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Everything posted by impulse

  1. And that's why I'm not anti-vax. I'm anti-mandate. We should all be free to make our own decisions regarding our own bodies. Thx for the link.
  2. Trump only running ‘to stay out of prison’ So's Joe. Because the minute he's no longer a useful meat puppet, the bribery charges are going to come screaming at him.
  3. You mean like "2 weeks to flatten the curve" isn't going to be 2 weeks, or "get the vaccine and you'll be fine to go visit Grandma" isn't really safe for Grandma (even if she's been vaxxed), or... or...
  4. If you do go out on a bender, I hope it's not the one you don't come back from.
  5. Regardless of whether it's IT Engineer or IT Staff, offering up $322 USD a month while requesting a post graduate degree is still a TIT thing.
  6. 2. Graduated in the postgraduate degree. Up the relevant branches That's some educated staff....
  7. My apologies that I can't view the video because it's blocked here where I'm staying. Did she show the symptoms before or after she was vaccinated? Because I had my symptoms 2+ years before I actually got Covid, and starting 2 days after my 2nd Pfizer. Not nearly as dire as you've described her condition, but life altering anyway.
  8. More like 20-50x. That's why I get such a kick out of the guys who spent their whole lives on a western salary, making fun of Thai people who can't seem to manage their money. I challenge them to leave the house each morning for a month with 50 baht in their pocket, because that's probably what the median Thai worker has for discretionary spending after the necessities are paid for at home. I don't think most of us could do it. I know I couldn't.
  9. Living overseas has always been a legitimate reason to get a mail-in ballot. Being dead, living at the address of a vacant field, and being in a nursing home unable to even open your eyes or respond to a voice, hasn't. Until recently.
  10. Fox News. Look it up. I'm not going to give the link because I relish the thought of you having to wallow around in the Fox mud.
  11. Woke is the belief that mine (ours) is obviously the only correct answer on an issue, and if you disagree, you're not only wrong, you’re intellectually inferior to us and should be granted no voice. Further characterized by a penchant for finding offense, misogyny, racism and XYZphobia where none exists.
  12. If nobody's allowed to discuss the lapses in judgment that contributed to becoming the victim, doesn't that squander a good teaching opportunity? Like OneMoreFarang, I don't walk down dark alleys with hundred dollar bills hanging out of my pockets, I don't leave my car running when I go into a restaurant to eat, and I don't leave my front and back doors wide open so I can enjoy the nice crossflow when I'm sleeping. Even though all of those are within my rights.
  13. Me Too quietly threw Tara Reade under the bus, in pursuit of a higher purpose. Getting rid of the bad orange man. Handy tool, that Me Too. Pull it out when it serves your purpose, put it back in the wrapper when it doesn't.
  14. Believing "fact checkers" is like believing Wikipedia. Or WaPo. Or WJ.
  15. If you had consensual sex on Monday, then again on Friday, that tryst you had on the Wednesday in between was probably consensual, too. If she was raped on Wednesday, why would she willingly return on Friday?
  16. That's what I said... It's about as fair and balanced as WaPo. Just a mirror image. My experience of the WJ is that I've never identified an untruth. But they do just cover one side, so perhaps deception by omission. So they're not my only source. In this case, it's a Glenn Greenwald interview of one of the founders of Wikipedia. Who would know better if the site's been hijacked?
  17. Just saw a video from last week, Hillary still claiming she won the 2016 election. Russian collusion and all...
  18. It does affect where donor money is aimed. In that regard, it does affect the vote, though not directly.
  19. How's this for a definitive news source? Western Journal, about as fair and balanced as WaPo: Ex-Wikipedia Co-Founder Says Site Hijacked by US Intelligence for 'Info Warfare' By the time of the Trump administration, Wikipedia’s perceived bias had intensified, and Sanger claimed that “no encyclopedia to my knowledge has been as biased as Wikipedia has been.” https://www.westernjournal.com/alert-ex-wikipedia-co-founder-says-site-hijacked-us-intelligence-info-warfare/
  20. I can't believe anyone admits to using WaPo and Wikipedia as definitive sources.
  21. I'm not a big fan of the electoral college given today's tech and the ability to count votes on the day. Used to be, it took weeks to gather up the votes and pony express them where they needed to be... But you play the game according to the rules. Same with football. If touchdowns were only worth 2 points and an extra point kick was worth 7 points, teams would change the way they play. Good teams with good coaching would still win. If the popular vote count was decisive, campaigns would be run very differently. Good candidates with good strategy will still win.
  22. The first time I spent a week in Thailand this year, I brought 2 pairs of sneakers. I slipped and slid when the tiles were even slightly wet. The sneakers were worn concave at the heel and I was always walking on a cushion of water. I had to walk flat footed and slowly so the heel didn't slide out from under me. The 2nd-6th times, I brought a pair of sneakers and a pair of Decathlon waterproof hiking boots with knobby soles. They're a PITA and too heavy for walking a lot, but they don't slide at all, even when it's wet.
  23. Pot Kettle Black. As if you know what MAGA means.
  24. Jeez Loueez. That's like asking us to give up our best secret fishing spot.
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