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Everything posted by impulse

  1. yes the one you posted. My point being that the Vice article from 2022 says she wasn't locked up in 2022. Speaking in a Quebec campground parking lot on May 24, And the RT article from yesterday said Leader of group, seen as a cult, sent warning letters urging residents to “be forewarned and prepared” as locals try to remove them Which would lead me to believe she's not currently banged up.
  2. You know what happens when I make assumptions... I was hoping to get some Canuck insights. BTW, that article you quoted was from 2021.
  3. Off topic, I know, but do they have linen pants? I love linen pants in the tropics.
  4. Good catch, but which article? Because the most recent (RT article from yesterday) says: “We are aware of the presence of a group sometimes referred to as the Kingdom of Canada,” Tyler Bates, commander of Saskatchewan RCMP’s South District, was cited as saying. The official noted that there were a number of calls related to “this group’s presence in the community over the last two weeks or so.” Is she in the slammer and her followers doing her bidding?
  5. This conflict has British fingerprints all over it. But that's another topic for another thread. Sadly, I think it's become insolvable over the past hundred years.
  6. He's just parroting the Dem Mayors, like Adams: NYC Mayor Eric Adams warns illegal immigrants will DESTROY the city... And that's with NYC absorbing about half of their fair share of the 8 million illegal, unvetted migrants. Not hard to extrapolate that to the country... https://www.newstarget.com/2023-09-08-nyc-mayor-adams-illegal-immigrants-destroy-city.html
  7. When I read the RT headline, I thought it was crazy. Celine Dion would never... https://www.rt.com/news/584342-queen-canada-threatens-villagers/ Reading the article and doing a little Binging (since Google's blocked here), it's even crazier. https://globalnews.ca/news/8417379/queen-of-canada-covid-online-threats/ https://www.vice.com/en/article/n7n8aw/queen-of-canada-roman-didulo-qanon-global Can any Canucks explain how this whackadoodle isn't in jail for inciting violence?
  8. Boots on the ground? Doubtful. I think they just want to prevent a repeat of the USS Liberty incident. I'm pretty sure there's US intelligence assets that will be seeing stuff the Israelis don't want them seeing. Again.
  9. Don't know that I'd be holding up Churchill or his ilk right now. Today's conflict can be tied directly to their duplicitous dealing in the Middle East to "save Britain". Both World Wars. The world's been paying for their colonial duplicity for over a century.
  10. Wonder how many Hamas soldiers have crossed the Mexico/US border, and what they may have planned in the USA... And if they haven't yet, how many are on their way.
  11. I think there's laws against doing it with pigeons. In addition to natural laws.
  12. I have no objection to a tourism tax increase, but add it to the cost of a plane ticket, not a separate inconvenience. And if you were smart, you could have done it years ago and nobody would have even noticed. Last flight into Thailand, the airfare was about 1/3 of the total ticket price. The rest was taxes and fees. Another $10 wouldn't even make a dent. Getting set up to make a separate payment online on an int'l phone, or waiting in yet another queue would hurt worse.
  13. I'll bet that's a popular posting when it's -40C back home.
  14. Should be easy enough to pull up the building permit and the inspection records. Oh, wait.
  15. Gonna need a link there...
  16. That's because Dems aren't allowed to discuss anything but a Biden/Harris run. Lest they lose their place at the table (and all future campaign funding).
  17. You do understand that Youtube is only a conduit, and getting facts from Youtube is like getting them from "the printed word", or from "the interweb" or, like when I was growing up, from "the newspaper".
  18. Dallas leans blue, but he didn't get 98% of the vote because he was a Dem. Especially not on a re-election. He must have been doing something they like during his first 4 years.
  19. Looks like the Dems have lost another one. This time, Eric Johnson, the mayor of Dallas, who can no longer support Dem policy. Black guy, who won re-election with 98% of the vote. That's gotta sting. https://edition.cnn.com/2023/09/22/politics/dallas-mayor-eric-johnson-republican/index.html
  20. Years ago, a nice lady at United told me the airlines are also subject to fines, typically $5,000 USD but can be up to $50K. She told me that after denying me boarding to China. Fortunately, it was the 2nd leg of my trip and United shouldn't have even let me on the first leg. So off I went to the local (Chicago) consulate to get a visa and they put me on a flight the next day. Before then, China was visa-on-arrival for Americans if you had a letter of invitation from an approved company.
  21. Don't you just know his handlers are having a cow when he goes off script like that? The sad things are that he doesn't even know how creepy it sounds, and people are still overlooking, even defending the creepiness.
  22. As I recall, several SS agents were called back from South America in disgrace, for that very type of behavior. I don't recall which country, but Nicaragua is as likely as any. Here's the link: https://edition.cnn.com/2012/04/14/world/americas/colombia-summit-secret-service/index.html
  23. I'm finding the same, flying to BKK from China post Covid. The (mostly) Chinese airlines are asking for an onward ticket on the inbound and outbound flights. To BKK, I've been asked to show funds. But neither country's immigration offices have ever asked to see an onward ticket or to flash cash. Just the airlines.
  24. 2 questions. 1) How many acres did the Jews buy? 2) When does land title come with a covenant for self government? If I buy up a farm in Texas, does that give me the right to form my own gub'ment and kick my neighbors off their farms?
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