasikorn) if my Thai wife would be able to access the cash in my account when I die. The answer was only if she could present a Thai Will and Thai documentation for evidence of death. They said due to the level of fraud they had tightened up the process for accessing funds.

    I would have said the answer is: open the accounts in joint names with your wives.

    All my bank accounts abroad and in Thailand are in joint names with my wife and I. Our home is in the names of our children, and other valubles are kept in a strong box at the bank.

    My wife is covered by insurance policies attached to my pension after I`m gone and all the family will have no worries as I have prepared everything. So in fact I have no need to make a will.

    Perhaps some people do not trust their wives and families enough to allow them access to they`re bank accounts?

    Please be carefull and check this, sometimes when paying a beneficiary overseas solicitors need to become involved, taxes can be unexpected and can be quite lengthy.

    I would check with insurance company that they know how and can explain procedure to collect death benefit when appropriate.

    If it is also linked to terminal illness payment check that as well and that you have someone who can sign on your behalf and she knows who that is and how to contact them........just saying, belt and long peice of string as they say

  15. You think Chiang Mai is bad for caddies, try Indonesia, they do not even watch your ball half the time, they are only interested in 19th hole.

    The Japanese expat mag once did an article on qualifications to be a caddie at various courses around Jakarta included were:

    1) Good teeth

    2) not fat

    3) long hair

    4) aged between 17 & 29

    and not one of any of the 50 odd courses required that a caddie understood the rules or etiquette of Golf

    Also about the 6 ball, I played many years ago at a club an hour outside Bangkok and half way around was an 8 ball, fortunately they were kind enough to let us pass.

    I do not know whether it still exists but many moons ago, there was one club which allowed a 12 ball - very social these Thais

  16. Let's keep it simple.

    Name of your registered company. when was it formed?

    What percentage do you own? Not wife, BIL, Friend Somyak or anyone else, your stake?

    How many references of your work are you willing to publicise?

    How many properties have you handled in the last 2 months?

    Are you fluent in Thai ( read and talk, ) and Thai legislation?

    How many staff do you employ?

    Why should I tell you this info's?

    Why would you be hesitant to give this information they are practical questions.

    failing to do so just makes people think you are nothing buta scammer

    Come in our office and I tell you laugh.png

    most questions you can answer if you read my post

    some if you know the Thai law


    next ? coffee1.gif

    Hardly stupid, they are all pertinent to your business, showing that you can justify your claims, that you have an understanding of Thai property law and that you have a history of dealing with satisfied customers.

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