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Posts posted by thaicruze

  1. One thing about iOS 6. When you share a video they still have the old YouTube icon there. You click it and it brings you to the same upload screen from the old app. BUT, it doesn't work. When you log in all you get is "incorrect username". Why have it there?

  2. I open a .doc with LibreOffice on the Mac and it opens perfectly. Preserves the margins and all that.

    Just make sure you set it in Windows to save as .doc.

    Here is one of the files a little kid saved in word here. I put a table from another document and formatted the margins wide 1" top and bottom and 2" left and right. It opened it exactly the same. It's a quick simple example, but still... Save a document as .doc and I can open it here, take a screenshot so you can see if it works or not.


    • Like 1
  3. Really, I mean, if you don't NEED Office, it is an overblown and really overpriced piece of software.

    6,340 baht for Word, Excel and PowerPoint with a 2 1/2 star rating from users. Just try the free option first. LibreOffice.

  4. Regarding Pages, I much prefer it to Word. It is a real word processor, and I find it easier to use, more intuitive, and far less bloated than MS Word. You can import or export to Word format and PDF. Plus it's far less expensive.

    This is Simple, Free AND it opens .docx


  5. Pages isn't a Word substitute. Forget Pages.

    Office for Mac sucks also. If you want 100% compatible, then as many Mac users do, you load windows in your Mac just to use Office. MS isn't going to make a 100% compatible Office for Mac. They want you to use Windows of course.

    You can try free office. I have LibreOffice on my Mac. You can save in Word 2007-2010 .docx formats. You can also just save it as an RTF file and Word will open it just fine. If you use the drawing toolbar to draw stars or circles, then you have to save it as rtf.

    Office for Mac is too expensive. I'd rather just use the free one.

    What's not "100% compatible" about Word for Mac vs. Word for Windows? We exchange complex Word documents within our organisation all the time using both OSX and Windows.

    Same goes for Excel, now that MS kindly put macros back in to the Mac version.

    You're right. It's amazing. That's why it has a 2 1/2 rating at the apple store.



  6. right now there are only about 5 apps or so that work ( in the thai app store). Delta, American Airlines, United, iHotel, Lufthansa. You use the individual app. Make your reservations. Then the Passbook App will keep all your reservations from all these places in 1 list.

    4fd667234f8c41a7b75b69d2767f2254-Passbook_2.jpeg .

    There's some chinese app QQ for movies. Anyway. As useless to me as Newsstand.

    Maybe when they get Ticketmaster Thailand and SF Cinemas, Major Cineplex, Air Asia, etc. working on this then it will be useful. As with every new app in iOS 6, just wait.

  7. I live up the mountain here on Samui. Over the last month I have had at least 15 people drive into my driveway looking for a restaurant that is around 12 km away. all have been clutching I phones.

    That tells me it is a load of crap like the phone itself !

    Since iOS 6 just came out 4 days ago, they were all using Google Maps. Nothing to do with the iPhone, so blame Google for that one...IF they were using the phone to look for the restaurant.

    Maybe it got better. Give us the name of the restaurant and I'll look it up. Maybe Apple Maps does a better job than Google Maps.

  8. Pages isn't a Word substitute. Forget Pages.

    Office for Mac sucks also. If you want 100% compatible, then as many Mac users do, you load windows in your Mac just to use Office. MS isn't going to make a 100% compatible Office for Mac. They want you to use Windows of course.

    You can try free office. I have LibreOffice on my Mac. You can save in Word 2007-2010 .docx formats. You can also just save it as an RTF file and Word will open it just fine. If you use the drawing toolbar to draw stars or circles, then you have to save it as rtf.

    Office for Mac is too expensive. I'd rather just use the free one.

  9. Not that it'll make a difference, but Motorola is the latest.


    I tried it on my iPhone. It is 15km away from the real address. I got the same results. Great. BUT, if you put the address with the zip code it takes you exactly there.


    Just put the address properly:

    315 E 15th St New York, NY 10003

    Instead of

    315 e 15th st ny

    Bit of false advertisement there.

  10. Zooming into Koh Chang is interesting




    It's like they took pictures from different times and different sources and stitched them together.

    They have a lot more work to do. They should've worked on it 1 more year and just take it out and say "download your own". Like they did with YouTube.

    Or better yet. Buy Nokia. Put them out of their misery and port their Maps to iPhone.

  11. There's apparently no airport in Ubon...


    I think the only airports listed in Thailand are Suvarnabhumi, Don Muang, Chiang Mai,Phuket.

    But your airport is right there. Airports are the pink/mauve blob on the map under "no results found". It just doesn't say Airport yet.

    Just wait. It's already marked as an airport as you can see from the color.



    Same issue in Krabi


  12. I remember that when Google maps first came out, the maps were all in Thai too. It was totally useless to people like me who can't read Thai. I even sent them an email complaining about it at the time.

    Thankfully that changed. Let's send lots of iOS maps feedback to Apple so they'll fix those things quickly... Google Maps app should come out pretty soon too.

    Edit: It's a classic case of things having to get worse before they can get better... Apple in control of maps means they can improve it. Google meant stagnation.

    I bet this will all go away in iOS 6.1 or 6.1.1 or something like that. I bet Apple already has Apple Maps that are just if not even more powerful. Tim has an iPhone 6 running iOS 7 and he's laughing his ass off.

  13. Here's another one: No traffic in the new Maps app for Bangkok, which the previous version had. No English for Thailand. Upcountry maps do not have nearly the resolution when in satellite or hybrid view. No public transit information - anywhere. No street view.

    I realise that Apple and Google are having their issues with one another, but the new iOS maps is a giant step backward. I am definitely reverting to a Google Maps web app, but that still will not bring back the functionality of the old iOS Maps app. Not happy with this "update".

    I don't think so. I think this Maps app will be vastly superior. Since it is an Apple app, I can't wait to see how this will be integrated throughout the OS.

    Just give it time.

    You're comparing one of Google's crowning achievements with a brand new Apple App.

    Just give it some time and you'll see.

    So the question is: how long will we have to wait until we get a maps app that is even close to what we just lost?

    I just don't understand why Apple were so eager to ditch the Google-based app for this failure. Given the loss of features, inaccurate data, useless search feature, low quality maps, no street view, etc., this new map app doesn't even measure up to beta quality to me.

    I don't mean to come off as an anti-Apple fanatic. I've had an iPhone since the first one, been using Apple computers for 20 years and own three of them now, and have always very much enjoyed the experience. I don't want a Samsung. But I do think the failure of such an important app as Maps is doubly disappointing to someone such as myself.

    I don't know how long it will take a brand new app to be the same as one of Google's jewels that they've been working on and putting so much effort through all these years. Just give it time.

    I'm sure in a few months Google Maps will be available on the App Store if it's that important to you. I think their own Maps app can be integrated in a more powerful way than a Google app.

    Also, they want to cut ties with Google, the maker of Android. So, they just CUT, maps and youtube. Gone. That's it.

    You can always use your Safari browser on the iPhone and go to Google Maps. Same maps, different interface.

  14. If I remember correctly, the OP only got about 20,000km out of the OEM set. If he does not change his driving habits, he should not expect to do much better than that. It's not a foot-rest!

    I don't think the pads were worn out. They were just rattling and making noises. I just decided to put brand name ones.

    On my City I changed the pads twice in almost 6 years. Either once or twice. I forgot. But they lasted a long time.

    I do mostly highway driving and when I brake I don't brake hard. It's not a race car, just a Chevy.

  15. The main difference is style, and efficiency. OS X is way better in both regards.

    But, if you compare both OS X and Windows to, say, iPhone / iPad / iOS, they're pretty alike.

    MS makes an office version for Mac. It's crap but... they do make it... wink.png

    PS: If you have an iPhone 4S, then I agree you probably don't need an iPhone 5. Apple upgrade cycle is every 2 years. Compared to my iPhone 4, the upgrade is worth it (and I didn't think the jump from 4 -> 4S was worth it)

    I had an iPhone 4, and the upgrade to me was worth it.

    They fixed the antenna issue.

    They fixed the home button not working after a while issue.

    It is noticeably faster.

    This 4s is a keeper. If I had a 4 I would get a 5 for sure, but not now.

    Also, I'm always nervous about buying an iPhone without an S in the name. I learned my lesson with the iPhone 4.

  16. Here's another one: No traffic in the new Maps app for Bangkok, which the previous version had. No English for Thailand. Upcountry maps do not have nearly the resolution when in satellite or hybrid view. No public transit information - anywhere. No street view.

    I realise that Apple and Google are having their issues with one another, but the new iOS maps is a giant step backward. I am definitely reverting to a Google Maps web app, but that still will not bring back the functionality of the old iOS Maps app. Not happy with this "update".

    I don't think so. I think this Maps app will be vastly superior. Since it is an Apple app, I can't wait to see how this will be integrated throughout the OS.

    Just give it time.

    You're comparing one of Google's crowning achievements with a brand new Apple App.

    Just give it some time and you'll see.

  17. Even though I don't particularly like the Captiva, I would get a Captiva Diesel before I get this.

    Ford is just Fugly to me.

    It's weird this category. It's not a full size SUV, but not a full size car. It's like in between.

    Get a big car, or go for broke and get a Pajero sport. That's what I would do.

    I mean, the CRV isn't a bad car, it's just like something I would buy my wife or my sister. Not big enough to have cojones.

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