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Posts posted by KNJ

  1. No place for a fool, some of the busiest waterways in the world, even in fair weather, good light it is not for the feint of heart.

    If they continue to try this they will be washing up on the shores of Europe.

    However I am sure there are already plenty of smugglers charging who knows what to bring them over in small boats, 5k a time 10 immigrants, and hundreds of miles of coastline to leave from and drop off to.

  2. Having lived and worked in Japan, there is great rivalry between Osaka and Tokyo, so much so that in Tokyo you walk on the right of an escalator, in Osaka the left.

    Residing in Tokyo but travelling to Osaka after a couple of visits, it all slips into place, respect is given and normality is adhered to.

    On one occasion, in Tokyo I am on the right, going down the steps to the platform, and I am in a bit of a rush, and an obvious Osakan is trying to ascend on his left.

    Worlds will collide.

    At 120 kg descending, his 60 kg ascending met, great embarrassment from him, and apologies as he picked himself up from the steps.

  3. It might be easier to find yourself a legit Chinese girl and tell everyone she's Chinese-Thai.

    But seriously, it depends on how good looking you are and how much money you have. If you look like a European football star, you can probably hang with those girls, and possibly get em in bed. If youve got money too, then they might introduce you to their families. But if youre not in a position to buy 500 baht cocktails and 3,000 baht dinners every other night, then why bother? Sure, Ive heard of eccentric rich Thai girls that fell for young, low-wage foreigners and had their fathers take care of the bills, but is that what you really want? Seems kinda emasculating to me.

    In general, Id say the kind of Thai girl you described dating a foreigner happens about as often as a wealthy white girl back home dates a minority from the ghetto.

    Awesome reply buddy. Great insight. Appreciate it. I don't really care whether im introduced to the family or not. Matter of fact, i prefer they don't introduce me. Im in it for the fun. So basically, nothing serious. Just two consensual adults having fun.

    Im not rich...so no, i won't be buying 3000baht dinners every other day. Once a week though, i could easily afford. But my mind frame is totally different than most. In the west, i let the girl buy me drinks...and dinner...not that i can't afford it...its just the frame i set from the get go. I am the prize as much as you could be and you will have to work for me...you'd be surprised how well having that kind of mind frame works. So im just wondering...how well would that mind frame work in Thailand with the above mentioned girls?

    I ask because of how conscious Thai women are dating farangs because of the stigma it carries.

    I have a friend that runs a male escort agency, what not get paid to take them out .................

  4. Rat OK,

    Insects no problem,

    Durian I love it, even the smell,

    Offal no worries,

    Chicken blood, yes please

    Raw prawn, I'll take that risk

    Ant, quite nice,

    BUT Japanese natto or Taiwan Stinky tofu.......neither of them would I ever try again, three times is enough

  5. Buying gold is strictly to keep the wife happy -- ask Naam wink.png

    Get long term fixed deposits going - it's easy, uncomplicated and will beat gold hands down any day of the week. I believe you're in UK, so you'll need to move money out of there to find a rate of more than 5% over 5 years. Beware of tax on the interest. Trying to "grow" a pension pot in the UK is a fool's errand nowadays -- unless you are highly proficient in stock investments. Just be grateful if you manage to keep your pot intact for your 65th birthday (or whatever year the UK government have decided on by the time you get that far.)

    Make a will !!! NOW !!!!!! It does not need to be complex -- just a simple statement that you want everything to be turned into cash and split between people X, Y and Z in percentage proportions. You can change the will tomorrow, so it's not set in stone, but you MUST have a will if you own anything of worth and you're launching into a "new life". Be prepared to lose everything you bring to Thailand -- hopefully you won't - but be a good boy scout and there'll be no nasty surprises for you.

    Gold will have zero interest, however if the markets and economy crash, gold will benefit........ Silly me that is not likely to happen.....

    If you are non resident in UK, interest is not taxed, so ignore that, especially if you are risk adverse and want to maintain cash ( keep it below 75k)

    Do not invest in anything till you have researched and understand what you are doing.

    Make a will is very good advice, a separate one for UK and Thailand

    pension is a waste of money unless you are a UK tax payer. there is no benefit for an expat

  6. It is a serious chunk of change my best advice is to seek an IFA in UK and one that specialises in advice to Expats. Sure you will pay, but in UK they are now if licenced IFA independent of the products they recommend. Would you want a farmer working on your car... No you would pay a mechanic, and likewise pay an IFA. Talk to three or four ( try "findawealthmanager" )

    Do not do anything quickly you may live to regret it.

    Property can certainly be a suitable investment but if you need access to money in the short term, then it is not quick to liquidate. Bear in mind despite still rising prices prices can go into reverse

    Read a few books, no correct that, read a lot of books and work out short medium and long term plans. Work out your risk tolerance.( Read Second Chance at least )

    HSBC Jersey are useful for having available cash, although interest is pitiful, however you can maintain multiple currencies as well as access very easily, and there are certain benefits ( need 50 k to make it worthwhile ( Premier ))

    have enough cash to get you through 6 months.

    At your age you can certainly afford to take a longer term view however know your risk tolerance.

    20% weighting in gold is a bit heavy IMHO however not a bad solution ( you are reliant on spot price and no interest is accumulated,)

    Learn about compound interest, at your age you will benefit, as Einstein said "it is the 8th wonder of the world"

    Finally listen to the best Financial advisor in the world............ YOURSELF

  7. can someone explain how can someone 'accidentally' put two bullets in a bag? we need more info like were they Police issue? is he denying they are his etc.

    It happens, I have a fiend, went on a shooting weekend, flew out to Riyadh the next day, the wife having repacked his weekend bag, but failing to check the side pockets.

    Fortunately the half a dozen 12 bore cartridges were not detected,

  8. Two students at college studying business, one Thai, the other Nigerian. Having completed their course, they return to their own country and part with a promise "To meet again if ever there is the opportunity"

    Several years pass and the Thai has an opportunity to travel to Nigeria, and of course contacts his old college buddy.

    He arrives in Lagos and is met by a stretch limousine, drives to the countryside, and is impressed by the grand villa, a butler takes his bag, to the guest room, and tells him to meet his master on the balcony for afternoon sundowners

    They greet and the Thai remarks on how well he has done.

    The Nigerian tells him "See that bridge across the river"


    30% of the costs were mine, I was the subcontractor.

    After a few days the Thai returns to his home and parts with the promise "To meet again if ever there is the opportunity"

    A few years pass and the Nigerian has an opportunity to travel to Thailand, and of course contacts his old buddy.

    He arrives in Bangkok, is met by a personal helicopter, flown to a national park, and is very impressed by the solid teak, 24 bedroom mansion where he lands after overflying the Olympic swimming pool, personal golf course and race track.

    He is met by a scantily clad young lady who takes his bags to the guest wing, and tells him his sponsor will meet him on one of the five balconies for all day drinks.

    They greet once more and the Nigerian remarks on how extremely well he has done.

    The Thai tells him " See that motorway in the distance "


    "Borrow my binoculars, now do you see it?"


    "100% of the costs were mine, I was the subcontractor"

  9. Retirement visa - commitment to retire, spend money on the economy.

    Marriage visa - commitment to live, spend money on the economy

    5 year visa - commitment to live, spend money on the economy

    Genuine Ed visa - commitment to live, spend money on the economy.

    Tourist visa - commitment to holiday, spend money on the economy.

    Fly by night, teachers ( variable qualifications) Non-Genuine Ed Visa, Digital nomads ( geeks?) Financial experts ( definitely no qualifications - the last guy I met did a 3 day course in Hong Kong) Those fallen in love ( forgotten that the pe**s is also used for Pi**ing, but don't have a pot to p**s in) - Do you honestly think that UK, Germany, USA, Australia Sweden en al; would let you in ( save for EU to EU country - and as of this morning Germany seems to want to limit that)

    What is it with people that think the world has open borders for people to reside wherever they desire. It does not.

  10. It's up to the parent whether or not the child can be in an actual match. Most parents would never allow that. I know I wouldn't. Barring that however, the various martial arts is some of the best conditioning available for growing minds and bodies.

    Another great thing for children to learn that helps them a great deal is reading music and playing an instrument.

    As the old man said "Learn to Sail, Ski, Ride a horse and to play an instrument"

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