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Posts posted by thaiIand

  1. i like it because that way you know exactly which farangs to avoid, those with kids in public school that is(have to be a drunk that hate his kids, even if you're poor anyone can afford a semi private thai school for like 5k per month).

    Also hilarious to see 15 year old katoeys in dress on their motorbikes during the weekend sporting that ugly haircut, its still not enough to make them wear an helmet though :blink:.

  2. Any helmet is better than no helmet in all circumstances.

    I had a motorbike accident when i was 11. We were only going to school 800meters away so i only wore a similar 700baht tesco thai like helmet in my country for those short rides, instead of our expensive helmets.

    at 40kph the bike went off and i was shot far away and had 3rd degree burn on my legs, the helmet saved me from looking like a monster and losing most of my hair. Luckly i was young and the skin managed to regrow completely after 8~years on my legs

  3. Well there is no real police station there... so the crime rate is higher in Rawaii than most other southern parts of Phuket

    Meh its mostly the south aspect. Criminals are known to go south. Most southern countries have heavy crimes. Southern us states are the worst, south thailand (nakhon sri tamarat and the muslim provinces under) etc etc. So it makes sense that south phuket is the most criminal. the south path is programmed into evil people's brain just like birds fly halfway around the world every year.

    Gotta say id prefer to live in rawai if it wasnt dog and crime infested just for the open spaces/beach/lack of traffic while still being close to phuket town and civilization unlike the northern part of the island

  4. And didn't most of the posters thus far come from families where the husband worked and the wife took care of their home and wasn't she provided with money by him, the difference between what the OP and I describe being a marriage ceremony and a piece of paper! Detractors should get a life and throw fewer stones, desperation and mirrors spring to mind.

    That's exactly what I was thinking, I have lived my girlfriend for a tad over four years and I pay her an amount of money every month, out of this she buys food for us, pays some of the bills and, the realization that she will probably live longer than me, pays into an investment bond. We have travelled throughout Asia as well as The UK and Europe.

    I was married in The UK and gave my wife an allowance every month, this was called house keeping, so no difference really.

    I know I am happy and content as, I suspect, is my good lady. As with all succesful relationships, we are both winners.

    I also admired the post by 'chiang mai' - that's exactly right, there is little tangible difference, perception is everything. I'm at the age (40s) where it seem like a spate of my school mates are suddenly getting divorced and the old saying about prostitutes 'sticking around until the money runs out' is proving to be equally applicable to all women. I know there's a financial aspect to every relationship but some of my mates from back home have found that a change in their economic situation has proven too tumultuous for their wife to 'bear'. The old 'til death do us part' works fine for women only when it suits them.

    have you thought about it from the other side? Most men (especially those related in any ways to thailand) let themselves go extremely hard as they get older. Let's say they scored good and had a 7-8/10 wife. And that she stills looks pretty decent, does cook well and is educated/fun to be with. Why would she stay with a fat balding couch potato wearing sweat pants with holes when hes not at work? I personally told mine that if she gets fat and stops taking care of herself i will leave her no matter how much i like her, its a principle. I will always try to take care of myself to counter the farts and burps and i expect the same untill at least the 70's.

  5. Housewifes in perfect usa year 1960 would not get an allowance, they would ask the man of the house for what they wanted. That's how an housewife work, not with an allowance.

    Topics goes well with the closed thread from yesterday, the guy with his bargirl wife.

  6. I have seen a member in this thread today driving with his kid, both without helmets. The man wasn't looking straight ahead very often either.

    Well, it wasnt me, this time :whistling: . But I must admit I love riding without a helmet, and my kid does not use a helmet if we go the 1km from our home to the beach.

    helmet can only save your scull or reduce a head injury. Beeing run over by a fortuna or jazz, that would be my last concern. Not much left anyway

    and it was actually hard to find a crash tested good quality helmet for my 4 year old. the usual eggshells are useless

    better than nothing ona slow fall, i dont drive 10meter without putting the helmet on the kid.

    its also a stupid not to set a good example on kids, dont wear your helmet once, they'll never wear it by themselves.

  7. thais are nuts when it comes to cars.. It has to be vomit gold or grey purple to be nice for them. Cyan is the holy grail.

    Wonder why we dont see more of the really nice medium light blue metalic cars, sometimes i see it on a few rare fortuner/jazz, its top notch.

    back onj topic. Any website where people do trades? i might be stuck here for an other year or more and i think we'd do better with something else

  8. 950K sticker with 250K down and repyaments of 15K over 48 months = 0.71% interest (with the total interest payable over the 4 year term being just 20K). So that fits with your original numbers (you said 970K all up), but it also sounds whack :D

    In any case, let's assume they are the correct numbers.. That means you've paid a grand total of 250K + 60K from 970K, so would need 660K to break even.

    Depreciation is probably around 20% already (based on selling to a tent), so that makes it worth 760K.

    So yes, your GF is right (she's a keeper!) - you've got about 100K equity in the car.

    I doubt a tent dealer would pay 760k baht for a Cruze. Your best shot is some ads to sell it with finance takeover, which if the numbers are correct should get you 100k baht

    and its probably white, no white pearl cruze :)

    dont make me sue you for defamation :D

  9. Its my gf's car.. chevy cruze lt. standard deal 15k per month @ 4years with 250k down on a 950k total price i think? total comes to 970k if that makes sense? might be 5 years for 1 115 000baht but that seems a little high on interest. She got a pretty standard deal on financing.

    Do they have trades around here? She wouldnt mind at some point, if its hard to sell, just changing to a cheaper on gas pickup(triton plus) or geting a swift/march + some $ back since the cruze only has its look going for it and that gets old fast

    edit just used the calculator on chevy's site.. seems that basic price is 936k and with 3% @ 4 years its 16k~ per month so accurate.

    car is pearl white

    reedit: just asked her and she obviously has no idea <deleted> is up.. she says 6 years and we pay 15k per month, that would mean higher than 5% interest, i remember we didnt have that much interest to pay when we calculated it there so theres no point in asking her. Cant comfirm 100% but as i said it would not be the end of the world to lose a little bit more $ than i should. If we could trade tomorow for a newish triton that'd be great, or selling the car for 150-180k in a few months

  10. Getting back to the initial topic of bad driving, just yesterday I was driving along Nanai Rd and 2 mature farang gentlemen were on a motor bike in front of me. Then the bike stopped right on the middle of the road. I sort of assumed they were turning into the Kasicorn Bank, but no, the passenger dismounted and they proceeded to have a conversation for some minutes. I waited long enough and then slid up their inside and gave them some verbals, they both looked annoyed at me. What the hell were they thinking .... :annoyed:

    That there are no rules here, and they can behave exactly as they like...

    Farang are far worse IME. They are either tourists (have never driven a 'bike before and somehow believe that as they are on holiday, they are invincible), or have been here too long and are paying no attention at all!

    yes they are the worst. I have seen a member in this thread today driving with his kid, both without helmets. The man wasn't looking straight ahead very often either. Unfortunately before the internet this country only brought the worst of our society as a majority. Hopefully the new generation of farang expats will clean this rep.

  11. I forgot to think about this before buying it. Is it easy to sell a car on financing(tent place/internet) if its not paid off? I know people here love to buy a new version of their cars every 2 years and i doubt they all pay cash? I really dont mind losing like 10-15% more but my gf tells me that on a 250k down and 4months at 15k we'd be very lucky to get 100k baht if we sold today, is she right? if so, what kind of crazy ammount would i get after 8-12months

  12. scropio please refrain from creating fake threads about me wanting to get married quick and answer me. How did you tell your family and friends that your wife spread her legs for 30$ a pop? You said you were proud of her being a bar girl. If you havnt told everyone then you're ashamed. This thread isnt about me, im just a young guy with a young chick whos giving you a reality check. you dont need to know more.

    as i said before i have no problem with desperate people marrying bargirls. But these thread where you act proud and unashamed are just pure annoying bs.

    your last thread, if you go back and look, clearly says you were in a hurry to get married in thailand, why? and to whom? maybe your little tee rak has allready fkd you right up and left you well scorched lol those who marry in haste lol you know the proverb? your the bstter! !! Btw if you think the thread is annoying bs then do 1, easy :-)

    thats not me, i am thaiiand with a capital i not L.

    I never made any such thread, we have traveled half way across the world(something a bargirl cant do) and have kids, no problem here.

    this is the link to my last threads: http://www.thaivisa....ge__tab__topics

    nothing about getting married.

    guess you're as drunk as your working girl if you cant click on my name and click 'topics'

  13. Again no thailand. Bike rider sees upcoming shoulder obstruction, checks rearview to be sure lane is clear, moves over to get around obstruction, but then speedy Gonzalez thailand who has decided to pass on the left because he's in such a hurry, then appears out of nowhere and has to break.

    Oh no, wait, you already stated you then get so close to the rider that you almost hit them. Both the passing on the left, and getting close to rider stated by you in previous posts.

    I stick to my earlier comment regarding the way you view your own road rules here.

    and I fully support those comments

    thailand, would you run over pedestrians on the right side waiting to cross the road too?


    Both "Thailand's" views on driving safety , and his demeanor here toward fellow posters are ill mannered , even reprehensible. Motorcycles have as much right to the road as cars, no matter the wealth of the driver.

    the average poster here clearly lacks the mental capacity to understand that a SCOOTER being so small and slow have completely different right than cars. If they had the same rights, well you get roads full of mayhem.

    How are the roads in thailand? Because motorbikes think they have the same rights as cars. Theres a reason why there is no scooter allowed in the west on highways and that on medium roads they need to stay in the side lane and FOLLOW traffic instead of making their own pace and cutting everyone left and right.

    Its simple logic.

    How come when i ride my bike i do not irritate or block any drivers, i do not ever make a car use their breaks just for me? Am i 500 iq points above earth level or are the majority of posters just brain dead?

  14. scropio please refrain from creating fake threads about me wanting to get married quick and answer me. How did you tell your family and friends that your wife spread her legs for 30$ a pop? You said you were proud of her being a bar girl. If you havnt told everyone then you're ashamed. This thread isnt about me, im just a young guy with a young chick whos giving you a reality check. you dont need to know more.

    as i said before i have no problem with desperate people marrying bargirls. But these thread where you act proud and unashamed are just pure annoying bs.

  15. i would pay to see the OP scorpio post a video of himself and his wife going to his parents, friends, coworker and family telling them how they met.

    "Well she was there half naked, having just came back from having a few indian penises in her for 30$ and a maybe a man older than you dad on the side, my heart jumped through the ceiling at the beautiful glow all around her body(curry and sperm?)"

    If you've never said something similar to this then you are actually ashamed of her.

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