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Posts posted by KNJ

  1. Regardless of whether she took money or guaranteed a loan, if someone has gone to the police and raised charges against her, then the case will in Thai law become a criminal one and not a civil one, as such she will be on watch in the immigration computer.

    Your best chance is to find out who raised the charges, pay them off what is owed and get them to drop the charges.

    Lawyers, expensive slow and not that knowledgable.

    Police only in it for what they can get.

    Find out who raised the charges and get it to go away, that is the only sensible way forward

    Stay out of the country and get your friend to find out this info, if they sense a Farang involved the amounts will only go one way.

    Good luck

  2. A few years back but 20% down and 80% on mortgage of 5 years. I had work permit, and shared bank account. Paid off after 2.5 years with sizeable discount. That was with Thai Farmers, so tells you it was a few years back indeed, but it was possible then, and if you shop around should be possible now.

    If it is a developer selling why do you not ask them to help arrange, that is probably an easier option

  3. Does anyone have a recomendation for a company capable of a quite sophisticated ( marine quality ) welding company.

    Initial work probably 4-500 hours for a personal project I have in mind.

    Additionally if anyone knows a ball park figure for wages for a competent ( read qualified ) aluminium welder it would be appreciated

    Of course if there are any expat welders out there that would fancy some work, at a reasonable price i am willing to discuss also

  4. Many years back there used to be a dealer somewhere behind MBK ( in amongst all the second hand car part shops ) that specialised in old BMW motorbikes, and another specialist for the same over by the International telephone exchange.

    Does anyone know if they are still there and if they have any stock still.

    Thanks in advance

  5. People who complane about others speling especailly given the number of people who don't have english as there first language.

    People who defend those who cannot be bothered to use a spellchecker. By using MS Word to type your message to the World, one could check for spelling and grammatical errors before using the cut and paste facility to post. Those for whom English is not their native tongue could thus improve their fund of knowledge. The incorrect use of the English language is primarily due to sheer laziness.

    Type into word first........ eh just download ieSpell. It is free

  6. Endless debate on how much it costs to live in Thailand and how much collateral you need.

    British pensioners demanding the right to for inflation linking

    My wife is a Thai/Chinese Hai so

    I have never been / visited one time to Thailand and want advice about moving there for the rest of my life

    How and where to transfer money to/from Thailand

  7. Lets face it this enactment of the law is nothing more than an excuse for BIB to ellicit money from farangs.

    No one would argue that properly disposing of waste is an admirable ideal.

    The reality is :

    1) lack of rubbish bins - to wit I am sure a deliberate policy to catch more farangs

    2) only Farangs are targetted

    3) just take a look at any street, road beach or tourist spot in Thailand, the biggest polluters are Thais and it is widespread.

    4) YES YES YES everyone including all smokers know it is bad for them, but it is their CHOICE

    Should everyone stop smoking, certainly - especially in Aus and UK then we could bring the government down by reducing the tax they collect

    Should people be mindful of littering and pollution, OH yes, but the Thai Government should provide rubbish bins - which they will not as it will encroach on this highly profitable " catch a farang "

    I say lets follow teh lead and start pretending to throw away teh butts whilst actually retaining them. If enough people do it then after a while they will give up and move onto another SCAM, because that is all it is

    I'm not sure stopping smoking would "bring the government down", what they would be forced to do is increase taxes across the board to make up the shortfalls.

    You are right of course, in reality even at 90% of the price being tax, it represents only about 10B GBP or 2% of tax revenues.

    Will have to think of another way to change the Government.... sigh

  8. Lets face it this enactment of the law is nothing more than an excuse for BIB to ellicit money from farangs.

    No one would argue that properly disposing of waste is an admirable ideal.

    The reality is :

    1) lack of rubbish bins - to wit I am sure a deliberate policy to catch more farangs

    2) only Farangs are targetted

    3) just take a look at any street, road beach or tourist spot in Thailand, the biggest polluters are Thais and it is widespread.

    4) YES YES YES everyone including all smokers know it is bad for them, but it is their CHOICE

    Should everyone stop smoking, certainly - especially in Aus and UK then we could bring the government down by reducing the tax they collect

    Should people be mindful of littering and pollution, OH yes, but the Thai Government should provide rubbish bins - which they will not as it will encroach on this highly profitable " catch a farang "

    I say lets follow teh lead and start pretending to throw away teh butts whilst actually retaining them. If enough people do it then after a while they will give up and move onto another SCAM, because that is all it is

    In short just not drop cigarette buts and you will be ok. Yes its wrong that its not enforced on Thais. But not dropping buts and bringing a small ashtray that you can put away solves it all.

    Yes I do agree, however whilst it is common knowledge amongst long time residents/expats etc, it is not so much publically aware amongst visitors, and will result in bad press and pee'ed off tourists at the end of the day.

    Wheras a concerted effort to remove rubbish, sufficient rubbish bins, beach cleanups, etc would do far more to enhance Thailands global image and increased tourist revenue.

    SAD but I firmly beleive that for teh sake of lining a few pockets, nothing will change in a positive way

  9. Lets face it this enactment of the law is nothing more than an excuse for BIB to ellicit money from farangs.

    No one would argue that properly disposing of waste is an admirable ideal.

    The reality is :

    1) lack of rubbish bins - to wit I am sure a deliberate policy to catch more farangs

    2) only Farangs are targetted

    3) just take a look at any street, road beach or tourist spot in Thailand, the biggest polluters are Thais and it is widespread.

    4) YES YES YES everyone including all smokers know it is bad for them, but it is their CHOICE

    Should everyone stop smoking, certainly - especially in Aus and UK then we could bring the government down by reducing the tax they collect

    Should people be mindful of littering and pollution, OH yes, but the Thai Government should provide rubbish bins - which they will not as it will encroach on this highly profitable " catch a farang "

    I say lets follow teh lead and start pretending to throw away teh butts whilst actually retaining them. If enough people do it then after a while they will give up and move onto another SCAM, because that is all it is

  10. Reminds me of first time I was in Bali.

    My friend and I were walking down the street when we saw a sign antiques made the old fashioned way. We went in and could hear a electric sander in the back.

    Is this place close to town? we went and saw a similar situation last year but no horse and carriage. It was close to town.

    My friend whilst visiting Bali was asked " If he wanted to visit the antiques factory "

  11. Unkike the UK it is an export ecconomy, 2/3 of GDP is exports. which was 350 Billion USD in 2011

    Industry (40% ) and service sectors make up the majority of GDP, farming is less than 10%

    After Indonesia it is teh second largest ecconomy in SEA, with a per capita GDP of 5400 usd,

    It has the 3rd lowest unemployment rate in the world.

    Inflation is managable.

    Large automobile manufacturing, electronics ( 70% of all hard drives in teh world are made in Thailand)

    Oil reserves of 270 million barrels, gas reserves 15 trillion cubic feet

    Tourism is 6% of GDP - that is a lot of inward investment and hard currency.

    Major exports to USA, Japan and Europe.

    10 % of people hold 1/3 of the countries wealth.

    Are these numbers telling teh OP something?

    • Like 1
  12. Legian is not teh best beach for surfing, not by a long way.

    Lombok has some nice stretches, and still clean and unspoilt.

    Also for anyone contemplating a golf holiday to Bali, it is damm expensive, fantastic, views but real pricey. If you are going to do that, take the short trip to Lombok which has 3 courses which are much cheaper and one of those is a gem

  13. To the OP, if you are really considering this, what sort of visa are you contemplating for Bali?

    There are options depending on your status ( age ) social, tourist or easier if you are married to an Indonesian, If you are thinking tourist, after a few trips immigration will hassle you, it is not like Thailand

  14. You need to have 1.5 million Baht on a fixed account in Malaysia and a monthly income of 100,000 Baht. The latter can be from abroad in any currency and by any means.

    Thus a bit more than what you need in Thailand, but for many people it's not a real issue. You get a proper 10 years visa then and can buy property, even houses.

    No age restriction, but if you are under 50, higher financial assets are demanded.

    Just to correct this 1.5 million Baht on a fixed account in Malaysia OR a monthly income of 100,000 Baht one or the other NOT BOTH

    10 year visa, and you can use half of the deposit to buy a home.

    If under 50 years of age you need to deposit about 3.5 millon THB

    Philipiines over 50 then 10 000 USD deposit and 800/1000 USD a month for single/couple if no pension then 20kUSD on deposit is enoughfor over 50.

    You cannot own property though.

    Indonesia must be over 55, income over 18 000 USD/year, must prrove you have health insurance, prove rent is minimum 500 USD/moth ( Bali & Jakarta ) visa valid only 1 year, renewable up to 5 years

  15. Depends if you want to own a property, in Bali, you can own nothing. At least in Thailand you can own a condo. People will tell you there are ways around it but that is a load of bull

    Renting both are similar prices I would guess, but teh quality in Bali is pretty damm good on the whole..

    Alchohol much better to be in Thailand

    Quality of Air give me Bali

    Road safety, both are poor,

    Food, Bali ok but Thailand far superior

    Beaches Bali, wins

    Nightlife Thailand ( if you are into that )

    Price of a maid live in cheaper in Bali, but not by a great deal.

    Corruption slightly worse is Bali, and potential for getting set up/scammed/bullshit charges much worse ( do not piss off the locals )

    Retirement visa similar in both cases

    Ability to set up a business, huge opportunities in Indonesia, and similar hoops to jump through

    Bank rate interest Inodnesia every time 8% with governmant guarantee up to 100k USD ( equivalent ) easy money and reasonable return, and stable ecconomy.

    Golf give me Thailand as Bali is damm expensive

    Health cover/facilities of course Thailand, Bali is only a small island

    Ok but if you were to change Bali to Lombok ( next island over ) I would say Lombok would win, but comparing only Bali, Thailand wins ( unfair comparisson in my mind)

    • Like 1
  16. Tip 1: When you speak with the doctor, tell him/her you wish to buy your meds outside the hospital.

    Tip 2: Get a membership with Faschino pharmacy (3 branches but the biggest next to city hall on north Pattaya road). Mine was free for whatever reason and enjoy very healthy discounts. They also can make up bulk orders.

    Failing that, a friend claims the pharmacy on floor G at Central is inexpensive.

    Tip 3: NEVER buy your meds at the hospital when avoidable.

    Tip 4: Have adequate health insurance that covers the costs of meds.

    I would agrue against Tip 4, the cost for insurance which includes meds is going to be very much more than one without, better to take an med insurance which covers major injury or illness only. Costs for xrays, consult, medication is not huge. Voluntary excess of 1000 USD would be sufficient

  17. Get yourself here first and then go visit the place, you would also need to demo your work, they are unlikely to take you on your word.

    Come make some nice sample peices and then do the rounds, nothing ventured nothing gained.

    As a side note I had a friend arrived a few years back, no qualifications so set himself up as a male escort, never had a WP but I often wondered if he applied would the local government viewed it as a proffesion Thais could do?

  18. Just come make a few peices, but dont let the locals see.

    See if there is a market.

    In phuket there are numerous Farangs operating businesses, and whilst Thai labour is cheap, so is much of what they produce. Quality is not best. always

    There are farang builders, and I am thinking of high end developments which would be more than happy to have custom kitchens and furniture made.

    Might be an avenue worth persuing, dont try and compete in teh local market set yourself up as a top end fitter/joiner.

    Just be careful with the basic wood supply as not all of it is cured properly.

    if you want to see what teh better Thais can manufacture take a walk around Chatuchak one weekend, there is some nice work there

  19. Contact the banks and explain the death and have any and all accounts frozen immediately

    Contact the solicitor, and explain you want to contest the will and then employ your own solicitor. His mum will be fine, no UK court would evict her

    Make sure you get a copy of the death certificate and have it translated and endorsed.

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