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Posts posted by thaicruze

  1. making the Mac 100% virus proof.


    Well, yes. Seriously.

    Please tell us how, with Java disabled, these Mac viruses will infect a Mac?



    oh but you're lucky, sometimes you just have to wait two months only for apple to fix vulnerabilities...

    i build my own kernels (with grsec patches for my firewall/router box), i also use a hardened toolchain. even with this i would never say my machines are 100% safe because that's just not possible.

    What are those links proving exactly? That someone can hack a system? All those links are either Safari before version 6 or iPhone vulnerabilities.

    What I am asking you is, with Java disabled, how will you get a virus into a Mac? HOW? What you're showing me are vulnerabilities in SAFARI that a hacker can take advantage of. You're not talking about viruses in the wild that people get browsing the internet.

    Basically, with Java disabled, the chances of getting a virus in a Mac are 0, unless you can tell me how exactly I am going to get one of the viruses in the wild for Mac? They're all Java exploits.

    If Safari has issues, then use another browser. Nothing to do with OSX. These are all Safari issues you're linking, not OSX issues.

    and yes, it IS possible for a machine to be 100% safe. In theory, if you never connect to the internet or a network, install cracked programs or insert external drives, then you will be 100% secure.

    You're just deluded and living in your own world. I am talking about the REAL world. I am not talking about, let's see, let's take all the OS's and ALL the browser and see how many vulnerabilities each has and what is possible.

    Didn't they have some sort of Hacker Olympics and the Mac was the one they could hack into in seconds? I'm sure it's on the internet somewhere.

    I am talking about people browsing, checking their facebook, working on their documents, listening to music. Not pirating stuff or looking at porno. Just regular people using the computer everyday. If you disable Java for any browser in OSX, or disable it from the Java preferences, none of the Viruses out there for Mac would be able to infect your computer.

    and that's the end of that. The links to every single possible found vulnerability on the way Safari deals with cascading style sheets that may allow a hacker to remotely this that and the other doesn't impress me.

  2. ive just spent 6 days using 8 different anti virus programs to remove all the worms,trojans,viruses and malware . my comp became so slow and my a/v showed no infections . i used an uninstaller to remove it completely and then proceeded to download software one at a time , updaing and then scanning to remove what infections it found uninstalling and starting a new one and eventually removed 27 infections but not one program could find them all ( <deleted> ) my comp is now running much faster and no problems but will continue to change my anti virus software on a regular basis.all very time consuming but i have plenty to spare ,

    Consider a Mac. Seriously. Or, consider your behavior while on the internet. With Windows, on my personal laptop, I never had a virus. Ever. All I had running was Security Essentials.

  3. You can make a MAC 100% immune to viruses by doing one of 2 things




    or both if you feel like it. I never go to any websites that require Java. Although vulnerabilities have been patched, if you don't use it, disable it. That's it. All these Mac viruses are just using Java. If you need it for a specific website, you can just put the check back into Safari.

    The new Java update disables Java automatically if the Mac user hasn't used it in a while, making the Mac 100% virus proof.

  4. I have no anti virus software.


    I use a Mac. thumbsup.gif

    Have fun with your anti virus programs guys, they really enhance your computers performance. cheesy.gif

    iOS is a paid Trojan horse itself smile.png

    Once you get it, the virus alters the owners brain and money starts flowing to toward Cupertino.

    LOL. I'm the only PC guy left in my office, other 2 have i-fruit coming out their ears, always buying the next model that comes out, and changing Apple OS like underwear with sexy names like Snow Leopard. Used to crow about no viruses two or so years ago, then the invevitable happened. Same group clucks about their Ipads not getting the laptop check in airports. One just returned from holiday and that policy has apparently changed - had to pull out the Ipad and run it separately through the x-ray, and for anti-arrogance, security (must of been a PC guy) did a second, manual check of the Ipad after xray.

    How's the non-topic trolling going?

    I never had a virus in my Windows laptop, chances of me getting a virus in a Mac are 0. It all depends what you're doing. If you spend your day visiting porn sites and downloading torrents and cracking software, then you will most definitely get a virus regardless of the OS.

    Again, in a MAC you have to install the virus yourself. In windows, I was browsing Google in one of the desktops here a few years back, it had 2 anti viruses installed and all I did was click on a hit right in Google and about 100 pop ups from Anti VIrus 2007 started popping up all over the computer. That would never happen in a Mac. A Mac would ask you to download and/or install something. YOu would have to agree to that, then you would have to enter the admin password and let it install.

    This is what you have to install to get that flashback trojan. And it exploited Java, not OSX. It doesn't "just happen", it requires you to install it.


    The other boloney about the iPads in airports has absolutely 0 to do with the thread. and who cares?

  5. I said this was happening a year ago and everyone here made fun of me and told me I was buying a car nobody would have and was going to sell for nothing.

    Chevrolet is putting out the best cars if you compare it to Toyota and Honda. Cruze, Sonic, Captiva, those are better than anything Toyota and Honda have out right now. They have diesel options (except the Sonic) and they're not overpriced like Honda.

    I think Chevy and Ford are putting out the best cars now.

    It's very few people in the whole scheme of things buying them and IMO they are buying them for the previously said reasons, chepaer to finance and short waiting list.

    The reasons for peoples choice of new car are quite often different for their choice of secondhand car. They maybe more fun new, but a few years down the line reliabilty could well come into play. From experience of Fords it's really going to come into play. Way too many journeys ended at the side of the road and way too many weekends were spent fixing the dam_n car for me to ever really consider buying ford again. Fun to drive for a sedan yes, but the parts quality and electrics are just rubbish.

    Will people buy a 3 or 5 or 7 year old Ford or Chevy instead of a Honda or Toyota or any Japenese car. Only time will tell, but I suspect not unless it is very cheap.

    Well. Old Chevy and New Chevy are totally different cars, and surely a Cruze will be more valuable than an Optra, but we can take a look right now.

    2005 Optra 1.8L LT 395,000 baht


    2005 Toyota Altis 1.8L E 435,000 baht.


    40,000 more.

  6. I have no anti virus software.


    I use a Mac. thumbsup.gif

    Have fun with your anti virus programs guys, they really enhance your computers performance. cheesy.gif

    MACs are now being targeted as they have risen in market share, and people still believe they can't be infected. Yes, MACs can be infected, as is any computer attached to the web.

    About the best machine to avoid being hacked is an IBM iSeries (AS400). A machine built for the financial industry with security built in.

    Of course you can infect a Mac, but it takes the user to actually put the virus in there. It's not like in Windows where you can get infected through no action of your own.

  7. Up to last week I didn't have any AV software on my PC. In the twenty years I've been using computers I think I had one infection which was about 4 years ago but was able to fix it using Malwarebyte. I bought the Pro version but didn't update or use it since that one infection--AV software seems to annoyingly slow down my computer.

    But a short time ago I had transferred documents onto a flash drive and brought the drive to a copy shop at CMU for printouts. And a week ago, when I went to transfer some more items onto the drive, the files on it were unrecognizable. At first I thought I had someone else's flash drive. And then I did a stupid thing--I opened an unknown executable file. I knew I had made a mistake as soon as I did it. And then I made mistake #2. Instead of immediately scanning with Malwarebyte (I hastily looked for it in my directory without success) or downloading another free AV program, I shut off my computer and rebooted it. And of course it became grossly infected.

    I couldn't access the internet, my mouse wouldn't work and files refused to open. Fortunately I have several computers so was able to download an updated Malwarebyte and several free AV programs, then booted up the infected computer in safe mode and transferred the programs. Malwarebyte gave me a clean scan although I could tell the computer was still infected but Avast got rid of the virus. It's boot-up scan is extremely effective.

    So now I'm running Malwarebyte Pro and Avast at boot but will probably disable both after start-up. They create too much of a lag for me. I still think it's possible to keep a computer virus free by using good judgment--and also having another computer available for download and transfer in case of an infection. Actually, another computer isn't necessary as long as Avast, updated frequently, or another competent AV program is stored on a flash drive.

    Thumb drives are evil. One of the reasons why I love Mac. I use the thumb drive here and other computers and no problem.

    When I had my ASUS, Security Essentials detected a few. I also put an autorun killer/thumb drive scanner. Never had a virus.

  8. I have no anti virus software.


    I use a Mac. thumbsup.gif

    Have fun with your anti virus programs guys, they really enhance your computers performance. cheesy.gif

    Apple drops virus immunity claim for Macs

    Security software vendors said they saw a spike in sales of Mac anti-virus products in the wake of the Flashback outbreak. Some experts had criticised Apple's response to the threat; it did not patch the vulnerability exploited by the cyber criminals until three months after it was discovered.


    Carry on living in denial.

    Doesn't matter. Those people got infected for actually installing something. You have to put your password in and allow it to install. You wouldn't get any virus in a Mac if you aren't stupid.

    The likelihood of a Mac user getting infected is slim to none, and even then, you have to actually put the password and install the virus yourself.

  9. I said this was happening a year ago and everyone here made fun of me and told me I was buying a car nobody would have and was going to sell for nothing.

    Chevrolet is putting out the best cars if you compare it to Toyota and Honda. Cruze, Sonic, Captiva, those are better than anything Toyota and Honda have out right now. They have diesel options (except the Sonic) and they're not overpriced like Honda.

    I think Chevy and Ford are putting out the best cars now.

  10. ...

    2 - I know it's up to Apple to decide on repairs, and also Apple will actually pay for repairs/replacement, not the reseller. So you would think they resellers would be happy to send stuff to Apple. But for reasons I am not private to, they resist warranty cases tooth and nail. Maybe they have a quota?! Maybe it's something else? I don't know. But they certainly act like each warranty case is a loss of money to them. Certainly the shop in Chiang Mai, I've had multiple bad experiences with them over the years. They eventually sent my laptop off for a warranty screen replacement - Apple replaced it for a well known but hard to see defect. But getting them to actually send it off took me going there multiple times, being accused of lying, and all sorts of ridiculous statements by the owner of iStudio CM.


    I'm not sure what the margins are on an Apple products for the resellers. I suspect though when they offered us a new IPad at 70%, that this covers their cost. They then take your old Ipad and anything they make on that is profit for them. [Not unlike used car salesmen really, but probably an even lower level of integrity than a used car salesman though. Similar principle: good price on the new model, but they make their profit on the old one/ trade in]

    In the case of an IPad: At 70% they cover their cost. Then ways to make money on the old one would include:

    1) Send it up and actually use the warranty. Then sell the repaired product.

    2) Have it repaired. Then sell the repaired product

    3) Use it for a rebuild

    4) Canabilize the parts

    5) Worst case scenarion they're stuck with a dud, but nothing lost.

    The first method would be particularly profitable: as say 30% profit on first sale; no profit on the "sale at cost" on the exchange; then sell say repaired product at half price = 50% profit for free. Total on 2 Ipads = 80%. This is better than selling 2 Ipads@30%, plus makes a "sale" that would never have normally have been made and a bonus on volume too. In all likelihood they might get more than half price particularly if they can pass it off as new one, or it's in good condition. The loser of course is you: effectively paying 170% retail price for a single IPAD smile.png

    Rebuilds and repairs and then even sometimes passing off as new are very common at places like MBK with phones. I've bought a phone or two where the silver paint comes off - on the first occasion I believed I was buying a new phone, second time it was implied but I realised there was a chance I wasn't ! So wouldn't surprise me if this now extends to IPads. You've also got to wonder if they also recycle them within the shop itself. Let's face it Thailand is full of scams, even if a great place in many other ways.

    So all the above could be good reasons why they fight tooth and nail not to enforce a warranty. No profit in it for them. Similarly why they never offered us to send it away to be checked and possibly repaired. With their policy: Worst case you leave and they save on the admin. Best case they end up with more than double profit on a single customer!



    Same. You guys talk about your stores that you keep going into, even though there are many iStudios around, as if THAT was the way it was done in Thailand.

    Just say "The iStudio I went to was bad." I am sure there are horror stories like that all over the world from official apple stores.

    If you have a bad experience with 1 store, why do you people insist in bringing it back over and over and over and over to argue with the same people? Just pack it up, the first sign of bullshit, and go to another iStudio.

    Again, go to mine and let us know of your experience.

    Your post is ridiculous. Official Stores in the USA do the same thing. You come in with a broken iPad, they offer you a new one for half the price.

    This is straight from the Apple Support page


    i have ipad i bought it 9 months ago, and it's broken.

    i'm wondering how can i fix it, and how it will cost me?

    also, i live in place which dosen't have Apple store..

    Going to the Apple Store won't help much. They do not replace the screens. If you have AppleCare, they will give you a new iPad for half the price of a new one (still expensive). There are several companies online that will replace your screen, but it may nullify your warranty. The link below advertises the repair for $115, which is the cheapest I've found. The screen repairs are expensive. I guess that's why Apple just elects to sell you a new pad at a reduced price.


    If you have an issue with an Apple product that needs a repair, then you can take it directly to an Apple Authorized Service Center. Just look here


    The warranty status is under the serial number of the device.

    In the case of the other guy, he should've skipped going to an iStudio (which is a place to SELL things) and taken it to the Authorized Service Center in Chiang Mai which is called Mac Care. Here it is on the map


    A reseller ammm SELLS. A service center, services.

  11. Anyway, if anyone here doesn't believe that resellers in Thailand are fine, go to my store. iStudio by Comseven Central Pinklao and speak to the manager. She is short and has short hair colored light brown. Almost everyone there speaks english and they'll explain everything about warranties and repairs.


    In your dreams they'll hand you a brand new iPad "no questions asked" in the USA. You're dreaming. The only way they'll do that is if they know it is a manufacturing defect, which this is not.

    Just some comments - I need to set you straight here wink.png

    1 - Thanks for posting about your shop - sounds great, and I'd certainly go there if I was in BKK. There are not too many Apple resellers in Thailand that have a good reputation. The more the better.

    2 - I know it's up to Apple to decide on repairs, and also Apple will actually pay for repairs/replacement, not the reseller. So you would think they resellers would be happy to send stuff to Apple. But for reasons I am not private to, they resist warranty cases tooth and nail. Maybe they have a quota?! Maybe it's something else? I don't know. But they certainly act like each warranty case is a loss of money to them. Certainly the shop in Chiang Mai, I've had multiple bad experiences with them over the years. They eventually sent my laptop off for a warranty screen replacement - Apple replaced it for a well known but hard to see defect. But getting them to actually send it off took me going there multiple times, being accused of lying, and all sorts of ridiculous statements by the owner of iStudio CM.

    3 - I've had Macs for over a decade - the US stores are WAY more lenient on warranty. It used to be you could get anything from them if you just stood there at the genius bar and whined enough. More recently a friend took in her iPad in with a broken screen - the conversation went like this: "What happened". "I don't know - I think my niece dropped it but she wouldn't tell me". "Ok, at least you're honest.... "..... she left the store with a new iPad. That's service that goes above and beyond duty, and that's what you can pretty much expect in US stores.

    I think you guys are piling ALL the iStudios in Thailand by your bad experience in a couple of them. After they first bad experience you should've just gone to another store. My manager would've apologized and done whatever to make you happy.

    P.S. - you're really dreaming if you think she left with a brand new iPad. Whatever the issue was, they gave her a refurbished one. I really doubt she didn't pay anything for it.

  12. His case ISN'T clear. What you are saying doesn't make sense. What the repair guy will do is open it. If he determines that the dent has nothing to do with the issue then he will fix it under warranty.

    That "dealer" doesn't make the decision. They wait to see what the tech says. If the tech says no charge then it's no charge.

    [quote name='Fletchsmile'


    I said that says for a major fault they will replace or refund.

    I missed this one. hahahahahahah

    You mean to tell me you believe that they'll refund or replace it after you've had it for months and it was working fine?

    What it means is, when you buy a product, like when I bought my Mac, they open the box right in front of you and turn it on to make sure it's working. If it's DOA, or the screen is bad, or yellow, or something wrong with it, then you can ask for a refund or they'll give you a new one. Once you take it home, it's yours. If something goes wrong while it's in YOUR care then they'll bring it into service. If it's under warranty they have to determine whether it was caused by accident, which isn't covered. If you say "I dropped it", then you're screwed. The arguments that you've dropped the other one or that I dropped it and it worked fine for days after that don't matter.

    Anyway, if anyone here doesn't believe that resellers in Thailand are fine, go to my store. iStudio by Comseven Central Pinklao and speak to the manager. She is short and has short hair colored light brown. Almost everyone there speaks english and they'll explain everything about warranties and repairs.

    My sales girl was Elf. That's her there when I was picking up my Macbook


    and they explained everything to me about the warranty and what happens if something goes wrong.

    the guy at the end was checking something wrong with an iPad. I think he was prepping it to be sent to service. After that another guy showed up with a plastic white Macbook. They were checking it and were talking about service.

  13. - Find an official Apple store somewhere. I mean one owned by Apple, not an authorized dealer. The official Apple stores are much better at honoring warranties.

    - Whatever you do, don't tell them "the kids dropped it"

    - Ideally, return it in an Apple store in the USA. They'll probably just hand you a new one no question asked. In my experience they're MUCH more lenient when it comes to warranties in the US than anywhere else.

    If you can't, try to get it independently fixed. The upside of the rather crap service here in Thailand is that there's lots of little repair shops in the malls.

    I had a broken screen on my iPad 2 - kids dropped it, guess what. Apple dealer in Chiang Mai offered me a staggering 1000 Baht off a new iPad. Thanksalot, guys! No option to repair, or exchange. I went around the corner to a little shop, 2,000 Baht and 1 hour later my iPad was like new.

    Escalating the issue is normally going to work if the dealers are being a-holes. I did that myself once, I wrote an email to steve jobs to complain about a dealer breaking my motherboard during a repair for which they would not take any responsibility, and a replacement motherboard cost 30k baht, and there was no way to fix it. The computer was out of warranty. A few days later a manager from Singapore contacted me and sent a new motherboard free of charge.

    But in your case the dealer's case is strong: There's a dent in the iPad, and you've said the kids dropped it. So I don't think that will work. Dropping clearly falls under accidental damage. There's kid safe iPad cases, by the way - I've yet to see them in Thailand but in the US they're not expensive and they're basically very large foam cases. Thinking about getting these myself, actually.

    There are no official Apple Stores in Thailand. Only resellers.

    I don't know where you people are going, but I've had good experiences with Apple resellers here. and the warranty is very straight forward. 1 year, doesn't cover accidental damage. Same story at every reseller I've been to in Thailand.

    In your dreams they'll hand you a brand new iPad "no questions asked" in the USA. You're dreaming. The only way they'll do that is if they know it is a manufacturing defect, which this is not.

    And you wanted the store in Chiang Mai to exchange your iPad because you broke it? hahahahahahah

    In what planet do you live in? Once you break it it's up to you to fix it. You can ask them to send it into repair, but that will take many weeks to get back. In that case, just go somewhere else (I wouldn't advise this for iPhones).

    Don't get your panties in a bunch. Any email you send from here to Apple goes to someone in Singapore. How do you know they "BROKE THE MOTHERBOARD"? For all we know it WAS a motherboard issue and you didn't want to pay for it and you nagged and nagged until you got a free motherboard.

  14. none of that matters. it doesn't work. "did you drop it" thy asked. Answer "Yes". If you were an Apple employee you would say the same thing. We will send it off, but can't guarantee that it will be covered. The sales guy at the store has no way of knowing. YOU have no way of knowing.

    For all we know the kids were playing with it in the bathtub. All, it's just one of those things that through no fault of your own, it's just not working. In that case, if it's under warranty, they will fix it.

    As to the question of where they send it, I'm sure they have an Apple service center. Do you think that Australian Apple Store sent it to Cupertino and Steve Jobs himself fixed the laptop? Get real.

    Just your question whether or not the warranty means anything in Thailand. The answer is, the warranty is the same everywhere and I showed you how what they said to you is the same thing any other Apple store would say to you anywhere. Yes, even if it's a small dent.

    Seems like in Australia the Apple guys are trained first to find excuses why the warranty might not be valid. Then after that send it away to check it. At least they offer to send it away for checking and see what they can do, even if they are looking for ways not to pick up any costs.

    Compare that to Thailand:

    - They offered my wife 30% discount on a new one. No offer whatsoever of a repair. No offer of sending it away for checking. No mention of a warranty. This is an Apple Shop. They should know their policies and should be adhering to Apple Standards.

    Only because I know Apple have warranties, and only because I went back and tried again, not accepting that 30% off the new one was the only solution.

    I mentioned the warranty. I took it out of the box to show them in English and Thai. They got another guy in the shop to look at it, and he told them yes there were 1 year warranties. They either didn't know or didn't want to know. I said they should send it away for checking.

    As to the question of where they send it, I'm sure they have an Apple service center. Do you think that Australian Apple Store sent it to Cupertino and Steve Jobs himself fixed the laptop? Get real.

    Rather a childish comment. Of course I know there will be a service centre somewhere. That's why I went back to the shop myself and asked them to send it away to be looked at or repaired. The point being, which seems lost on you, they should have offered this to my wife. Not me coming back, telling them and insisting on it being checked and a repair if possible.

    Just your question whether or not the warranty means anything in Thailand. The answer is, the warranty is the same everywhere and I showed you how what they said to you is the same thing any other Apple store would say to you anywhere. Yes, even if it's a small dent.

    Obviously you don't get it. Do you think the treatment we received is Apple's global standard, and reflects what should happen? As above your post showed what should and could happen in Australia. Contrast this with Thailand where: sales staff apparently didn't know there was a warranty, certainly didn't want to bother with it, didn't offer sending it away to be checked etc

    The warranty can be the same in writing in Thailand as it can be in another country. Whether the Thai staff will adhere to the policies or even know there is another warranty, and whether they will even recognise it or just ignore it, are questions as to whether it has any meaning or whether it is actually worth the paper it is written on.

    Thanks for your original post anyway. If nothing else the video shows that the service and enforcement of a warranty, and the procedures to measure against it are sub-standard in Thailand.


    You said you took it in, the sales kid didn't know, so he called someone who did know, and he told you the same thing any store would tell you.

    These aren't Apple Stores, They are apple resellers. If you look at the box it should say 'iStudio by ____", those are the people who are selling it to you.

    I bought my Mac at Comseven (iStudio Central Pinklao), and all the sales people working there know about all the warranties. I was explained the warranty when I was looking at the computer, when I was buying it and when I went to pick it up by 4 different sales people and the manager. I was also explained that I could get Apple Care and extend it for 2 more years anytime within the first year and that the warranty was worldwide, if I went back to my country.

    This was 4 different sales people including the Manager and another manager I met when I picked up the computer who explained to me what they would do in case something went wrong with the computer.

    This thread should be - iStudio at Central Rama 3 sucks. Instead you are saying all apple resellers in Thailand are crap. I received the same sort of treatment at the uStore in a university. Warranty and service questions. They answered everything. All you have to do is not go to that iStudio anymore. They are crap. Certainly not the experience I had at the iStudio I went to.

    Look up on the internet and read all the Apple Store horror stories from the USA and all over the world how service changes from Apple store to apple store sometimes. Has nothing to do with Thailand.

    1. Warranty is world wide.
    2. The warranty doesn't cover misuse and abuse.
    3. The argument that "we've dropped the other one and there's nothing wrong with that one" doesn't really matter.
    4. Apple first inspects physical damage. If they ask whether you dropped it and you say "YES", that's all you need to say.
    5. No apple store anywhere in the world will fix it under watrranty after that. It has nothing to do with Thailand.
    6. IF the repair guy inspect the iPad and he then determines that the damage to the iPad did not cause the issue, then they will fix it without charging you anything. You just have to wait.

    This is what will happen anywhere. Take a look at this. Eventually the guy got the repair fixed under warranty. This is the Official Apple Store in Sydney, Australia. All because they saw a ding on the side and the "genius" said it may be because he "dropped it". The guy said he didn't drop it, but I think the guy actually dropped it and lied. Anyway, apple hooked him up in the end.

    FFW to 6:00 to skip the BS.

    Basically, you don't listen to the "geniuses". They're not qualified to tell you what caused the issue. That's why they send it off to the Tech. It is the Tech that will say, YES covered or NOT covered. Just ignore the store monkeys and let them send it off.

    Compared to the guy in the video. Ours is a small dent on the corner of an IPad, nowhere near any ports or buttons, and not impacting the screen.

    The problem with 2 young kids is it will get dropped. If it's not resilient enough to withstand that, or they will use it as an excuse, then basically it's no use if you have kids.

    Anyway they said they had sent it off to tech. Whether they did or not I don't know. They never contacted us, and we contacted them. I guess I'll find out when back in Thailand. I'll ask for proof they did send it up.

    Looks like taking it somewhere like MBK to be fixed - if they can - may be better.?

    Or try the warrany obligor on 25th Floor, Suite B2, Siam Tower, 989 Rama 1 Road, Patumwan.


    none of that matters. it doesn't work. "did you drop it" thy asked. Answer "Yes". If you were an Apple employee you would say the same thing. We will send it off, but can't guarantee that it will be covered. The sales guy at the store has no way of knowing. YOU have no way of knowing.

    For all we know the kids were playing with it in the bathtub. All, it's just one of those things that through no fault of your own, it's just not working. In that case, if it's under warranty, they will fix it.

    As to the question of where they send it, I'm sure they have an Apple service center. Do you think that Australian Apple Store sent it to Cupertino and Steve Jobs himself fixed the laptop? Get real.

    Just your question whether or not the warranty means anything in Thailand. The answer is, the warranty is the same everywhere and I showed you how what they said to you is the same thing any other Apple store would say to you anywhere. Yes, even if it's a small dent.

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