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Posts posted by KNJ

  1. Turkish, Chinese , now Bangladesh ?

    So what's the connection ?

    Admitted to carrying the bag but did not know what was in it ? Yet part of some network ?

    If you ask me, too many things do not add up

    Do you really need to have the connection pointed out?

    Think religion.

    Have you heard of Bangladeshi terror groups ? I have not

    You would be surprised, I was there in Bangladesh the day 450 bombs went off, I have lived there, the place will amaze you both positively and negatively.

    If thi ssuspect entered Bangladesh, there is no way he entered or exited without a visa, tracking that should be easy

  2. Drive?


    I am thinking bicycle - 2 months should be enough, plus a detour into Bangladesh for a week ( best kept cycling secret for those in the know)

    Myanmar - Visa needed

    Bangladesh- Visa needed

    India - Visa needed

    Now, what other countries between India and ol Blighty? Which route?

    It looks like the highway goes through the little strip of India north of Bangladesh, so that is one less visa, unless you want to take a detour.

    Yes most definitely a detour. Avoid Dhaka but the countryside is one of the best kept cycling secrets. I spent a year there. Getting out of or into Dhaka is horrendous but the countryside a completely different matter

  3. LLoyds International Isle of Man, Premier account need to maintain min balance pounds Sterling 2500 then no bank charges

    International transfers free

    UK transfers free

    Internet and telephone banking

    I opened my lloyds account when here I have a visa debit card and it has my Thailand address, yes I had to be patient, yes it took a long time BUT ABSOLUTELY first class to have

    I recently made the account joint with my wife, a bit of a struggle but got there eventually, and good for planning when I die account will continue no hastle, if left until after I dia there is no way they would give my wife an account, but now that has been overcome

    I send pounds sterling to Bank Bangkok sterling account, better to buy Batt as and when here (I also use this account for my cash for marriage extension)

    I have internet banking with both Lloyds and Bangkok Bank, can see all my various accounts, and do all transfers

    All works very well for me at little or no cost

    Good idea making the joint account.

    Not only would your wife (widow) be unable to open an account herself she would have to jump through hoops to get money out as any probate obtained (in.say. the UK) has to be seperately registered in IOM.

    I am sure there are many with IOM or Jersey based accounts.

    It is essential that you have a will separate from any other for these, pertaining to money/investments held in either of these.

    PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do not rely on a UK or Thai will it is not enough and will lead to nothing but delays and costs.

    As to the original post I still retain my Jersey HSBC, and am happy with the service, if not the 50k minimum deposit/investment required. The cash part pays diddly squat in terms of interest, however investments can cover this ( or a suitable mortgage )

    Advantages is that with that Premier service, multiple currency accounts are available and they will help set up a HSBC account in another country.

    All accounts can be linked together to make life easy via global view

    Barclays I gave up a long time ago, too many costs, and I did not like their Jersey offerings and limited access globally in terms of branches.

    Santander I run in Uk if for no other reason than to get 3% on the cash ( couple of accounts )

    More difficult for me was setting up an independent account for the missus, no one seemed to want to know, BUT again HSBC stepped up and allowed her to open one, so she has some independent money for a rainy day

    I might add that I have no dog in this race and I do not have anything to do with any bank, these are just my own experiences and opinions

  4. Lucky he did not take out 500 Euro notes.

    It is normal for the bank when loading the ATM to check for counterfeited notes, not I believe in dispensing, it is deemed an unnecessary step, thus separate deposit ( where they do scan ) and dispense machines ( scan on load)

    If the BIB care to contact the bank he claims to have received them from it will be confirmed..................Sorry in this case guilty until he can prove otherwise

  5. To answer the original question.

    No we are not, some of us got out of China. I May have missed the current fall, but missed the previous years growth. Never the less they are overvalued by most company worth calculations.

    "In every crisis there is opportunity" according to the Chinese proverb, and having cash available will I believe be beneficial in the not too distant future.

    I would encourage everyone to read "Second Chance" by Robert Kiyosaki ( he of "rich dad poor dad" fame .... again a great read )

    He predicted the last major crash, and had already forecast the next.

  6. not wishing to upstage this but last time I was in Tokyo some years ago a Cantaloupe melon in a wonderful downtown store was US$150 .............. and I kid you not. No doubt that was sold as Villa's savoy cabbage will have been

    The most expensive food item I've ever seen in Pattaya was frozen Japanese beef for 9999 baht per kilo. It was divided into 3333 baht packs. That was at Foodland. There's plenty of 4000 baht/kg Japanese beef at Villa if you have some spare cash.

    Do not even try and compare a Japanese melon, where 90% are discarded to produce the very best 10% ( or less)

    As for Japanese beef it is graded and at 9999 it was probably not A5 quality, so not the most expensive.

    Is the price worth it, that is up to the buyer.

    Is it any better? unless you have tried, you will never know, but I would stake good Japanese A5 beef with anything in the world.....name me another beef so tender you can cut with your eyebrows

  7. Is it at all possible to get Distilled Water anywhere in Bangkok? Not the car battery stuff.

    I need Distilled water for medicinal use. Can't find any in Pattaya

    Order a still from ebay China, about 100 GBP for 4 litre model.

    Your water will be perfect.

    Can also be used for extracting oils from herbs.

    Can also be used to make alcohol..... but that is another story

  8. Bali has a lot of options, from a few dollars to 1000 USD a night. Horses for courses.

    Easy to rent a Harley, and tour the island.

    If you want a taxi take "BlueBird"

    Nice food ( check Made's Warang if in Denpasar.)

    KuDeTa restaurant and bar if you want to splash out for a good night out, plenty of bars and local food available, try a Padang restaraunt

    A short hop to Lombok,( various options on that) much more laid back, and some great beaches, but primary muslim locals, unlike the Balinese.

  9. Thailand in 50 years:

    Tourists still complaining that they are being ripped off in Jet Ski Scams at Pattaya.

    Russians and Chinese dominate the Jet Ski rental market.

    TV has its own subsection on the issue celebrating its 50th birthday.

    Those Brits who retired long ago to Thailand on a state pension, surviving on a bowl of rice or noodles a day, as their pension is still not linked to inflation, and they thought they would have enough.

    Chiang Mai real estate market is completely dead, with Chinese owning most of the condos

    Many new Moo Baans, with for sale or rent signs which have been empty for 50 years ( Somchai still thinks it was a good investment and that he will get his price eventually)

    The Bangkok Sky Train now extends to the Cambodian border and Koh Chang is commuter distance to the big Mango.

    The Thai military is still a caretaker government, but promises elections soon.

    The Phuket government is still having meetings to decide what 10% of beach local vendors can use.

    TV members still disagree whether it is better to buy or rent, and some remise about windows 10 and others that it still has bugs

    The latest Thai fashion is optical implants so they can watch there favourite soaps 24/7

  10. Asking for embassy to fund the overstay, and flight is almost certainly a no go,. Forget any help from them for the rent owing.

    Having said that you have to try, that involves persistence requests to the consular staff ( not embassy ) but do not hold your breath.

    Immediate action. Find a friend to live with, be honest with them regarding your situation, and be prepared to move around even if it is one night at a time. A roof over your head is needed.

    After that be honest with the landlord, explain your personal situation, and that whilst you cannot pay at the moment you have intention to get your life back on track, and ask for patience and time to pay. If he/she will not you are going to have to disappear quick as he/she could easily invoke the police to assist.

    Get on Facebook, check every single contact you have ever made ( including clients, if necessary forward sell your work - keep those promises), old school friends, distant family, ex-colleagues and send a polite but begging letter, asking them if they are able to help, after you have explained your personal situation, and your intention that you will repay.

    Writing to the Belgium press is a good idea, your national regional AND local papers there.

    Sorry to say you need to get back home, without a doubt and regroup. Thailand is always there, and you can return when you are sorted, at least you will have minimal support, even if it means throwing yourself on the governments mercy, ( you are not going to get very much in Swampy)

    You need at this most difficult time to make a huge effort and I know that cannot be easy.

    There are lots of people on TV who will try and put you down. Stand up, Several years ago I was one of nah sayers whilst in Indonesia and a fellow Brit was incarcerated. I was very dismissive. I did however see the error of my ways, got to know him via email, supplied him with food, reading and eventually a plane ticket out of there ( would have remained in immigration until someone paid for it) I never met him, but spoke to him whilst in UK. Good things can happen. Do I regret spending the money on him, hell NO, I do regret not listening earlier and was happy to help

    failing all of this. Crazy as it sounds, I also had a German friend in similar dire straights as yourself, but with zero qualifications. He bit the bullet, and became a male escort in Thailand ( must get that book written one day )

    Good luck

  11. So “On” is On and off we go, hopefully “in or out” or Inn

    Firstly “hair must do”, so adjourn to the milla

    So off On goes, she’ll soon be ready for this “old has been”

    But “On ...its mirror...... with an aaaargh”

    Feeling, loose and young without a care

    Before we go one dink for “Pom” another for “Ma”

    “I know no Englishmen, why are you scare”

    Besides which, none in tea or coffee but drink is spelt with aaaargh

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