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Posts posted by thaiIand

  1. Anyways 89.5 is amazing. Music all day long.

    Music to english people i mean. It's 90% pre-recorded UK shows. crappiest station on the island

    92.75 seems to be new with music 90% of the time. lots of alternative and jazzy music.

  2. first of all there is a drawn out line that says its for turning right.

    second it isnt for going straight as the straight line on the other side of the intersection is for uturns and doesnt last long and just causes more traffic when it merges dangerously.

    basically every thai genius has learned after a week or 2 to stop going into these lanes.. just a few farang and taxi drivers trying to jump queue. Good fun.

  3. I am greatly surprised by the brickwork. It seems pretty well done.

    How did you get them to do this? I had a wall moved here and the 50000 cigarette butts on my lawn wasn't the worst part by a mile compared to the brick work.. Holes everywhere between brick and mortar, uneven mortar and bricks, uneven wall.. I thought i had gotten a crappy contractor but now i have 7 neighbors getting work on their house and they all have the same kind of result.

    to be fair my contractor got a govt contract for a road and it's basically the ugliest road in the city while being the newest, but it still doesn't explain my neighbors.

  4. So he's alive trying to get out of the debts and death threats?

    2000 members lost 4000b joining fee.. no.. members were pushed to get into a deal right before he left. He started having promotions for 3-6months upfront then he ran. more like 2000members lost on 10-15k baht, i cant remember exactly how much he stole from me.

  5. Can't stand the drivers who pull up to the lights in the right hand lane and once the light goes green they decide its time to use the indicator to turn right leaving the cars behind thinking it was going straight. this causes more bottlenecks than anything else in the island.

    sounds to me your the kind of guy who keeps getting caught at the central festival junction when you try to be cool and cut traffic by the right lane.

    I never put my indicator on that road exactly because of this. People who cut lines at lights by the right or left and dont intend to turn deserve to be pushed right back to the end of the queue or to get into an accident by cutting back into the moving cars

  6. yes nai yang is beautiful. it's so purely thai that the sand was removed and its now piles of trash and ants.

    Surin is pretty much the best out of all the large beaches near civilization in phuket.

  7. I didn't get enough music untill 89.5 came on the air....

    What? You don't own an iPod or a computer? You needed a radio station? What world and decade do you live in?

    ive had a car for 2 years now and i still havnt taken the time to put my mp3s.. some of us are lazy and get stuck with the bad music

  8. try south america first... anywhere from panama, brazil, argentina, dominican republic is like thailand but with honest people(they either kill you right away for your money or befriend you for real), good visa and land ownership laws, great food, better weather, cleaner beaches easier to learn language and cleaner streets.

    If you have kids, you're just a short trip away from disney land

  9. people. This is how you become when you move to a poor country with no money yourself.. Making up stories to feel better about not being able to afford basic comfort and then trying to convince others(or yourself?)

    You may have a point. :D

    theres 3 recent thread in general that are the same except about bar girls.

    or a more popular one, thaicruze about his chevy cruze(deep down he wanted a sonata or camry probably).

    Annoying threads... except cruze's

  10. Just get a coconut-husk- filled mat(tress) from Supercheap...I do believe mattresses/boxsprings and all the other bullcrap is not only a waste of money, but a nice environment for mold, mites and whatever else will inevitably colonize them. Like carpetting, they are just a bad choice for the tropics. I know I am in the minority on this, but you will find that if your get a Thai style mattress about half-an-inch thick and just put it on the floor it will give you the same back support you will get from the space-killing bed frame, box spring, mattress complex. To be honest I am surprised they haven't come out with a third layer by now, like they have done (unnecessarily) with disposable razors.

    Apart from saving a lot of money, another benefit is that you can hang one of these Thai-style mattresses outside in the sun to air it out, beat it with a stick to get the dust out, and it will make thoroughly cleaning the bedroom a snap -- just take a mop to it. There won't be a huge bed hiding dustballs, cockroach carapaces and dessicated jingjok carcasses in the way.

    Another point: if someone pees or pukes on it (let's face it, these are very real risks), they are much, much easier to replace.

    I opted out of all this 'you must own a bed' b.s. about 15 years ago after suffering years of debilitating back pain.

    The only argument I get from people about this is that a bed keeps your head off the floor, thus keeping dust our of your lungs,,,I don't buy it, unless you live on the ground floor in a dirty place.

    Another thing I like about just sleeping on the floor is that after waking up in the morning you actually have to get up, as opposed to just rolling out of bed American style. (Is there any wonder why they have an obesity epidemic?)

    It's a much better way to start the day, in my opinion.

    people. This is how you become when you move to a poor country with no money yourself.. Making up stories to feel better about not being able to afford basic comfort and then trying to convince others(or yourself?)

    If you gave those crappy half a inch mattress to anyone with any back problem, you would have them in the hospital within a week.

    You realize that on those mattress you cant really move to your side? staying on your back without moving for 8hours cuts off blood circulation, its really bad.

  11. I did not say Rawai is the most expensive, i said one of the more expensive

    Certainly more expensive than places like Patong but you get a bigger block of land here

    Get your facts right

    lol. Omg. Every single thread you always say the opposite of what the whole world says.

    So for the same price you get smaller land in patong, that means its MORE expensive. Rawai is cheap as hell. It's the issan of phuket. Thats why all the samlor riding farangs are living there.

  12. I really don't get it. Some of you guys REALLY prefer "discipline" over an education that qualifies you for a life as a human being? With the ability to make decissions, find problem solutions and not just say "yes sir" in a submissive tone!

    Brave new world!

    not really that many, just the couple guys who thought this was one of those pattaya forums and never left. Don't need education when all they dream for their children is to make them become tv star or "barmaids" or maybe exporters of large thai amulets

  13. peter you really love to post a wrong answer in every single thread?

    Rawai is the CHEAPEST town on this island.You can get 4br 2 story house with pool(granted its cheap furniture and smelly house) for 20k baht..

    in most towns you dont get much for 20k

  14. i left for a week in phuket town. when i came back my bike was outside my gate.

    At least our bike thiefs are incompetant compared to rawai. No security on my bike.

    Thais are amazing. a 12yo kid from a rich family with no friend and no knowledge outside magic the gathering could steal a scooter in the west.

  15. On the top floor of Central Festival, there is a whole row of professional looking (and expensive) hair-styling salons.

    they're as bad as the 120baht places and on top of it a lot of them have a shitty attitude.

    Phuket town in front of P.Pizza on the road from tesco to bangkok hospital. On the right going to BK hospital theres a large place. Lot's of bwm, mercedes and exotic sports car go there and they are cheaper or evenly priced with central. I sometimes go there too because one of them has given me the best haircut of my life on numerous occasions

  16. Pity some English schools did not force some discipline, its not about a hair cut its about self esteem, So its not just Thailand, look at the UK all the education you can get up till you are 16 then you can get paid to go to Collage, and some are still leaving that cannot read or write.

    Exactly,pity half the EuropeaNS THAT WASH UP ON THESE SHORES DID NOT HAVE A LITTLE MORE DISCIPLINE WHEN THEY WERE IN SCHOOL .Also my son has had an excelant education here at a private school ,,is polite, reads and writes in Thai and English and is a credit to his mum and i .

    Good for you credit to you and your child, Maybe you child wants to learn, not like some UK children who disrupt classes and quote there rights to the teacher, what the teacher can do and not do. As said its only a hair cut, but its more than that, its about discipline and respect,

    And both of you are an example of when the UK education system was better ? :whistling:

    example of when condoms break :ermm:

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