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Everything posted by AhFarangJa

  1. They are only peasants, plenty more where they came from. As long as it does not affect the Hi-So ruling class there is nothing to worry about......
  2. Exactly, and this stupid government has extended it so they have started throwing water today near us. and the Wife says it can go on until the 20 or 21st.......absolutely ridiculous.
  3. Unfortunately in many places if there was a system that you advocate, there would be a long queue of locals waiting to dob in any foreigner in the hope of getting the equivalent of 3 days salary.
  4. Egg on their faces seeing as how the netizen nutters were calling the driver a Farang.......Som Nom Na....
  5. My thoughts too, maybe a completed tax return, and receipt every year when renewing the visa.
  6. Something I do not see written about, yet to my mind is a serious issue, and that is the retired people on annual extensions to stay using the monthly income method. Surely, with a sum of about 65,000 per month coming in regularly to meet visa requirements, the taxman will want to get his grubby paws on some of it.
  7. Seven percent, probably hardly even notice it, but Thailand is getting as bad as the west for taxing anything, and everything they can to grab more money for the trough. Whatever we do, do not mention the window tax introduced in England in the last 1600's. Do not want to give them ideas !!!
  8. With respect Sir, I have to disagree. If you look at His history when in Immigration he is not Farang friendly at all.
  9. What gripped me was His so obvious, open, aversion to Foreigners when He was in Immigration. A racist xenophobe cut from the same cloth as A nut in.
  10. Well Sir, you learn something every day, many thanks. I was so sure when I saw CUTE, and CUSS.........
  11. I thought Vaping was illegal anyway, and there is never alcohol at schools........is there?
  12. Meanwhile around the rest of Thailand approximately 40 Thais were killed yesterday in road accidents, of which probably 50% could be attributed to drunk driving. Say no more.....
  13. LOL.........CUTE.....CUSS........CUPS........Do I need to say more.......
  14. Look at the date....and the acronyms......
  15. The Racist xenophobia is ramping up. if it was not for the fact they need our money we would all be deported. Cambodia, or Vietnam is looking more enticing by the day.
  16. Yes, everything handed on a plate. However, It is also their agenda for the islamisation of the World. Only now they are doing it by stealth using the liberal loonies who say it is their Human Rights. Just look at the U.K. No go areas in big cities, Sharia law openly practiced, and the police do nothing, Halal food everywhere you look, more of them arriving every day. English citizens told to remove the countries flag, because it may offend a certain religion, some cities do not put up Christmas decorations because it offends muslims, not allowed to say happy easter, or merry Christmas, it is now "happy holidays"....allowed to preach hate in the mosques, allowed to block roads to spout islamic speeches, yet if a Christian did it they would be arrested for blocking the highway. The list is endless and growing, and I for one am glad to be out of it. Sorry if this sounds like a rant, maybe it is, but I feel so sorry for the now minority English Christian, a second class citizen in His own Country.
  17. About time the government in U.K. grew some balls and did the same thing.
  18. Adblock on Google. Free to download, and do not get any ads.
  19. Saves them from getting killed by toppling cranes. Always go for the low hanging easy fruit, instead of the people in charge.
  20. Chinese company, using cheap migrant labour, probably lots of those brown envelopes flying around. These people, and the unfortunate deceased, do not stand a snowballs chance in Hell of getting anything. Troublemakers, or ringleaders, will be rounded up, and sent packing, there are plenty more where they came from. So sad, R.I.P. to the victims.
  21. I remember many moons ago about mid seventies in Scotland they relaxed the opening hours for pubs. The anti brigade said it would lead to more drunks roaming the streets all day. Then the same happened about 10 years later in England, and Wales. If memory serves they found that there were no increases in drunkenness as people did not rush to drink before closing.
  22. Yes, I get at least 3 calls a week where I do not know the number. I do not answer them, but block the number. Only down side is that last month My Son called on a friends phone, no name, so I did not answer, and blocked it.....
  23. Yes, I was just going to comment that in 8 years the 90 day report worked exceptionally well.
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