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Posts posted by thaicruze

  1. Android can't sync with iTunes? Lame.

    Mail will definitely sync as Mac mail is just another Mail service and follows the IMAP standard.

    Calendar *should* sync - google it, but Mac calendar has various standards-compliant ways of accessing it. I am not intimately familiar with how they work, or how well they work, but it should be doable.

    Contacts aren't going to sync with anything non-Apple. There are no open standards for that.

    Notes - I think notes might work, as you can set up your notes to sync via email. They show up in the inbox. Depends on Android as to whether they have integrated that or not.

    What's for sure is that integration will be more spotty than it is with the iPhone. Unless you switch your music, contacts, calendar to Google. Does Android have an equivalent to notes?

    Most people don't have these problems since most people don't buy macs. If you have a Mac and not an iPhone, then you need to have workarounds. Isn't that obvious?

    As far as the Calendar, I don't have to Google anything. Just open calendar. Go to preferences and add your gmail.

  2. Impressive, 10 million fashion victims in a week. I guess the old "one born a minute" rule still applies.

    You hit it right on the head. This is an inferior piece of technology, selling at top dollar, due to the fact that it is so hip. The Galaxy SIII absolutely blows this phone away, on every level, from the much better keyboard (not to mention the custom keyboard apps), the camera, the photo quality, the brightness of the screen, the speed, etc, etc. I could go on for a year, having used them both. But, the worldwide snow job continues, and people continue buying into the iphone hype. I say all this as a mac user. So, I do know what I am talking about.

    Hi SpiderMike, I've been considering the Android but i'm a Mac User too...would you know if the android can sync with Mac Mail, Calendar, Contacts, notes & Music?? This is my key consideration...& have no luck finding an answer on line...

    Many thanks...W

    Mac Mail, Mac Calendar, Mac Contacts app, Mac Notes and iTunes are all Apple apps, not Android apps. How can the music App in an Android phone sync with iTunes? or the Notes app Sync with an Android phone? Notes is an App in the iPhone.

    If you have Gmail, then your Calendar app in the phone will sync with your Calendar in your gmail. Same with your contacts, and Mail. Just put your gmail in your Mac Mail.

    Android is made by Google.

  3. Which software? Are you talking about the OS or programs?

    The only software that comes with this is iLife, which is fun. Windows ships with nothing, so at least you have something. The other software I use is available for Mac, so it is the same thing.

    I really don't see that much difference between this and windows.

    The only difference is Office. If you HAVE to have Office, and OpenOffice won't do, then yes, the only way to run proper Office is to dual boot, but for what I do, LibreOffice works perfectly.

  4. What-is-the-best-way-to-milk-a-sheep.png

    You can't move forward without making changes, the old connector was 9 years old and a lot has changed in 9 years.

    Of course a lot of people just don't get it.. that's OK, the iPhone just isn't for everyone, of course. But, it's still the best phone available in the world today.

    Some people love Apple as a company, others despise them.. but as the wealthiest company in the world it can (and does) employ the top minds in the business, so it has the best tecnical excellence and the best design, and it's made from the best materials. It may not always have the latest or best spec, or the biggest screen.. but there is always a good reason why.

    It's just unfortunate that excellence comes at a price that excludes a lot of people and puts others in debt to own one.. that's bad.

    Much as I love Apple and it's products, there are FAR more important issues in the world and a lot of better things to be doing than worrying about mobile phones.

    What makes the iPhone the best phone in the world? I don't get that.

  5. Thanks, guys. Sorry for late reply.

    No. You can't return anything "no questions asked". Once you buy it, you buy it. If it's DOA, obviously they'll order a new one, if you find something doesn't work after you leave the store, they'll fix it under warranty.

    So, just make sure you check it at the store before you leave. I made the guy stand there and wait for me to check. Especially for dead pixels.

  6. It's official: The iPhone 5 is another huge disappointment.

    They sold 2 Million in 24 hours. Ka-ching!

    They will sell them no matter what. This is the people we are talking about. These are people who have an iPhone 4s, looking at another iPhone 4s, but because they were told it was an iPhone 5 they are all saying how much better it is. There's a woman on there who says "oh, the screen is a little bigger too".


    They could sell a brick with an Apple logo and sell millions.

  7. The only one that can answer this is you after you test drive them.

    You're basically comparing an overpriced hunk of shit, and a ridiculously priced 1.6L Ford.

    Personally, I wouldn't buy either if that's your budget and if you don't want other brands. Just walk into the Honda dealer and get the cheapest City and save some money.

  8. Links should read:

    The iPhone 5 sucks.

    iPhone 5, the worst kept secret in Apple's History

    A6 processor will be scaled back, as usual, making it just about as fast as an iPhone 4s for everyday tasks.

    OS6, hey look, new icons!

    New iPod touch backs. Shiny!

    Check out the new iPod Nano, a straight copy of a Sony mp3 player.

  9. Thanks to all posters (pro and con) - I'm on the verge of buying into Apple with an MBA 13" and probably the next iPhone (depending on availablity/specs, possibly the 4s for now). Done a lot of research, including the very questionable Zenbook that had my eye for some time. This thread's reaffirmed my decision. They don't just deliver hardware and software, they deliver a synched environment. That's just what I need. I'm not a programmer or the such like.

    This is the best laptop I have ever bought. It doesn't matter that it has OSX and an Apple logo on the lid. I couldn't care less. It's all about the laptop itself.

    I can design stuff in Photoshop standing up, holding the laptop with one hand and designing something with the other using the trackpad gestures only. This trackpad is so precise it follows my finger to every pixel.

    As far as the iPhone, it really doesn't matter to me. I have the 4s. Once iOS 6 comes out I will update and it really won't matter. I don't need the extra row of icons. Unless Apple makes the 4s slower on purpose with iOS6 to make us buy the iPhone 5, I don't see the performance difference to be that big at all.

    So, if everything goes well with iOS 6, the iPhone 5 is a non issue. 11.6" is better than 4" anyway. They should've gone with a 4.5-4.7" screen. 4" is still small.

  10. Apple vs Windows is a very personal and often passionate debate (and that's putting it mildly). I run both, have two Apples and four Windows machines for both business and entertainment, and have some strong likes and dislikes. I will focus on Apple as that is the topic of discussion on this thread.

    First, the likes - Apple machines just work. They had the concept of "plug and play" LONG before Windows. I like to play guitar while watching YouTube videos and I have several digital interfaces that I can use simultaneously as the sound card. I couldn't do this with Windows before Pro Tools version 9 (which now does, making this argument moot). I have a full 88-key keyboard that isn't recognized by any Windows system, Apple saw it and immediately used it.

    Now, the other side of the coin - That new Airbook has only two USB ports, no network port, no optical drive, and no line in. As for the USB ports, I rarely use less than three ports on any given session. Wireless network? I absolutely do NOT trust a wireless network (I've been hacked via wireless, very costly lesson), a hard wired network is faster and more secure. No optical drive? Well, you CAN buy an external drive from Apple (why their stock is so hot and I am so resentful). The line in is the most seriously detrimental change in my opinion. Garage Band software has come with Apple OS for years. With a simple adapter, you could plug an average priced guitar into the line in and sound like a rock star. Now, you have to purchase an additional external device (see a recurring theme here?) starting at about $200 U.S.

    I've not done any name calling or flaming, I've simply reported the facts as I know them.

    Well, none of these type of laptops have DVD drives. I never use it so I don't need it.

    I bought the Thunderbolt to Ethernet adapter. Works perfectly and keep it in the bag.

    The headphone jack works as a line-in. I can use the microphone in the apple headphones, but I am not sure if it works with anything else.

    I don't use my laptop for any of these things. If I needed to use a laptop with a Line-In port, a DVD drive and an Ethernet port built in then I wouldn't have bought the MacBook Air. Saying the Macbook Air doesn't have these things is kind of obvious.

    If you need all these things, don't choose a Macbook Air. For example, I never ever use DVDs, I rarely use more than 1 USB port at a time now (I used 2 in my ASUS but that's now unnecessary because this trackpad eliminates the use of a mouse) and I use that 1 USB port only when I need to put my thumb drive in there, which is seldom. I don't need a line in jack. I needed an ethernet jack so just got a little cable.

    There are different laptops because people have different needs. Just get the one that has what you need.

  11. Interesting what the owners have to say about that stupid ECO button. It's a marketing schtick for sure and it'll be off more than on.


    Hi Guys,

    Just got my 2012 Civic EX and love it so far.

    I just wanted to know if anyone else noticed that when driving at slow speeds for example coasting at 30km/h it feels like the car down shifts and makes it feel jerky then when you press the gas again it feels like its struggling and goes again. This seems to only be the case when the Eco mode button is on.

    Not sure if something is wrong with my car or not any help would be great.

    Also what L/100 are you guys getting I am getting 7.1 kinda disappointing but I only have 500km on the car so far.



    Although I drive 85% of the time with eco mode off, I've noticed this too on the few times I had it on like in school zones or neighborhoods.

    ECO mode... laugh.png

    All Honda and Toyota need is a bankruptcy. It worked with GM.

    Look at what it did to the Optra. Before and After almost certain death





  12. I beg to differ in regards to the new Civic..I've juz collected mine..although bland as many had said..It's really fuel sipping then previous generation Civic and the ECO button does get you in the mood to keep the green lights on the dashboad..fun!

    Begs the question, why put an ECO button at all? Do they think people DON'T want to save money on gas? WHy not design it so that it is good on gas? period.. Without silly ECO buttons. How much more of fuel economy do you get out of pressing the green ECO button?

    How about you develop NEW engines and put it in the cars instead of putting the same old crap, just like Toyota. The BRAND NEW ALL NEW Camry STILL has a 4 speed automatic.

    If someone gave me a free Honda or Toyota I would sell it and get something else.

  13. The new HoNDA civic is just bland ,apart from resale value it has nothing going for it ,i much prefered the old one ,actually the chevy cruze is a much nicer car and i just saw the new sonic ,and must say i am very impressed

    Not sure i dare say this for fear of thaicruze making a return, but the new updated version of the Cruze i must admit really has done something for its looks. Not that is was bad looking in the first place. But the update has helped. I saw my first 4 door Focus the other day and that looked pretty good too. The Civic is so conservative by comparison. Just imagine how it is going to look in two or three years time. It will need something radical in the way of an update to have any chance of saving it. Not commercially i don't mean. It's a Honda. Say no more.

    If i post on this topic I wouldn't say anything about Chevy. This is about the Honda Civic which, in my opinion, sucks ass.

    Not to mention Consumer Reports themselves said "DO NOT BUY THIS CAR".

    Just get the top City and save some money.


    Overall, while the Civic EX does score better than the LX, it still doesn’t score high enough for us to recommend. That’s because multiple inherent problems remain, including a choppy ride, abundant road noise, vague steering, and cheap interior. We do expect the Civic to be reliable, but that alone doesn’t make it a good car.

    Hopefully Honda can address the Civic’s shortcomings in a mid-cycle refresh. But for now, the Civic remains a considerable fumble in a newly competitive market segment.

    That was after saying the brakes were crap. and the obvious "it's too expensive for what it is", which is worse in Thailand since the Civic worth buying starts at 900,000 baht. Ridiculous.

    Vague steering, choppy ride, ABUNDANT road noise and CHEAP interior are the exact same things I experienced when I drove it last year on my test drive.

    Yes, we know it has good resale value (but you can argue that of almost any car here), yes, Hondas are reliable, but the 2012 Civic is crap.

  14. Perhaps you misunderstand. I don't want a tablet GUI on a Desktop PC. It's really meant for a touchscreen.

    Start, Control Panel does me just fine.

    Well. When you turn on your computer you ARE in start, so there's no need I click on it.

    You can type anything you want from the desktop and it'll show up. Even better.

    Resisting change is typical. In a few years everyone will be using Metro and making fun of how old and retarded Windows 7 looks.

    Actually. What they should do is get rid of the desktop and the "explorer" experience altogether and make everything Metro. What makes Windows 8 bad is the 2 experiences in one. It's Metro but it's also Windows 7.

    Same thing with a windows mobile HTC I had. HTC put a skin on top of WM. It was good. But as soon as you clicked in something it booted you back to Windows Mobile.

    All I want for next year if for windows to change completely and get rid of the desktop environment and keep you in metro all the time. Even when you're browsing the file system. Cut it out entirely.

    They shouldn't give you a choice. This is windows. That's it. Get used to it.

    Apple solved this problem a long time ago with the Magic Mouse and later with the pad.

    The problem isn't metro, the problem is the windows 95 poking at start menu mice we've been using forever. If there was a touch pad or magic mouse similar to Apple's that allowed you to interact with Windows as if you were touching a screen then it wouldn't be a problem.

    Windows 8 isn't a tablet GUI. What IS a tablet GUI anyway? iOS isn't like Windows 8 at all and that's a tablet GUI also. It's not the GUI is the legacy hardware we have trying to interact with a new paradigm.

    Laptops need to change. Mice need to change. Keyboards need to change. Everything needs to change to interact better with this new OS. We've been using the same mouse and keyboard since windows 3.1 basically. It's time to change.

    The problem with metro is that you're using this to interact with it


    And it just doesn't work.

  15. I reckon the popularity of the Cruze between now and 2015 will have more influence on the resale value than the mileage. Last time I sold a car through the tent dealers, some of them did not even look at the odometer. They seem to have a price list in their heads by model and year with minor adjustment for interior and exterior cosmetic condition and that's about it.

    500,000 from a dealer who then advertises the 4 year old Cruze for 600,000 sounds plausible.

    That's because every used car dealer here alters the odometer, so it doesn't really matter. The milage will be what they want.

    Do you have any evidence for this or are you just assuming? My experience has been that whilst you would imagine this sort of practice would be rife here, because buyers don't take so much interest in what is on the clock, and because price doesn't vary so much because of the clock, used dealers don't tend to bother. Too much hassle for not enough gain. In general anyway.

    I'm 100% sure they alter the odometers no matter what.

    Like the first car I bought. A City. I was at a tent. City JUST came in. It has just over 10,000km on it. I saw it when they were cleaning it out. I liked it. I left. I came back a few days later to make an offer. Turned it on again. Magically the odometer went to 5,000km.

    That's when I left. Walked into a Honda dealer and bought it brand new.

    I think if it's used and it's in Thailand, the odometer has been altered.

    My car I sold with 150,000 km on it. They probably sold it with 80,000km on it.

    Actually, after going to tent after tent my wife and I came to 2 conclusions:

    1- used car dealers alter all odometers even if it isn't necessary.

    2- even if they show you a warranty service book; they probably signed the book themselves.

  16. I just want to understand why it is so hard to pin all your things to the start screen.

    It saves you the step on clicking on a start button from Windows 95.

    When you're on the START metro screen type what you want, say "Control Panel". When it comes up, right click in and select "pin to start"

    There's nothing to it


    There. I pinned My Computer. Now it's on the start screen. How difficult is that?

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