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Everything posted by impulse

  1. It was edited, for sure. Freely admitted by most of us. But Biden has built a very rich context over years of sniffing kiddies.
  2. If that's true, she's a perfect example of why someone long ago coined the phrase "Physician, heal thyself". That woman oozes crazy.
  3. Calling over 70 million strangers "redneck morons" says a lot about the one making the statement. None of it good.
  4. The fact that you even believe he recommended taking Lysol is testament to the effectiveness of the MSM to spin that narrative. Also, the oft repeated "Ivermectin is horse medicine" in spite of it being used in treating humans, for years and in billions of doses. But Trumpers are the gullible ones being fooled?
  5. That's even scarier. One political party indoctrinating every kid in school to vote their way...
  6. Of course not. Israel just had a 9/11 event. They have the hearts and sympathy of most of the world. I just hope they don't squander it like W did. Indiscriminate killing of toddlers and old folks in Gaza can deplete that goodwill. What's the rush (other than political expediency)? Hamas isn't escaping anywhere. They're boxed in.
  7. American citizens were killed and abducted by Hamas. Biden is the US President. Does anybody think this can't get worse, and even for the Israelis?
  8. What percentage of the 2+ million people living in Gaza were actually involved? How many of the pre-teen kids that are currently being bombed took part? How many of the 75+ year old Gazans? The problem with collective punishment is that you just can't kill people fast enough. Because for every innocent you kill, you create a dozen new enemies. Go after Hamas. Kill every single one that participated. But what's the hurry? They're not going anywhere.
  9. They are nothing but Woke scum. Wonder who they voted for in 2020... But not really...
  10. Using a football analogy, we're still in the warmups.
  11. I'd say "curiosity", and perhaps a desire to understand an opposing viewpoint, and where it may have come from.
  12. That's the kind I'd buy. I have one at a beach house in Texas and it pulls gallons of moisture out every day. More on the first few days I ran it, but it still pulls out way too much moisture for me to use any of the chemical desiccants. Also, watch out for the small ones that pull out less than a liter a day. They're cheap so they're appealing, but the one I bought is only good for a closet sized enclosed space. Worthless for any open spaces.
  13. That "word salad" is a very famous quote, well known to millions. I didn't attribute it, because it's original source is oft debated. But I guess it doesn't fit your narrative so you didn't even bother Googling it... Contempt prior to investigation.
  14. "There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance - that principle is contempt prior to investigation." Enjoy the echo chamber.
  15. Afraid you're gonna get sucked in? Or just refuse to look at anything that doesn't conform to your narrative? Related question: If you refuse to go there and see what he's saying, how is it possible to craft a legitimate argument against him?
  16. Although I understand the need to balance the grid, the wingnut conspiracy theorist in me (along with recent events) has me questioning whether they'll be turning off your air conditioner if you do anything the gub'ment doesn't like.
  17. My bad. I misinterpreted it. Unfortunately "Trumpitis" is an ambiguous term and can be used by either side. That's why I prefer the more scientific term "Trump Derangement Syndrome".
  18. A good southern politician would have said "I've known her since she was knee high to a grasshopper" and removed any reference to age difference or anything else that could be taken out of context. Especially if he was a known hair sniffer, that would be important.
  19. So you're okay with re-education camps for those who don't vote your way, and with the gub'ment deciding what the truth is?
  20. Modern day version of the Klinger? Because wearing a dress just doesn't do it any more...
  21. While I agree conceptually, I'm also keenly aware that Hamas has the weapons. Kicking them out may be difficult for the less well armed populace.
  22. Seems like a reasonable solution would be to use the Thai Air A340 to shuttle them from Tel Aviv over to Doha or Dubai, (or even an agreeable US airbase in the area), then take their time getting them back to BKK. The sooner the better.
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