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Posts posted by KNJ

  1. Let's keep it simple.

    Name of your registered company. when was it formed?

    What percentage do you own? Not wife, BIL, Friend Somyak or anyone else, your stake?

    How many references of your work are you willing to publicise?

    How many properties have you handled in the last 2 months?

    Are you fluent in Thai ( read and talk, ) and Thai legislation?

    How many staff do you employ?

    Why should I tell you this info's?

    Why would you be hesitant to give this information they are practical questions.

    failing to do so just makes people think you are nothing buta scammer

  2. It is a standard move usually called a "crowd-in", they work as a team, seen it happen with a bicycle bing used to bump into someone and then lots of people rush in.

    my friends in Germany tell me a similar theft on trains in recent years where someones bag is on the overhead rack, several people join drop their bags on same overheard, off at the next stop and behold your bag has mysteriously dissapeared with them.

    dont forget to back up your phone and PC peolpe on a regualr basis.

    • Like 1
  3. I'm surprised why this 'flaming/criticising' the OP, a sponsor is going on. Are there different rules for different sponsors? Just because he doesn't sell sausages or have a wellknown restaurant in CM, he should be treated equally IMO. Could it be a nationality issue?

    I hardly think hating someone counts as racism. I hate everyone equally so it cannot be so

  4. 2 witnesses, we used the officials at the office.

    Get a translation to English, and lodge a copy at British consulate, they can then generate another certified copy if you ever need or lose the original, there is a small fee but peace of mind.

    I seem to remember the need to translate my documents into Thai also

  5. Let's keep it simple.

    Name of your registered company. when was it formed?

    What percentage do you own? Not wife, BIL, Friend Somyak or anyone else, your stake?

    How many references of your work are you willing to publicise?

    How many properties have you handled in the last 2 months?

    Are you fluent in Thai ( read and talk, ) and Thai legislation?

    How many staff do you employ?

    • Like 1
  6. I've recently investigated this one. Well you may be surprised that around Indonesia, and especially near Fiji and PNG there are many islands for sale at not unreasonable prices ($100,000) I know of one now, near Bali for $150,000. But as those who have lived on one will know, the cost of getting anything to an island is about double.The cost of building is about double, and in the off season you may be stranded for days, unless you have a good boat. There are also some near Cambodia. But In this part of the world there are 2 other major issues - firstly security and keeping unwanted visitors away, and more basic than that, and by far and away the largest problem - WATER. So many islands don't have their own supply or its sub standard. That is why many smaller islands are cheap. The other problem with water is that in parts of the Pacific for instance, global warming is happening now, and islands are getting smaller as the sea rises. Buyer beware!

    You cannot own land in Indonesia, not even a condo, 70 year lease is the maximum.

    Do not listen to anyone who tells you otherwise, specifically if they are talking about Bali, too many scammers there, and many of people who have had their dream property lost

  7. Don't forget to reflect on life and the friends you have had along the way, make sure you say your good byes.

    Think of the enemies you have, one time they were not, is it time to think why they are enemies and at least forget the reason and bid them a fond farewell as well.

    Family no matter how distant, say your goodbyes and let them know your intentions.

    You might be surprised that some people would support and even join you for a few final jars of the amber liquid ( that is Single malt to you shandy drinking southerners )

    Get your finances as best as possible in order, pay the outstanding debts, and selll absolutely everything you have, all the money will help you have a better final few months before departing this mortal coil

    .Take one day at a time, the wet season is fast finishing so every days sunshine is a bonus.

    think about your own "Bucket List" does not have to vbe wild and extravagant, maybe it is that prize fish, 3 ladies in a bed, three boys if that is your flavour, a bottle of Dom with Oysters.

    Don't burn all teh cash at once, some people go on longer than doctors anticipate so do not end with nothing ( Sell EVERYTHING ) Converserly some people last less so work not only on the list but plan them in an appropriate order.

    If you want to be repatriated then ashes will be easier, if you are happy to deal with a funeral in Thailand that can be arranged ( finding a Scottish piper for the last tune might be difficult )

    Do not reflect on things that went wrong, thinlk of the nice things that have happened and run each day as it should be and how you want.


    Does the road wind uphill all the way?

    Yes, to the very end.

    Will the day's journey take the whole long day?

    From morn to night, my friend.

    But is there for the night a resting-place?

    A roof for when the slow, dark hours begin.

    May not the darkness hide it from my face?

    You cannot miss that inn.

    Shall I meet other wayfarers at night?

    Those who have gone before.

    Then must I knock, or call when just in sight?

    They will not keep you standing at that door.

    Shall I find comfort, travel-sore and weak?

    Of labour you shall find the sum.

    Will there be beds for me and all who seek?

    Yea, beds for all who come.


    • Like 2
  8. 1. There has been a regular gang operating around the intersection of Jomtien 2nd Rd. and Soi Chaiyaput for at least 8 months, probably much longer.

    A Dutch friend of mine on his M/C was assaulted 6 or 8 months ago with the reo bars at night just near that intersection, when the intersection was still rough dirt and gravel, and he was EXTREMELY lucky to get out alive as these guys obviously put no value on human life.

    2. Obviously the Police don't care , as many incidents including my friend's have been reported to them, and they could easily set up a regular decoy operation to trap them.

    Obviously there has been no attempt to stamp out this ongoing murderously intent gang of despots.

    3. I daily ride a 30,000 baht beautiful aluminium bicycle around Jomtien for an hour, with my leather lap bag slung around my handle bars, never containing less than about 10,000 baht.

    I never venture away from Soi's 1 to 12 / Beach Rd. 2nd Rd. pocket , but now I can see with me riding possibly the nicest bicycle in Jomtien and a lap pouch in obvious sight, and only occasionally wearing my bike crash helmet, that I have been making a target out of myself even though I never leave heavily populated areas, so I will immediately modify my behaviour !

    Thank you for the lesson.

    Very clever!! Not!

    a 30,000 baht bike is nothing. the nicest bike in jomtien? i dont think so.

    a good set of forks cant set you back more.

    Indeed, and certainly not a decent frame, or set of gears, maybe a decent pair of wheels

  9. Get the money out of UK and to Thailand, no need for lawyers with this amount and inhereted money overseas will be eaten by the tax and or solicitors.

    This is important to note for anyone, think about where and what you want done with your estate, and plan accordingly. if necessary talk to experts.

    Why have assets in UK being subject to 55% tax on inheretance, that plus excessive legal fees, transfer fees, by the time your heirs get their hands on it there will be very little left.

    Do we have a solicitoraccountant here that can explain the tax in UK and anticipated legal fees, I hope so, as some people will be in for a big shock, thinking there is money for their heirs when in reality it will be wittled away excessively.

    Property is an even bigger problem, yet there are things in life you can do to ease your heirs that will be,

  10. Firstly appologies as I am sure this question has been asked before.

    I did try and use the search function but could not find relevent information.

    So the story is Married, two kids with a thai wife. Now divorced kids are 13 & 15.

    I would like to get them British nationality ( duel in reality ) so will the British government allow this.

    The mother is supportive.

    I do not live in Uk at the moment but will be returning there shortly.

    Many thanks in advance and appologies again as I am sure this is not a new question

  11. Not in Thailand but a customer visiting Scandinavia, took a nice Russian girl to the hotel only to wake up the following day to have his money and Rolex gone.

    Money no biggie but watch was present from wife who was arriving a few days later to join him.

    Panic phone calls and eventually the same model was located, and duely purchased.

    Could relax ..... that was until a couple of days after the wife arrived she noticed that the inscription she had made on the back of the watch was no longer there..............ouch

  12. benefits on returning home, well as a Brtish citizen everyone is entitled.

    However cost of repatriation definetly NO why would the government pay that, it would end with people buying one way tickets, spending all there money and then asking the embassey for a ticket home.

  13. Always amazes me when I see units for sale how little information/photos are attached.

    Even more amazing is that many want to sell fully furnished, whilst it might suit some people it is more likely that a new owner would want to place their own style on a place. Additional to which most Thais seem to think that all those fixtures, fittings, furniture are worth what they paid for them.

    A bit like second hand car market which is ridiculous second hand prices being asked, makes almost no sense but to buy new.

    Land, material, quality all will reflect the price but the same principle rules everywhere , location, location and location. However having said that the maintenance or lack of it can greatly reduce the value of a property.

    the inherent issue is a Thai will never sell for less than what his neighbour sells something similar for. One sells a prime peice of beachfront land with amenities connected and great potential, his neigbour with no beach front, doggy building land poor views, prone to flooding thinks his must be worth at least the same.

    The point I am trying to make is that Thais in general think of land and property in a different way and unless he needs the money will not sell for less than purchased or neighbour sold for Caveat Emptor

  14. Reading the entire thread it seems that the OP was not showing his gold chain, and carrying a smartphone is common place.

    More likely these yabba'ed thugs were taking it just as an opportunity.

    Best advice:

    carry a chap phone when riding a cheap wallet with smallish cash and no cards

    Consider cycling in a group, there must be many individuals and a lot safer.

    Carry weapons only if you are confident in using them or as last resort or it could inflame teh attackers. Better to have wallet and cheap phone easy accessable and thenmake a clear sign of throwing it towards them, if they do not take and persist in coming at you then resort to peppar spray or collapsable stick, better to run if possible.

    After second successful attempt to elude them I would have been looking for an alternative route even if it meant going cross country over someones land, they were obviously persistant, best defence is running away.

    Well done however for your defence, and get well soon, check out that guy on the corner, and if you recognise them call the police. Good luck

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