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Posts posted by thaicruze

  1. I ordered mine the very end of Feb. They are only making 400 BT-50 Pro 3.2 4x4 for Thailand a year. I have had my 3.2 4x4 for two weeks, within the first week I have noticed heavy rust on front end suspension nuts. I will take pictures tomorrow.

    Any photos mate?

    My truck is now over 2 months old with 5km and 700km from the sea, here are some examples of the rust on the nuts. Anyone else?

    I'm so angry for you. After a couple of months my Cruze was making a howling sound like a trumpet that wouldn't stop. This is a "known issue" with the 1.8L cruze and the dealers know the fix, but still, having to bring in a brand spanking new car for repairs is bullCRAP.

    Everything sucks.

    I'm going to make that my signature.

  2. If you want a big, cheap vehicle, pickups are unbeatable in Thailand. All the major brands have common rail diesel engines with good acceleration and fuel economy, particularly for the manual versions. They also hold their value very well, better than most cars. The lower range models are basic and do not have ABS and airbags etc so you need to get the higher models from 750,000 baht or so.

    Common rail turbo diesels are the best choice for a large vehicles in Thailand because of the governments tax on large engines and petrol. Any big heavy car or pickup on petrol will use a lot of fuel. Diesels are much more efficient and the fuel is 20% cheaper. From this year all cars and pickups are supposed to comply with Euro 4 emissions standards. Neither petrol nor diesel is perfect, petrol emissions have more green house gasses and diesels have more particulate and NOx but they are much closer than before.

    If you think of a pickup as a big car you will be disappointed, there are compromises. Noise is OK if you don't rev them too much (which is not necessary any way) but they do not ride like a car. Truck brakes, tyres and suspensions are a compromise between cost, load carrying and performance. Trucks can cruise along the highway fine but drivers accustomed to a car will feel bumps more. Spring rates are set to deal with up to 1 tonne loads so the suspension is rough over bumps when unladen. They can be a bit tail happy in the wet or over bumps as well. The interior space for the standard 4 door models is a little bigger than a car like the Cruze, but a Carryboy or similar may be needed to protect stuff on the back from weather and thieves etc. Trucks are around 5m long with longer wheel base than most cars so they are not going to get in to a tight parking spot like a car.

    The PPV type SUV's like Pajero Sport or Fortuner are better as passenger vehicles. They are not as smooth riding as a car but they do ride better than a truck. The interior is more versatile and there are 7 seats with safety belts, if passengers are inclined to use them. They are a little shorter so slightly more maneuverable. The auto trans on these drag fuel economy a bit. Our PJS and Furtuner diesels can get 10 - 11 km/L in mixed town and country driving but they are 4x4 versions.

    The PPV SUV's cost ~250 - 500,000 baht more than a similar pickup. The base model 2WD PJS, MU and Everest are around 1M baht. If that is too expensive there is not much else available that is large and OK other than pickups and Thai Rung?

    Thank you. Lots to think about.

    Not anything ill do right away, unless the cruze turns into a Lemon.

    I like the Cruze. We wanted to try something bigger than my Honda City. My original thought was to get something high with a lot of road presence. But we decided to get the Cruze. We like the car and all, but after a little over a year, I am having (inside not aloud) a bit of buyer's remorse. I still want a bigger vehicle for thailand most of my daily commute is on highway but where I live is next to the chao praya river and it floods. We also drive her mom places occasionally and I'm always having to leave or park the cruze in places that are too rough for it.

    Also during the flood; I almost got stuck under a bridge that was flooded and had to put 50 sandbags in the back and thought my cruze was going to break. The wheel well was almost hitting the tires. I was like "SSHHOOOTTT. I SHOULD'VE GOTTEN A BIG ASS PICKUP".

    Then as we were stuck inside our house, our neighbor was getting out through the waters in his Fortuner. And there I was inside my house. Trapped. Polishing the gay Cruze. dam_n.

    So I think, for my next one, I want something with lots of road presence that is easy to drive. Easy on the wallet and that a woman can drive (they can't drive backwards) but that is tall and bigger. That can be abused and won't break. The Cruze isn't really a "man's car". It's like a car made by Apple.

    So. Before we actually ordered the Cruze we were at the mall. I pinged out the PJS, she got in and it was love at first sight.

    My mom never buys sedans anymore. She buys only SUVs. She has a Montero now.

    This was the road in front of my house.





    That empty lot. Disappeared.

    Higher than a pickup's bonnet.

  3. And in terms of diesel and "black death" from the tail pipe it should be realized that this is based on a review of the original WHO classification from 1988 which was in relation to diesel in the mining, rail, and trucking sectors. The review in 2012 was to consider evidence from a 20 year study by the US National Cancer Institute which studied the effects of diesel on underground miners, and from this review diesel was clasified as carcinogenic to humans. Absolutely no relevence to diesel in vehicles, particularly modern diesel standards with significantly reduced particulates. Another thing the media seemed to omit in reporting this news is that gasoline is also classified as possibly carcinogenic. A bit off the main topic but I get a bit tired of hearing of diesel vehicles and the health risks.

    Also agree with the above posts, unless you are looking at carting goods (or relatives) around in the tray, I don't see how a pickup will give you more space benefits than a sedan.

    Something a bit more flood proof.

  4. What say you?

    After getting the Cruze, we're already thinking of going bigger.

    There are rumors of a Honda crossover but I think that's going to be expensive.

    My wife likes the Pajero Sport but I think the fuel economy is going to be bad and it's very expensive.

    I think a good compromise is a truck; but my wife hates pickup trucks. I'm trying to get her to like them.

    I'm thinking of a Triton because its the closest thing to a PJS.

    Is it worth getting a diesel? I'm I going to be blowing Black Death out the tail pipe?

    What about the D-Max? Is it a rebadged Colorado?

    Are there any rumors of new models for 2015?


  5. Wow. You can buy a house with that. 1.2-1.3 million is my top for cars.

    The Evoque in the US starts at around $44,000 dollars, which is just around 1.3 million baht. Paying more than double for it is insane. Just get a Fortuner or a Pajero.

  6. I should have mentioned...

    as to index a gaming perf...

    have an ASUS_A42JV Laptop...

    i5-450m with a NV GT-335m

    Plays smooth


    -Unreal Gold

    (both @max settings)

    Have a older HP Pavillion


    Pentium-4 Presler

    NV GT-220

    Used as a bkup srvr

    Loud, noisy

    Not smooth on those games.

    not worth upgrading

    other 5 'puters are '96

    BX chipset, 1GHz Celeron, 768MBSDRAM, Matrox G200

    forget it

    these are what I need to replace.

    The 3 children are fighting over using the Laptop.

    So 2 for them and one for me.

    I can upgrade these new ones in 3 years.


    That ASUS doesn't use the video card. It's using the processor for everything. I know. I owned one. It's crap. I hate NVIDIA.

  7. Did some traveling around Malaysia recently. Using Air Asia you have to print out your boarding pass to bring to the airport. I put the pdf on a thumbdrive then down to an internet place for the printout. Every time I've used my thumbdrive in a public computer I picked up some crud. EVERY TIME!

    On my Win7 machine I run avast and MSE. Also scrapped Windows firewall in favor of comodo, much easier to modify things and check logs etc. Comodo has av and an execution guard called Defense+, neither of which I have active presently. Thing I don't like about MSE is sometimes a little window pops up for a few seconds saying something like "threat contained" with no details, I then have to go through it to figure out what they blocked/deleted etc, and is usually a false positive. I'm considering enabling comodo defense someday when I'm in the mood for playing with these things.

    That's the only time I experienced any viruses. From thumb drives.

    I don't worry about it anymore. I have a Mac. For your windows just get a thumb drive auto run killer or scanner.

  8. When going to websites Norton 360 evaluates them and gives you a warning if there are known threats at the sites. Also, when just Googling, Norton will show whether the sites have known threats. See below image of the type of indication given where I googled ThaiVisa. And like any typical antivirus program it will check file downloads from sites for viruses.


    There's a free extension for Safari that does the same thing. From BitDefender.

  9. OK you convinced me, OSX is 200% safe.

    Oh and this is what you call crap:

    The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures or CVE system provides a reference-method for publicly known information-security vulnerabilities and exposures. MITRE Corporation maintains the system, with funding from the National Cyber Security Division of the United States Department of Homeland Security.[1] CVE is used by the Security Content Automation Protocol.

    Keep posting stuff from Google. Makes no difference. If you don't actually USE the platform, your opinion doesn't really count just because you can Google things. I've used both, windows and OSX. I feel much more secure with OSX because I can share thumb drives and not worry about it.

  10. Troll. Never answers direct questions.

    again, not 1 example of how im going to get infected.

    Apple fanboi, Doesn't understand anything about computers.

    again, not able to read technical explanations of exploits.

    easy huh?

    When you get a Mac let me know. Stop googling lists of vulnerabilities and come to the real world.

    Let's see the laundry list of Windows vulnerabilities. How many virus scanners and anti this and that did I have? 0. Just the one that installs with Windows. Security Essentials. Other than that, nothing. years later, not 1 virus.

  11. These are known, past vulnerabilities; good to hear they have been fixed. I wonder if it took them 3 months again to release the patches... Anyway, if they have been fixed in 2007, does it mean there won't be anymore in the future? Why do we have OSX CVEs in 2012 still?

    So now they are PAST vulnerabilities. Wonderful. Repeat what I just said.

    It seems you don't actually HAVE a Mac and you're just googling crap. Java was updated a couple of months after the Windows version. It has nothing to do with OSX patches. Apple releases updates all the time. They just released a bunch soon after they came out with 10.8.2. I just updated this a week ago I think it was.

    There will always be vulnerabilities to an OS. I said that many posts ago before you started this crap. and my Mac is 100% safe. Of course there will be vulnerabilities, and at the same time, the likelihood of me getting a virus, especially with Java disabled, is 0. I know this is hard for you to understand, just read it a few times. Maybe this time you'll get it.

  12. I am talking about people browsing, checking their facebook, working on their documents, listening to music. Not pirating stuff or looking at porno. Just regular people using the computer everyday. If you disable Java for any browser in OSX, or disable it from the Java preferences, none of the Viruses out there for Mac would be able to infect your computer.

    Coretext, quicktime exploits, you'll find them all... You're just deluded and living in your own world.

    The first 3 points are idiotic.

    The Coretext point is still in YOUR own hacker world describing what some hacker COULD do. Still, you haven't given 1 real life example as to how I'm going to get infected by this vulnerabilities with the current software I have here. ALl you're saying is, here is a list of all the vulnerabilities that have been found. You go and search. Have fun.

    Ridiculous. You tell me the last time your computer was attacked by a Coretext quicktime vulnerability and I'll give you everything I have in the bank.

    You seem to forget, I am running 10.8.2. This is not the year 2007.

    No. I live in the real world and in the real world I'm not getting infected with anything. Not even when I was using Windows. Security Essentials never popped up. Before that I had AVAST. Never popped up either. I have never had a virus in any of my laptops. Ever.

    I have a co-worker here. He has had Macs for the last 8 years. He just bought a new Macbook. He has never ever had an antivirus installed in there. His computers work fine and dandy. He's up there now with a PowerBook working away and he downloads torrents and does much more than me on the net.

    Right now. I'm watching YouTube, reading all this boloney you guys are posting, reading another forum, finishing up some Photoshop. Working on some spreadsheets for work. Later on I'll check facebook. How in the world am I getting infected?

  13. This is an example of the latest SUPER MAC VIRUS.


    According to anti-virus software provider Kaspersky Lab, a Trojan called SabPub — or more formally, Backdoor.OSX.SabPub.a — has recently been spreading via Java and could be infecting computers when people open email messages with suspicious links that direct users to malware.

    The previous flashback virus:

    The latest version is much more insidious in that the user does not have to click on anything, not even a link, and can be infected. This is achieved by exploiting a weakness in the Java software framework.

    Am I worried? NOPE.

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