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Everything posted by impulse

  1. There's a program for that, with an application process and a waiting list. The folks on that list must be beside themselves pissed off.
  2. That was sweet of them to offer back a little less than half of what they stole. Who could pass up that deal?
  3. Maybe. What if you can't pay? What if you don't have permission to re-enter, like a single entry visa?
  4. Illegitimati non carborundum. It's a good question and worth discussing.
  5. He's got it bass ackwards. Like most lefties running academia today. Anarchy, maybe. But how can freedom to discuss even the fringe wingnut ideas lead to authoritarianism?
  6. That entire discussion is moot when it comes to economic migrants, simply seeking a higher standard of living. Edit: Of course, I'd make allowances if they're likely to vote for my guy...
  7. You don't guess that may be because everything that's pro-Russia is being swept from the interweb as fast as it goes up? It's always easier to find links that go along with the narrative from those who pay $$ billions to monitor and censor and seed the net. They're so in-your-face that it's hard to look past them for real information.
  8. We'll see. Other than Biden, Dems can't put a white guy at the top of the ticket without losing huge swathes of the black vote, which is already at risk because they're snapping to the fact that they're getting the shortest end of the immigration fiasco. Michelle could be a decoy, get elected, then step down and hand it over to Newsom. Edit: I'd point out that the benefit to Newsom is that he could serve more than 2 terms. That would appeal to him...
  9. Putting Michelle on the slate would be a slap in the face for Kamala. But that's a good possibility. Obama/ Newsom is a likely ticket.
  10. If you're up for a slog, I like going to BoBae Market, nearby Hua Lampong MRT/ Train station in BKK. It's a huge wholesale market for all kinds of clothes. Don't just stay on the street market. There's a couple of buildings that also have many floors of all kinds of clothes. I especially like going there for flowered Songkran shirts. I wear them a lot because they don't show dripping sweat as much as a solid colored shirt. And the chicks back home are always complimenting me on them (though I think they just want my attention). This website says it's close to National Stadium, but I always walk there from Hua Lampong, just go to the right out of the station and follow the stanky river for about a km. Takes me about 10 minutes, but a local with his head in his phone would take more like 15-20. https://www.thethailandlife.com/best-bangkok-markets Edit: If you're into low effort, go to MBK (BTS National Stadium stop) and find the far end of the building and the floors that have hundreds of clothing kiosks and shops. Pretty amazing selection and air conditioned.
  11. Listen to author Ronald Kessler on why the Secret Service agents weren't happy with Biden, especially the female agents: Biden's a creep. https://www.foxnews.com/video/6338481818112
  12. After yet another campaign lie... There won't be a foot of wall built under my administration.
  13. Waived 26 Federal Laws to comply with the law... https://edition.cnn.com/2023/10/05/politics/biden-administration-border-wall/index.html Yeah, right. Tell me another...
  14. I was referring to the ones that behave like they just snorted a line, dressed in a stained wife beater and shorts that you can see their butt through the holes.
  15. That's the way the interweb is leaning, and I tend to agree because I don't know any better. But it'll be interesting to see...
  16. Witnessing the dress of some of the characters walking through int'l arrivals, I suspect it's not accidental that they want some discretion on who they let in and who they don't.
  17. I don't advocate a limit on arrivals by air simply because I'm planning on monthly air arrivals for the foreseeable future, but I only spend a week at a time (on visa exempt). IMO, the more appropriate limit would be total days in country by visa type, but I don't really advocate that, either. Just saying that would be more appropriate than to limit the number of air arrivals.
  18. To be clear, what the OP does, and what happens to him has no affect on me at all. And I wish him well. But he needs to be ready for the possibility that the IO he encountered wasn't a rogue, but simply doing his job. The OP probably won't be barred on his next entry, but maybe he will, and he needs to be prepared for that possibility. I also wonder how any new tax rules will affect him... (Edit: I'm waiting for the new tax rules to roll in and the first time someone gets stopped on the way in or out and asked "I see you spent 240 days in Thailand last year... Where is your tax document?" Not wishing it will happen, but stranger things have)
  19. It's going very well for her. Another couple of million future blue votes and the USA will never have to worry about another Republican president, ever again. With the added bonus of cheap labor for her donors. Of course, that doesn't bode well for the lower end of the US labor pool, who will now have to compete with people who have never made more than $10 a day in their lives. But they're just collateral damage. Edit: How do you figure they're deciding where to send all those airplanes full of migrants in the middle of the night? Dollars to donuts it's to the areas where they need the future votes. And maybe cheap labor.
  20. May work. May not. Typical inrush (starting) current on electric motors can be 5-7 times the actual running current. On an old timey diesel generator, you'd hear the generator lugging and slowing down just a bit, then back to normal after the motor is started. Modern inverters just won't put out over their design amps. And if you feed your rice machine less amps than required to start, it may not. Inrush only lasts a fraction of a second, and if the motor does start, it'll run fine. But some motors just won't start. Also depends on whether it's got a capacitor starting it, or just across the line and single vs 3 phase. If you posted the nameplate from the rice machine motor, it may have more info. And the nameplate from your inverter.
  21. I wish I had access to YouTube so I could pull up one of the many montages of dozens of MSM pundits using the exact same turn of phrase that Psaki or KJP used that day. Like they wait each morning for their marching orders. (Which is a Babylon Bee skit, but I don't have access to it, either)
  22. I'd say the same about CNN and MSNBC. But I still go there for their facts. Just not for the analysis.
  23. Are they factually incorrect, or do you just object to reading more than one side of a story? I often disagree vehemently with RT's analysis, but they usually get their facts right.
  24. World Aquatics banned transgender swimmers who had transitioned after the age of 12 In July, the International Cycling Union barred cyclists who underwent male puberty from women’s events The World Athletics Council enacted a similar rule in March, prohibiting athletes who had undergone male puberty from competing in women’s track and field events https://www.rt.com/news/584035-world-aquatics-trans-category-suspended/
  25. One of my concerns is the unintended consequence of sporting authorities banning trans woman who underwent male puberty. 3 that I recently read about, and more in discussion. Seems like that forces kids to make that decision before puberty, which is pretty darned young.
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