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Everything posted by impulse

  1. Sweden did not allow unfettered immigration. Okay. Change "unfettered" to "reckless". And that's quoting the Swedish PM.
  2. Unfettered immigration sure didn't go well for them.
  3. I miss the days of my youth when I thought curiosity was enough to justify spending time and money on the wonders of the universe. That got beaten right out of me at my first corporate budget meeting. Payout and ROI became the name of the game. Kind of sad, really.
  4. So they move real slow. Maybe scientists should study gub'ment services like the DMV to figure out what to look for. BTW, that doesn't rule out silicon based life on Mercury with molten sulfur as the solvent.
  5. I think they're short sighted looking only in the Goldilocks zone. Life on Earth is carbon based, using liquid water as a universal solvent. Why can't life on Neptune be silicon based, using liquid methane for the universal solvent? But I guess ya gotta publish what will get your grant money approved. Because you sure aren't going to monetize life 120 light years away, even if you do find it.
  6. I hope you're wrong, but...
  7. I don't know if that'll be necessary. El Salvador's gang problem was home grown. Sweden's seems to be imported, and deportation may be the most expeditious solution. Here's a good righty wingnut conspiracy article to start down the rabbit hole if anyone's interested. Sadly, most of the links are substacks and blocked here where I'm staying. I am curious what else PeterSweden has to say, but that'll have to wait. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/09/massive-news-sweden-deport-foreigners-involved-gangs/
  8. Water cannons shooting indelible blue ink. Then arrest everyone that shows up in class the next day looking like a Smurf.
  9. AFAIK, you're correct. I suspect (but I don't know) they've been pressured to take in some of the refugees from the mess that Bush/Blair made of Iraq et.al. Honestly, this is the first I've read that it's gotten so bad in Sweden, though there have been rumblings. And I haven't delved into the wingnut conspiracy sources completely.
  10. What, exactly, does that have to do with gang killings in Sweden?
  11. What's vague about it? Globalists want to ship labor around the world as if it's a commodity like iron ore. To that end, they're jiggering immigration policy and enforcement. The problem is, unlike iron ore, that labor comes with needs, and with beliefs that may and may not line up at all with where they're shipped. That seems to be what's happening in Sweden. Swedish law is not designed for gang warfare and child soldiers. (from PM speech, above) But it's real common where their problematic immigrants came from. Hardly surprising that one group isn't compatible with the other. And no, I'm not dismissing the collective colonial guilt behind allowing west Africans to flood into France, and... and... (and probably Kurds to Sweden. too)
  12. Nope. That's bass ackwards. Immigration policy has to do with globalism.
  13. Yup. That's what BBC would say...
  14. Globalism, on a smaller scale, is the idea that you can invite a bunch of gun totin' rednecks to your evening of poetry reading, and it will go well.
  15. Here's some of the Swedish PM's speech, translated to English by Swedish independent journalist Peter Imanuelsen, also known as PeterSweden. You can get the rest at PeterSweden.com. I doubt that the English speaking MSM will dare to translate the speech. How could it become this bad? The fact is that we are many who saw this coming and warned about it. This organized crime has grown in over a decade, in just 10 years, violent deadly shootings have tripled. It is political naivety and ignorance that has brought us here. It is a reckless migration policy and a failed integration that has brought us here. Exclusion and parallel societies is feeding the criminal gangs. There they can recklessly recruit children and educate the murderers of the future. Swedish law is not designed for gang warfare and child soldiers. But we are changing that now. (Underlining is mine)
  16. Thanks for the kind offer, but I'm not going to play dueling links with the Pfizer sponsored MSM.
  17. That's one opinion. I used to go to K-Village specifically because they allow dogs. Not that I had one. But I missed my dogs that I had to leave behind when I came to Thailand. It was nice to interact with well behaved dogs, meet their owners and talk schnauzers. My bet (and apparently Lotus's too) is that for every baht that avoids the place, more baht will be spent because they allow dogs. We'll see. They're only testing it on a small percentage of their total stores. But it seemed to work well for K-Village.
  18. Did Australia give out bonuses to hospitals for putting Covid on the death certificate, like the USA did? Interesting that the odds of dying were virtually nil (< 1/10,000) if you were under 59 years old. Gonna be tough to get the school kids to mask up again if round 2 comes around. I'm also interested (like rattlesnake) how the fatality rates stacked up between the vaxxed and the unvaxxed. But I'm only seeing some Euro countries going back and looking at the data.
  19. Winner, winner, chicken dinner.
  20. So if you scrape off the political correctness, the root cause is globalism?
  21. On the spectrum of disgusting things I've seen in Asian markets, stores, and restaurants, dogs don't even make it into the top half. If K-Village is any indicator, they may increase foot traffic, even quite a bit. Of course, anyone who doesn't like dogs may want to do a hard pass.
  22. +1 Been there dozens of times. Never once had a problems with the pooches. It was nice to talk to the owners and some of them let us pet the dogs. Quite a contrast and a very welcome change from soi dogs.
  23. So, which is it? You can't have it both ways. Unless you suffer from TDS... Common affliction on the Left. Hard to keep politics out of it when factions on one side are trying to pass laws to take kids away from their parents if they don't fall in line. Not to mention the ones insisting that the gub'ment should pay for gender affirming care, and the lifetime of medical follow-up that could end up costing $millions over a lifetime.
  24. Sadly for your side, Pelosi screwed that pooch when she did exactly the same to Trump.
  25. Yeah, it's kind of a mirror image of MSNBC. You did catch that she was testifying under oath when she said what she did? And that she's the former head of the Justice Department’s Tax Division? If you have any disagreements, I'd suggest you tell her how wrong she is. Good luck with that.
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